Mathematics is the study of using numbers and measurement to understand the world.

Benoît Mandelbrot Coined the Term “Fractal”

Comparing Mandelbrot and Julia Sets

Benoît Mandelbrot coined the term “fractal” in 1975 to describe the naturally occurring, never-ending, infinitely complex, [often] self-similar, geometric patterns, which look “fractured” or “broken.”

We Might Be in a Virtual Simulation

The simulation argument can be summarized as the idea that reality might be a virtual simulation (we might be “in the Matrix” / “in a video game”).

Everything That’s True Can Be Proven

Everything is either true or not true, but not everything that is true can be proven true, and not everything false can be proven false.

Common Core Doesn’t Work

Is Common Core Bad?

The Common Core works in theory, in that it should teach all kids key critical thinking skills, but the implementation has been under-supported leading to real issues.