The Pledge of Allegiance was Written By a Socialist

The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of allegiance written by Christian socialist minister Francis Bellamy in August 1892. It was meant to be paired with a salute.
Social science is the study of relationships within a society including economics, political science, and more. Many social sciences like philosophy are also considered humanities (the study of culture).
The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance is an oath of allegiance written by Christian socialist minister Francis Bellamy in August 1892. It was meant to be paired with a salute.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild, likely didn’t say the “blood on the streets” quote, and further the story of him making a fortune at Waterloo likely isn’t true.
Most political positions can be described using a limited set of political terms related to classical and social liberalism and conservatism.
A bear market is when prices on a market are moving down or expected to move down, a bull market is when they are going up or expected to go up.
Social Conservatism is the ideology of social hierarchy and tradition that mixes liberal and conservative views. It comes in political and economic forms.
Classical Conservatism is the ideology of authority, hierarchy, order, and tradition (like classical aristocracy). It comes in political and economic forms.
Social liberalism is the ideology of collective liberties and rights that favors social welfare and justice. It comes in a political and economic form.
Classical liberalism is the ideology of liberties, rights, individualism, reason, and tolerance that comes in a political and economic form.
What is true for members of a group on average isn’t always true for individuals in those groups.
Neoliberalism is an economically-minded evolution of classical liberalism focused on deregulation, trade, and the private market. It is a “middle way” or “third way” between liberalism and conservatism.