Biology (or Biological Science) is the study of living organisms.

Humans are Animals

Humans are animals

Humans are animals. Humans have unique traits regarding morality and language, but biologically humans are a type of animal known as a mammal.

All Cells In a Human Start as One Cell

All the cells in a human body start as one cell, a fertilized egg containing 1/2 the mothers DNA and 1/2 the fathers. That cell divides many times creating a unique human being.

All Cells in a Human Body Have the Same DNA

All Cells in a Human Body Have the Same DNA

With few exceptions, all cells in a person’s body have the same DNA and genes. As cells divide and grow different genes are expressed, resulting in different cell types.

Humans Have Many Different Types of Cells

The human body has about 37 trillion cells, comprising 200 different types. Each cell has structures responsible for making hundreds of thousands of different proteins from 20 types of amino acids.

We Know How Complex Cells Evolved

We know how complex cells evolved.

Complex cells (eukaryotes) likely evolved from single-celled organisms (prokaryotes) absorbing other prokaryotes, becoming single complex cells over time (endosymbiosis).

Humans Only Use a Small Part of Their Brain

Do Humans Only Use a Small Part of Their Brain?

Evidence suggests that humans use virtually every part of their brain on a daily basis. Some areas function more than others at any given time, but every part of the human brain has a function.