What is True On Average For a Group Isn’t Always True for Its Members

What is true for members of a group on average isn’t always true for individuals in those groups.
A company is a group of natural and/or legal persons typically involved in a for-profit or non-profit business.
What is true for members of a group on average isn’t always true for individuals in those groups.
Generally speaking, a modest increase to the minimum wage will increase household spending and thus stimulate the economy. However, this can be offset by job loss or hour reduction, inflation, and other factors.
According to 2016 data, slot machines account for more revenue than all other casino games combined, and penny slots account for more revenue than any other casino game.
“Fake news” is news meant to influence rather than provide pure information. It is real and as old as the printing press. However, only some of what is labeled as “fake news” is actually “fake.”
At the height of the spice trade, the Dutch traded Manhattan to the English for the Nutmeg-rich Run Island via the 1674 Treaty of Westminster.
It is a myth that nonprofits don’t or can’t make a profit. Not-for-profit businesses can make a profit; they just can’t distribute their profits to individuals beyond paying reasonable compensation.
The gender pay gap is real, and so is the gender earnings gap. Even after all reasonable differences are factored out, an unexplained pay gap between men and women exists across the board.
As John Locke and Adam Smith elude, physical work creates private property and gives possessions exchange-value (value in a trade).
We explain political duopolies by looking at the political duopoly in the United States of America and other historic duopolies.
We explain neoliberalism, globalization, nativism, and protectionism and the pros and cons of “neoliberal globalization” and “nativist protectionism.”