Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, trade, and consumption of goods and services. Economics uses a mix of psychology, mathematics, experiment, and analysis to predict and understand economies.

Eugenics Has Historically Been a Popular Theory


Eugenics (including positive eugenics which breeds traits, and negative eugenics which prevents breeding) has been practiced since the Greeks, but rose to popularity in the west starting in the late 1800’s.

James Monroe Wrote the Monroe Doctrine

Monroe Doctrine

One might assume James Monroe wrote the 1823 Monroe Doctrine, but its primary author was future-President and then secretary-of-state John Quincy Adams.

Stability Breeds Instability

Stability isn’t necessarily destabilizing, but as Hyman Minsky’s Financial Instability Hypothesis eludes: longterm stability breeds instability and diminishes resilience in economic markets, mainly due to psychological factors.

The Birth of Modern Banking

The Birth of Banking

Modern banking originated in Italy around 1150 as Jews fleeing persecution brought new practices, including “discounting”, to the merchant banks of the Italian piazzas.