Neuroscience is the scientific study of the nervous system.

Humans are Hardwired to be Social Beings

Are Humans Hardwired to be Social Beings?

Humans are hardwired to be social beings. We naturally cooperate, care, and compete. From quarks, to cells, to plants, to animals, cooperation is in our DNA.

Humans Have About 86 Billion Neurons

Humans have about 86 billion neurons

Studies show the average human has about 86 billion neurons and roughly as many glial cells, however the exact number of neurons and glial cells remains unknown.

The Average Human Has an Accurate Memory

Does The Average Human Has an Accurate Memory?

The average human has a limited short-term memory and a fairly inaccurate long-term memory. This is due to the way we process, encode, and recall memories.

People Can Multitask Effectively

Can Humans Pay Attention to More Than One Thing Effectively?

People can’t multitask effectively. Giving simultaneous attention to tasks, or alternating and dividing attention between tasks, reduces the performance of at least one task.

Light Can Affect Mood

Light Can Affect Mood

Exposure to light in moderation, especially natural sunlight, can have an uplifting effect on mood, while excessive darkness can have the opposite effect.

Thoughts Can “Rewire” Your Brain

Thoughts can rewire your brain.

Thoughts and other stimuli can essentially “rewire” our brain, strengthening useful synaptic pathways and weakening less used ones, this is called neuroplasticity (AKA learning and memory).

Humans Only Use a Small Part of Their Brain

Do Humans Only Use a Small Part of Their Brain?

Evidence suggests that humans use virtually every part of their brain on a daily basis. Some areas function more than others at any given time, but every part of the human brain has a function.