Edison and Tesla Were Enemies

Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison were rivals, not enemies. Tesla and Edison butted heads publicly, but generally respected each other.
A person is a being, typically a human. The exact definition varies depending upon context, for instance characters in fictional novels.
Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison were rivals, not enemies. Tesla and Edison butted heads publicly, but generally respected each other.
Mary Wollstonecraft can be considered “the first modern feminist” or “the mother of feminism” due to her advocating women’s rights in A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792).
The printing press (invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440) changed the world during the Renaissance, and ushered in the Scientific Revolution, Enlightenment, and Modern Age.
We present a summary of the history of human rights documents including the Bill of Rights, Magna Carta, Declaration of Rights and Man, and English Bill of Rights.
James Madison can be considered the father of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Madison drafted the Constitution, drafted and sponsored the Bill of Rights, and co-wrote the Federalist Papers.
Wilbur and Orville Wright (the Wright Brothers) may not have gotten their aviation business off the ground without their sister Katharine (the Wright sister).
Kant predicted the effect of tides on the earth’s rotation, the composition of nebulae and the solar system, and a multi-galaxy universe in 1755; his theories weren’t fully confirmed until the 1900’s.
America’s founding fathers were classical liberals, this means they favored liberty, private property, capitalism, freedom of religion, and a limited Republican style of government.
Classical liberalism arose in opposition to state-imposed religion and aristocracy in the 1600 – 1700’s during the Age of Enlightenment in Europe and America.
America’s founding fathers intended the U.S. to be a Republic (elected officials vote on laws), rather than a Direct Democracy (everyone votes on laws).
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