Everyone Has 6 Degrees of Separation From Kevin Bacon

Most people have about 6 degrees of separation (small world theory), but not everyone has 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon or any other given person.
A person is a being, typically a human. The exact definition varies depending upon context, for instance characters in fictional novels.
Most people have about 6 degrees of separation (small world theory), but not everyone has 6 degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon or any other given person.
Multiple discovery is the hypothesis that many discoveries and inventions are made independently, and more or less simultaneously, by multiple people.
Ada Lovelace was the child of influential British poet Lord Byron. She is better known for writing the world’s first computer program.
Napoleon was born in France, but only technically. He was born in Corsica, a large island off the coast of Italy, only a year after it became a French territory.
Benjamin Franklin is credited with inventing bifocals, although evidence suggests he may have been simply an early adopter of the split-bifocal lens.
Time is relative to speed and gravity (time dilation), and so is space (length contraction). Light speed is constant for all observers, so time and space can’t be.
The telescope is credited to Hans Lippershey in 1608. The following year Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei began making improvements to its design.
British mathematician Ada Lovelace can be considered the mother of computer programing, as she wrote the first complex algorithm meant to be carried out by a machine. However, it is a myth that Ada Lovelace wrote “the first computer program” or was “the first computer programmer”, that title belongs to Charles Babbage.
The ancient Greek device, the Antikythera mechanism (circa 200 – 100 BC), is generally considered to be the world’s oldest known mechanical analog computer.
Neither Virtual Reality (VR), nor Augmented Reality (AR), nor the peripherals used (like the DataGlove or headsets) are new technologies.