The Census is Relatively Modern

Censuses have been around since ancient Babylon. Historically, a census was a register of people and property used to determine taxes and organize society.
A compulsory contribution to government for facilities or services, typically levied upon income, goods, services, and transactions.
Censuses have been around since ancient Babylon. Historically, a census was a register of people and property used to determine taxes and organize society.
US public state universities used to be tuition-free from the early 1800’s to the late 1960’s, although they still charged fees, but college has never been free in the US.
The US spends far more on its military than any other country (but not when compared to GDP). In 2015 America spent about $600 billion on U.S. defense spending.
The first income tax in the U.S. was part of the Revenue Act of 1861, the first permanent income tax was in 1913 as part of the 16th Amendment.