An Albatross Can Fly Around the World Without Landing fact

How Far Can an Albatross Fly?
An Albatross can fly around the world without landing, glide hundreds of miles at a time without flapping its wings (which span up to 12 feet), and travel at speeds of over 50 Mph. Unsurprisingly the Albatross is an inspiration for those interested in aeronautics and aviation due to its mastering of “dynamic soaring” (a flying technique used to gain energy by repeatedly crossing the boundary between air masses of significantly different velocity) which allows it to fly with little or no effort.[1][2][3]
Wings of the Albatross: A National Geographic documentary from their YouTube channel.“If you could travel millions of miles fueled by clean, self-renewing, zero-emissions energy, you’d be an albatross.” – National Geographic
FACT: The albatross spends most of its life gliding through the skies, typically only landing to mate, breed, and give birth.[4]
FACT: In theory the albatross can almost fly around the entire earth without flapping. It only needs to flap when taking off from the ground or in special instances. It gets about 80 – 90% of all the energy needed for flight from the wind itself.[5]
How Far Can an Albatross Fly Without Stopping?
We don’t know exactly how far an Albatross can fly without stopping, the answer might be forever (they even sleep in the air).[6]
According to National Geographic, “a parent albatross may fly more than 10,000 miles (16,000 kilometers) to deliver one meal to its chick” and, “A 50-year-old albatross has flown, at least, 3.7 million miles (6 million kilometers).” A bird tracked to study distances was difficult to measure, but one banded bird was recorded traveling 6000 km in twelve days.[7]
There is no evidence that 10,000 miles is a limit.
Dynamic Soaring: How the Wandering Albatross Can Fly for Free.FACT: An Albatross can fly around the world without landing, glide hundreds of miles at a time without flapping its wings (which span up to 12 feet), and travel at speeds of over 50 Mph.
How Can an Albatross Fly So Far?
The Albatross isn’t the world’s best flier but it is perhaps the world’s best glider, and a master of a technique called “dynamic soaring.”
Dynamic Soaring
The albatross uses “dynamic soaring” a technique where it gains altitude by angling its wings while flying into the wind. When they angle down, they can reach speeds over 50 miles per hour effortlessly after traveling up to 50 feet high. It can cover about 20 miles distance “for free” by dropping about 1 mile in altitude.[8]
This same technique is used by other birds and Air Force pilots, and it exploits the different layers of wind blowing above any surface. As one excellent article from which discusses the discovery of the mechanics of dynamic soaring puts it:
“Students of the albatross’s flight understood early on that the bottom-most layer of wind blowing above any surface, including that of water, will incur friction and thus slow down. This layer itself then becomes an obstacle that slows the layer just above it (though not by much), in a process that continues upward. The result is a 10-meter to a 20-meter-high region known as a boundary layer or shear wind field, through which the wind speed increases smoothly and dramatically the higher you go in the field. Dynamic soaring maneuvers extract energy from that field, enabling the albatross to fly in any direction, even against the wind, with hardly any effort.”
Dynamic Soaring: USAF. The Turkey Vulture also utilizes dynamic soaring. Dynamic flying is accomplished by new aviation software and hardware which is utilized by the Air Force and by commercial airliners such as the 787. The same techniques can be employed by another type of aviation including drones (UAVs).Other Reasons an Albatross is an Excellent Flier
Aside from dynamic soaring, the other reasons the albatross can fly/glide so far and effortlessly have to do with its wingspan, acute senses, and aerodynamic biology.
- The albatross can sense small changes in air pressure and wind direction and respond accordingly, adjusting it’s flying to exploit even the tiniest changes. This is what allows it to utilize dynamics soaring so effortlessly, it can tell when the air mass changes by detecting slight pressure changes and wind directions. In this way, it effortlessly exploits the wind layers.
- Just like an aircraft, an albatross has a special tendon in each shoulder that allows its wings to lock in place which aids in gliding.
TIP: An albatross can stop and walk on land, but they don’t do this much, most of their prey is in the water (cephalopods, fish, crustaceans, and offal) and taking-off is the most exhaustive part of their (sometimes daily) routine”.[9]
- “Wings of the Albatross”
- “Albatross”
- “Dynamic soaring”
- “Mystery of how the wandering albatross travels 10,000 miles in a single journey WITHOUT flapping its wings is solved”
- “How do albatrosses fly around the world without flapping their wings?”
- “Animal Facts – Albatross”
- “The Nearly Effortless Flight of the Albatross”
- “Albatross’s Effortless Flight Decoded—May Influence Future Planes”
- “Dead or alive, night or day: how do albatrosses catch squid?”
Whitfield Thomas Did not vote.
Myth. They land in water, at Max after about 50 days.
billy shears Doesn't beleive this myth.
they need to eat
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Very true. I think the concept is that they could, theoretically, fly around the world with barely needing to flap their wings due to their natural design and mechanics. I’ll need to do another round of research and edits on this to clarify. They do in practice stop, land, eat, etc, don’t want to be misleading here. Thanks for the comment.
Jim Scarff Doesn't beleive this myth.
“Without Landing” is incorrect and misleading. Albatrosses can fly around the world “without coming onto land” is true. However, they can, and do, set down (“land”) on water. They are sitting on the water when they feed and also when they rest. If an albatross never set down on the water it would starve
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Interesting to note. I’ll verify this and then update the article appropriately!