Cryptocurrency Mining is Destroying the Environment

Proof-of-work mining (the type of mining used for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies) has some negative environmental impacts… as do the systems behind most other mediums of exchange.
Computing is anything involving or related to the use or creation of computers.
Proof-of-work mining (the type of mining used for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies) has some negative environmental impacts… as do the systems behind most other mediums of exchange.
Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies look like they are in a bubble here in 2017, in terms of historic bubbles, but no one can predict the future.
The term “computer” used to refer to humans who did computations (“computer” used to be a job description, not a machine).
Charles Babbage can be considered “the father of the computer” as he invented the first mechanical computer (the Difference Engine 1822) and ”the first general-purpose computer” (the Analytical Engine 1837).
Mixed Reality is a mix of Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality where physical and digital objects co-exist and interact in real time.
Whether or not machines can think, depends on our definition of “think.” Generally we can say, machines can think, but they think differently than humans.
Though there are a lot of components to a computer, we look at the few basic parts of a computer: CPU, RAM, HardDrive, GPU, Buses, and input/output.
The United States National Security Agency (NSA) monitors, collects, and processes data from a number of sources world-wide for foreign intelligence and counter intelligence.
Computers don’t slow down over time. CPU and Memory intense programs and “disk fragmentation” can cause slowdown, but the age of the hardware won’t.
The simulation argument can be summarized as the idea that reality might be a virtual simulation (we might be “in the Matrix” / “in a video game”).