This section contains references and supplemental content related to such as how to’s, infographics, and other explainers. If its not a fact or myth specifically, it is in this catch-all section.

Price’s Law

Price’s Law says, “half of the publications come from the square root of all contributors.” This is sometimes used to support the idea that “a few people generate half the results.”

Why Oil Prices Went Negative

Oil Crash 2020

Oil prices went negative on April 20th, 2020. This essentially translated to oil producers paying buyers to take oil. This was the result of a lack of demand for oil causing a lack of storage / a fear of a lack of storage.

Coronavirus Facts


We present facts and myths on the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). All of our data comes from official sources like the WHO and CDC when possible.

How to Trade Cryptocurrency

Is a Bitcoin an Actual Coin?

To trade or invest in cryptocurrency you’ll need a cryptocurrency wallet and an exchange to trade on. Luckily, some platforms like Coinbase provide both services in one place.

We’re / Where / Were

It is common to confuse we’re, were, and where. We’re is a contraction of “we are,” where references location, and were is the plural past tense of “are.” Used in a sentence, it works like this, “we’re where we were.” 

Mukbang Explained

Mukbang is a fad that started in South Korea where people film or broadcast themselves eating food (often large amounts of food) to create an “eating show.” Mukbang can be thought of as “performance eating.”