Scientists Thought the First Atom Bomb Might Destroy the World

When the plutonium bomb to be dropped on Nagasaki was tested, the Manhattan Project scientists made a bet on whether or not it would destroy the world.
Energy technology refers to the field of study related to energy and corresponding technology.
When the plutonium bomb to be dropped on Nagasaki was tested, the Manhattan Project scientists made a bet on whether or not it would destroy the world.
Nicola Tesla and Thomas Edison were rivals, not enemies. Tesla and Edison butted heads publicly, but generally respected each other.
One should use microwave-safe containers in a microwave. Safe containers let radiation pass through them so only the food, not the container, is heated.
The first light-emitting diode (LED) was created in 1927, but LED technology wasn’t mass-marketed or mass-produced until the 1990’s.
Exposure to light in moderation, especially natural sunlight, can have an uplifting effect on mood, while excessive darkness can have the opposite effect.
The U.S. is connected by one power grid consisting of three interconnected grids: the Eastern Grid, the Western Grid, and the Texas (ERCOT) Grid.
Competitive sports became popular in the United States from 1850 – 1950 because of lighting technology, mass media, and developing labor and education laws.
Artificial light changed sleeping habits. People used to sleep in two phases, “first sleep” and “second sleep”, with two hours of awake time between.