A food is any substance that when consumed provides nutritional support for the body, typically originating from plants and animals.

Carrots Improve Your Vision

Carrots can improve your vision if your body is deficient in vitamin A, but the popularity of carrots has more to do with a food shortage during WWII than beta-carotene.

Truffles are Mushrooms

Are truffles mushrooms?

A truffle can generally be considered a type of mushroom under a definition that considers any spore bearing fruiting body of a fungi a mushroom.

Taco Bell’s Beef Isn’t Real Beef

Is Taco Bell's Beef Real Beef?

Taco Bell’s seasoned beef is 88% “100 percent USDA-inspected premium real beef” and 12% common ingredients like soy, spices, water, and oats.

All Hot Dogs Contain Human DNA

Do all hot dogs contain human DNA?

Not all hot dogs contain human DNA, but a 2015 study found 6 of the 345 hot dogs they studied contained human DNA, 4 of which were vegetarian products.

Apple Pie Was Invented in America

Apple pie wasn’t invented in America. Pie was eaten by ancient Egyptians and recipes for dutch apple pie go back centuries.

All Fruits Come From Flowers

All Fruits Come From Flowers

All fruits come from flowers, but not all flowers become fruits. Fruits are typically derived from the ovaries of a flower and contain seeds.