The Earth Isn’t Flat

The Earth is not flat; the Earth is an oblate spheroid (a bumpy sphere with a fat equator and skinny poles). There are many ways to prove the earth’s geometry.
Geography and places is a broad category that includes all natural and manmade locations. It’s two broad subdivisions are Physical Geography (naturally occurring geography) and Human Geography (man made geography).
The Earth is not flat; the Earth is an oblate spheroid (a bumpy sphere with a fat equator and skinny poles). There are many ways to prove the earth’s geometry.
Data shows that the polar ice caps are melting due to natural and human factors.
The origin of the modern day circus can be traced back to ancient Roman amphitheaters called “circuses”. The Circus Maximus was one of the first circuses.
The Oxford comma gets its name from being used by the Oxford University Press, but its exact origins are unclear.
Teaching had begun at Oxford University by 1096 while the founding of Tenochtitlán in 1325 marked the start of the Aztec civilization.
US public state universities used to be tuition-free from the early 1800’s to the late 1960’s, although they still charged fees, but college has never been free in the US.
In Switzerland, it is estimated that about 25-30% of citizens own a gun, and more own hunting weapons (which don’t require registration) or own unregistered old army weapons.
Phoenix Jones is a real-life superhero who patrols Seattle, Washington helping to prevent crime.
The United States of America consists of 50 states, 1 federal district, 1 incorporated territory, and 15 unincorporated territories.
Despite it being .01 times the size of Russia more people live in Bangladesh than Russia.