Price’s Law

Price’s Law says, “half of the publications come from the square root of all contributors.” This is sometimes used to support the idea that “a few people generate half the results.”
Social science is the study of relationships within a society including economics, political science, and more. Many social sciences like philosophy are also considered humanities (the study of culture).
Price’s Law says, “half of the publications come from the square root of all contributors.” This is sometimes used to support the idea that “a few people generate half the results.”
Oil prices went negative on April 20th, 2020. This essentially translated to oil producers paying buyers to take oil. This was the result of a lack of demand for oil causing a lack of storage / a fear of a lack of storage.
To trade or invest in cryptocurrency you’ll need a cryptocurrency wallet and an exchange to trade on. Luckily, some platforms like Coinbase provide both services in one place.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is when people over-estimate their competence in something due to a lack of experience in that thing.
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) has yet to be ratified despite being introduced in 1923 and passed by Congress on March 22, 1972. In order to become a constitutional amendment only one more state needs to ratify the ERA.
Options contracts represent the right to buy or sell an underlying asset, before an expiration date, once certain price conditions are met.
In my opinion, capitalism works because it is based on the built-in incentive of capital. In capitalism, capital itself is an ever-present motivator.
A favorite political term used by the political right to insult the left is “commie,” “communist,” or “socialist.” We look at why right-wingers call left-wingers “commies” and other such terms.
In the US, a Government Shutdown is when funding isn’t secured to keep parts of the government running.
There is already a “wall” between the U.S. and Mexico. The Mexico-United States Barrier is a series of walls and fences that covers over 1/3rd of the U.S. / Mexico border.