
A Fact is a thing that is indisputably the case and is typically proven through evidence. If science, logic, and citation can prove something is true, then it gets labeled fact. If one or more parts of a statement are false, then it should be categorized a myth (all half-truths are myths). Some truth has grey areas, others like “Lincoln was a Republican” are a matter of record. You’ll find both types below, and when we use philosophical arguments that employ logic and reason, it will be noted.

Below is a list of factoids we have rated as “facts”. If you think you can prove any of the facts below to not be true, please let us know in the comments. All input will be considered. See our list of myths hereLearn more about what is a fact?

Politics Can be a Science fact

Politics can be treated as a science (political science), but it must always seek data that can be confirmed by our senses (empirical evidence).

Frankenstein Can be Read as a Political Metaphor fact

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein (1818) can be read as a political metaphor where Dr. Frankenstein and his monster represent the philosophies and attitudes of the liberal revolutionaries, specifically those of the French Revolution and ensuing "Reign of Terror."

Liberty and Equality are Mutually Dependent fact

We present an essay on the purpose of the laws and government to better understand how liberty, rights, equality, and justice are inseparable in nature and in civil society.