The Inventor of the Polio Vaccine Didn’t Patent it

Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine in 1953 but never patented it. He believed, that like the sun, a vaccine for polio belonged to the people.
History is the study of the past and how it relates to the human experience.
Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine in 1953 but never patented it. He believed, that like the sun, a vaccine for polio belonged to the people.
Computer Space became the first mass produced arcade video game in 1971. It was released the year before it’s creators formed Atari and created Pong
Venture capital, which was just emerging in the late 50’s, helped create companies like Intel, which in turn created Silicon Valley and startup culture.
Nintendo’s Power Glove, released in October 1989, was the first mass marketed gesture-based gaming controller.
Evidence suggests Julius Caesar may have said a variation of the phrase, “Et tu, Brute?” preceding his assassination. However, the quote is from Shakespeare’s play “Julius Caesar”.
Teaching had begun at Oxford University by 1096 while the founding of Tenochtitlán in 1325 marked the start of the Aztec civilization.
Competitive sports became popular in the United States from 1850 – 1950 because of lighting technology, mass media, and developing labor and education laws.
Artificial light changed sleeping habits. People used to sleep in two phases, “first sleep” and “second sleep”, with two hours of awake time between.
The first income tax in the U.S. was part of the Revenue Act of 1861, the first permanent income tax was in 1913 as part of the 16th Amendment.
Benjamin Franklin is credited with inventing bifocals, although evidence suggests he may have been simply an early adopter of the split-bifocal lens.