Philosophy is the study of the natural and theoretical nature of knowledge, reality, existence, and being. Philosophy can broken down into categories based on subject and technique. See the branches of philosophy.

There are Different Types of Bullshit (BS)

There are different types of bullshit (BS). BS can be a lie, a half-truth, or truth. The goal of BS is influence, truth and lies are simply the tools of the bulls**tter.

There are Different Types of Good and Evil

There are Different Types of Good and Evil

There are different types of good and evil. The way to understand the types of good and evil differs by culture and text, but we can find general similarities by looking at major works and belief systems.

Arete Explained

What is Arete?

Areté roughly means “moral virtue”. It refers to an innate “excellence” or “essence” in all things, and the striving toward that potential or purpose.

The More You Do Something, the More You Value it

The More You Do Something, the More You Value it

The more time and energy you put into something, the more you value it. This Escalation of Commitment phenomenon (or commitment bias) relates to a number of other decision making biases.

A Person Can be a “Lone Genius”

A person can be a “lone genius”, but as an essay called “Deconstructing the Lone Genius Myth” points out, genius is in many ways a collective process.

Astrology is Based on Science

western astrology for dummies

Aspects of astrology are rooted in the science of astronomy and the academic tradition, but today astrology is considered a pseudoscience.

432 Hz is Better than 440 Hz

It’s theorized that using a starting pitch of A=432 Hz and a “just intonation” tuning method (scientific tuning) is more natural and mathematically symmetric than using A=440 Hz and “equal temperament” tuning (concert tuning).

Conway’s Game of Life Models Evolution

The Game of Life - a cellular automaton

Conway’s Game of Life is a simple rule-set that models the evolution of systems. It’s a “zero-player” computer program that demonstrates “cellular automata”.