A Lichen is Both a Fungus and an Algae

A lichen isn’t. a plant, it is a dual organism that is both a fungus and algae. The term symbiosis was even coined to describe this phenomenon.
Plants are a broad category of organisms which can include vegetables, fungi, algae,or land plants depending upon context.
A lichen isn’t. a plant, it is a dual organism that is both a fungus and algae. The term symbiosis was even coined to describe this phenomenon.
Even though some other plant types are used for Bonsai, Bonsai trees are actually trees that have been grown and shaped to look like miniature trees. Any tree species can be used to grow a Bonsai tree.
Luffa (loofah) sponges don’t come from the ocean. A luffa sponge is the ripened fruit of a plant in the gourd / cucumber family.
Red, orange, yellow, and green bell peppers are all the same type of bell pepper, they are just in different stages of ripeness. Bell peppers start green and then ripen to yellow and orange and then finally to red.
Honey is sometimes called the only food that doesn’t go bad, this is mostly true. Honey stored properly will essentially last forever due to its unique chemical composition.
In general, as a rule of thumb, the quicker a food spoils (rots or decomposes) the healthier it is for you.
Plant senses don’t work the same as human senses, but generally speaking, plants can see, hear, smell, feel, react, and even think.
Some cells appear to be able to live forever in a lab. However the Hayflick limit sets a cap on the number of times a cell can divide.
Humans have more than 5 senses; we have 5 traditional senses, but over 20 senses in total with non-traditional senses counted. Other organisms have a variety of senses too.
Carrots can improve your vision if your body is deficient in vitamin A, but the popularity of carrots has more to do with a food shortage during WWII than beta-carotene.