A Soul Has Weight

There is no scientific evidence that shows that living beings have a soul or that a soul has weight. However, the notion that a soul has weight (specifically 21 grams) does come from a scientific study.
Health Science is the study of health and application of science, technology, engineering or mathematics in the delivery of healthcare.
There is no scientific evidence that shows that living beings have a soul or that a soul has weight. However, the notion that a soul has weight (specifically 21 grams) does come from a scientific study.
Although it was long believed all mammals were born with all the eggs they would ever produce. Recent research suggests that women make new eggs throughout their reproductive years.
Obamacare is a nickname for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA or PPACA). Before the ACA premium costs and uninsured rates were rising and people could be denied coverage based on a preexisting condition and be charged more based on gender. Today, under the ACA, more people are covered and more people have access to affordable quality health care.
Botulinum Toxin (AKA “Botox”) is the most lethal natural toxin known to human kind, that fact helps explain its paralytic effect.
Opioids have a long history of being marketed as cures for addiction and pain. This has contributed to the current opioid crisis in the United States.
The idea that universal healthcare can’t work in the U.S. due to size alone is a myth. The U.S. has 50 states, each with populations equivalent to nations with universal coverage.
Studies show both mental and physical pain can be treated with common painkillers like Aspirin, but there are complex factors to consider.
People can be intersex. Society divides people into male and female, but there is no reliable scientific evidence that supports that binary categorization.
The “five-second rule” that food dropped on the floor for less than 5 seconds is safe to eat is not always true. Contamination depends on factors like moisture levels, the number of germs on the floor, and the time the food spends in contact with the floor.
Being cold doesn’t give you a cold, but cold weather can increase your risk of getting sick. Lower body temperatures suppress the body’s immune system and help some viruses thrive.