Health Science is the study of health and application of science, technology, engineering or mathematics in the delivery of healthcare.

All Mammals Start as Female

Mammals don’t start as females, they start as a blank slate with XX or XY genetic code, and for the first 5-6 weeks of gestation only the X gene expresses.

Some People are Born Gay

Being Equal Means Having Equivalent Value

Science suggests people are born in a range of places in the gay and transgender spectrum, with both nature and nurture playing a role in sexuality.

Running Causes Knee Arthritis

Runners are actually at a lower risk for arthritis than non-runners. Obesity and repetitive kneeling or squatting increase the risk arthritis in knees.

What is Tripping?

Brain on LSD

Tripping is slang “for having a psychedelic experience”. Tripping isn’t a drug, it is a state of mind that some psychedelic drugs let us access.

Consuming Raw Eggs is Safe

Raw pasteurized eggs are safe to eat or drink, but there are slight risks of a salmonella illness, especially for the elderly, kids, and pregnant women.

Drinking Coffee is Good for the Liver

Does Drinking Coffee Protect the Liver?

Drinking coffee on a moderate basis is good for your liver. Coffee can help prevent alcohol, and non-alcohol, related liver diseases such as Cirrhosis.

Psychedelic Experiences are Illusions

Brain on LSD

Studies show that psychedelic experiences (complex hallucinations often associated with LSD) aren’t “illusions” (tricks of the drug) but are rather the result of many areas of the brain communicating at once.

Medicare is Different Than Medicaid

The difference between Medicaid and Medicare

Medicare and Medicaid are both public health insurance. Medicare is primarily for 65 plus seniors. Medicaid is for low-income adults and children (CHIP). People can be dual-eligible for both.

Tryptophan in Turkey Makes you Sleepy

Does Turkey Make you Sleepy?

Tryptophan in turkey has a relaxing effect and contributes to sleepiness, but it is overeating and related chemical effects that make you sleepy on Thanksgiving.