Sir Isaac Newton Discovered the Laws of Motion

Sir Isaac Newton can be said to have discovered the laws of motion, but more accurately, he refined the work of Aristotle, Galileo, Descartes, and others.
Inventors are people who are known for inventions to humanity.
Sir Isaac Newton can be said to have discovered the laws of motion, but more accurately, he refined the work of Aristotle, Galileo, Descartes, and others.
Alan Turing can be considered “the father of computer science and AI.” Turing made major contributions to computing, codebreaking, and even helped the Allies win WWII.
Conway’s Game of Life is a simple rule-set that models the evolution of systems. It’s a “zero-player” computer program that demonstrates “cellular automata”.
Thomas Edison was a businessman, ideas-man, inventor, and more. He invented things, but more-so he collected patents, headed a team of developers, and created companies.
The Sensorama (1962) can be considered the first Virtual Reality device, it was a head-mounted display that played 3D film accompanied by sound, moving air, and aromas to create a virtual sensory environment.
Richard Garriott revolutionized video game RPGs by creating one of the first popular RPGs Ultima (1981), and one of the first MMORPGs Ultima Online (1997).
Charles Darrow patented Monopoly in 1935, but he didn’t invent the game. It is a variation of “the Landlord’s Game” patented by Lizzie Magie in 1904.
David Arneson invented “the experience points system” and “leveling up” (common features in role playing games) while working on a precursor to Dungeons and Dragons called Blackmoor with Gary Gygax.
Jonas Salk invented the polio vaccine in 1953 but never patented it. He believed, that like the sun, a vaccine for polio belonged to the people.
Computer Space became the first mass produced arcade video game in 1971. It was released the year before it’s creators formed Atari and created Pong