Thomas Jefferson and John Adams Died on July 4th 1826

Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4th 1826 within five hours of each other. Their deaths in many ways marked the end of an era in American history.
“People and self” refers to humans and groups they form, as well as, the understanding the human experience.
Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams both died on July 4th 1826 within five hours of each other. Their deaths in many ways marked the end of an era in American history.
What is true for members of a group on average isn’t always true for individuals in those groups.
The term “computer” used to refer to humans who did computations (“computer” used to be a job description, not a machine).
Some claim there was a “one-party system” for a brief moment in the Era of Good Feelings under Monroe and the Democratic-Republicans, but that isn’t fully true. There was still federalist opposition in those years.
Presidents of the U.S. are granted power to create executive orders by the Constitution, but orders must be lawful, keeping in-line with the Constitution and other legal statutes.
Identity Politics describes identifying with a concept, or being perceived as identifying with a concept, and the social and political implications of that.
Donald Trump hasn’t been much of a Tyrant in-action, but he does have a lot in common with the classical tyrants, including the tyrant from Plato’s Republic.
Lord Byron said something like, “the Jewish people gave mankind their first major religion, Christianity, and their second, Capitalism.” That isn’t too far off from the truth (as Milton Friedman also noted).
Marx and Mussolini called for extreme evolutions of socialism, Mises called for an absolutist return to individualist liberalism, but all miss the mark.
15th President James Buchanan and Pierce’s Vice President William Rufus King, whom Jackson lovingly called “Miss Nancy” and “Aunt Fancy”, were America’s first LGBT President & VP.