Everything That’s True Can Be Proven

Everything is either true or not true, but not everything that is true can be proven true, and not everything false can be proven false.
“People and self” refers to humans and groups they form, as well as, the understanding the human experience.
Everything is either true or not true, but not everything that is true can be proven true, and not everything false can be proven false.
Sir Isaac Newton can be said to have discovered the laws of motion, but more accurately, he refined the work of Aristotle, Galileo, Descartes, and others.
Adam Smith can be considered the father of modern economics due to his influential works which explore the mechanics of morality, markets, and capitalism in an industrialized society.
The University of Al Quaraouiyine in Fes, Morocco is the oldest, still operating, degree granting university in the world. It was founded in 859 by Fathima Al-Fihri (a Muslim woman).
Stephen Sondheim can be considered “the father of the modern American musical”. Sondheim evolved the traditional American musical instead of adopting the more contemporary style of his peers.
“Being gay” (same-sex activity and partnership) used to be illegal in the U.S. and the U.K., and being gay is still illegal in many parts of the world. The details are complex.
Alan Turing can be considered “the father of computer science and AI.” Turing made major contributions to computing, codebreaking, and even helped the Allies win WWII.
An “in-group” is a group you are part of (genetically, culturally, or ideologically), while an “out-group” is a group you aren’t part of.
The US political parties, now called Democrats and Republicans, switched platform planks, ideologies, and members many times in American history.
Conway’s Game of Life is a simple rule-set that models the evolution of systems. It’s a “zero-player” computer program that demonstrates “cellular automata”.