
For our purposes: Myths are commonly held beliefs or ideas that are false. For a claim to be considered a myth one or more parts of it must be proved false. Other definitions of myth, such as those pertaining to the not false-but-allegorical stories we tell to explain things, are discussed on our “what is a myth?” page.

Below is a collection of all factoids rated “myth” (as in “not true or not fully true”) by our authors.  If you disagree or have more evidence to support a claim consider commenting. See our list of facts here.

Democrats are Responsible for Trump’s Immigration Policy myth

President Trump has claimed that Democrats are responsible for his administration’s policy of separating migrant families apprehended at the border. However, this is mostly false, as existing laws were passed by both parties, weren't commonly enforced to their full extent in the past, and don't actually require families to be…

Our Solar System is a “Vortex” myth

There is a video that shows our solar system as a vortex and says the heliocentric model of the solar system we know is wrong. However, the video is wrong and the heliocentric model is correct.

You Can’t Prove a Negative myth

The saying "you can't prove a negative" isn't accurate. Proving negatives is a foundational aspect of logic (ex. the law of contradiction).

There is No Such Thing as Objective Truth myth

The idea that all truth is subjective, that there is no objective truth, is a myth. Everything either has an absolute truth value (even if we can't know it) or is an opinion or belief.