The Basic Types of Political Parties

On this page, we look at political parties from a historical perspective to better understand the underlying left-right politics all political parties are based on.
History is the study of the past and how it relates to the human experience.
On this page, we look at political parties from a historical perspective to better understand the underlying left-right politics all political parties are based on.
America’s founding fathers intended the U.S. to be a Republic (elected officials vote on laws), rather than a Direct Democracy (everyone votes on laws).
Abraham Lincoln was the first Republican President. Lincoln, a former Whig (and then “moderate” “anti-slavery” Republican), favored social justice and federal power over states’ rights regarding slavery.
We explain economic inequality from a historical perspective, and then consider the effects of wealth inequality and income inequality in America today.
Sir Isaac Newton can be said to have discovered the laws of motion, but more accurately, he refined the work of Aristotle, Galileo, Descartes, and others.
The Islamic Golden Age lasted from roughly the 8th – 13th century. In this time, Islam helped spread, persevere, and advance science, wisdom, reason, and learning.
The first video games were developed in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, while the first video games with physics were invented in the late 1950’s.
The US political parties, now called Democrats and Republicans, switched platform planks, ideologies, and members many times in American history.
3D was invented in 1838, predating photographs. Stereoscopic cameras were popular in WWII, and many 3D images and videos remain intact today.
The Sensorama (1962) can be considered the first Virtual Reality device, it was a head-mounted display that played 3D film accompanied by sound, moving air, and aromas to create a virtual sensory environment.