We’re / Where / Were
It is common to confuse we’re, were, and where. We’re is a contraction of “we are,” where references location, and were is the plural past tense of “are.” Used in a sentence, it works like this, “we’re where we were.”
Language is any system of communication. The act of communication defines language more than the specific tools used. From this perspective communicating is language, while written and spoken words are simply specific symbolic tools used in language.
It is common to confuse we’re, were, and where. We’re is a contraction of “we are,” where references location, and were is the plural past tense of “are.” Used in a sentence, it works like this, “we’re where we were.”
Although not often used these days, the “Royal We” (AKA the “Majestic Plural”) is a term that describes the use of “we” in place of “I.”
We present a list of types of propaganda, propaganda techniques, and propaganda strategies used to manipulate public opinion in the modern day.
The Economy of Words: The art of communication using all symbolic measures afforded by technology. Or, how to communicate effectively and participate in the information economy, with thrift, despite the tyranny of the terms.
Alternative facts describe inconsistent sets of information submitted as plausible evidence for competing sides of a case/debate/argument.
We explain the different types of American progressivism from the founders, to the Reform movements, to Bryan and the Roosevelts, to the progressives and populists of today.
Niccolò Machiavelli never said, “the ends justify the means”, although he did elude to a complex version of the concept in his Prince.
We discuss racial code words and “dog-whistle politics,” terms that describe the code words politicians use to imply politically incorrect ideas to their base.
Civil War, Revolution, and Rebellion all refer to different types of disputes between citizens of country regarding governmental power or authority.
In Spanish, double letter usage indicates a plural. For example, the U.S. (United States) is EE. UU., or E.E.U.U., or simply EEUU (Estados Unidos) in Spanish.