Politics Can be a Science

Politics can be treated as a science (political science), but it must always seek data that can be confirmed by our senses (empirical evidence).
Politicians are people holding or seeking office in government and participating in both the art and science of government.
“Politics is derived from the words poly and ticks…Poly meaning many, and ticks meaning blood sucking parasites…” – The Smoothers Brothers
Politics can be treated as a science (political science), but it must always seek data that can be confirmed by our senses (empirical evidence).
We examine the historical effects of social, political, and economic inequality on society to see how it has led to social unrest and events like revolutions and populist uprisings.
Villains tend to have mustaches, not because facial hair is evil, but because despots style themselves after other despots.
Neither Lenin or Stalin are real names. Vladimir Lenin was born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, and Joseph Stalin was born Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili.
Hitler came to power in a Democracy as the NAZIs gained seats in the Reichstag, but he was never elected President in a Democratic election.
Madison drafted both the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, but he wasn’t the sole author of either, both were debated and approved by committees.
Social Contract Theory is the theory of why people form governments based on how people lived in a State of Nature before government.
King Arthur, a Briton who was said to have defended Britain against the Saxons in the late 5th century, is almost certainly a mythological figure.
Plato can be understood as the father of rationalism and political philosophy (political idealism), and Aristotle, his student, the father of empiricism and political science (political realism).
We explain liberalism and conservatism, including the different social and classical types of liberalism and conservatism.