U.S. Spends More on Military Than Any Country

The US spends far more on its military than any other country (but not when compared to GDP). In 2015 America spent about $600 billion on U.S. defense spending.
Society refers to groups of people the cultures they form.
The US spends far more on its military than any other country (but not when compared to GDP). In 2015 America spent about $600 billion on U.S. defense spending.
The first income tax in the U.S. was part of the Revenue Act of 1861, the first permanent income tax was in 1913 as part of the 16th Amendment.
Ada Lovelace was the child of influential British poet Lord Byron. She is better known for writing the world’s first computer program.
Before the Married Women’s Property Acts of the 1800s, a married woman’s money (and sometimes property) was automatically the property of her husband.
At sea, a typical U.S. submarine day is 18 hours long, not 24. Crews are separated into 3 different watch sections with 6 hours on watch and 12 off.
The “Konami code” (a cheat code first popularized by the NES version of Contra) doesn’t end in start or select start, it’s simply ‘↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A’.
On May 23rd, 2012 in honor of Bob Moog’s 78th birthday Google’s homepage logo (Doodle) became a playable and recordable synthesizer.
Despite it being .01 times the size of Russia more people live in Bangladesh than Russia.
A Factoid is a brief piece of information that appears to be true, but isn’t necessarily factual or verified, yet is repeated as fact anyway.
You can not legally marry an inanimate object anywhere that we know of, this includes anime pillows, the Efile Tower, video game characters, or any other non-being.