Horseshoe Crab Blood is Valuable

Horseshoe crab blood is highly valued, especially in the biomedical field. Its blue blood is essential in ensuring safe and sterile vaccines and medical equipment.
An animal is an multicellular eukaryotic organism from the kingdom Animalia. All life on earth aside from plants and algae are animals including humans.
Horseshoe crab blood is highly valued, especially in the biomedical field. Its blue blood is essential in ensuring safe and sterile vaccines and medical equipment.
The widespread belief that people unknowingly swallow many spiders during sleep each year is a myth. In reality, spiders rarely come into contact with humans during their sleep, and the chances of swallowing spiders in this context are extremely low.
The claim that cows have best friends is rooted in scientific research. Studies have shown that cows are social creatures, forming strong bonds with specific individuals in their herd.
Bats are not blind. While they rely heavily on echolocation to navigate and find food, they also have functional eyes and can see.
Goldfish possess a memory span far exceeding three seconds. Research has demonstrated that their memory can last for several months.
Beavers secrete a goo from their butts called castoreum. Castoreum has a vanilla scent and is sometimes used as an artificial flavoring in foods.
What is the difference between a Mountain lion, puma, cougar, and panther? There isn’t any. By any name, this “cat of many names” is the same type of cat.
Elephants are essentially afraid of mice, but not for the reasons you might think. Like other mammals elephants, are hardwired to be startled by things that move fast, including mice.
Scorpion Venom is the most expensive liquid in the world costing up to $39 million a gallon. Like other expensive liquids such as penicillin, insulin, patchouli, human blood, cobra venom, and horseshoe crab blood, scorpion venom has medicinal uses.
The idea that Turkeys can’t fly is a myth. Wild turkeys can fly in short bursts and actually will roost in trees at night. That said, while domestic turkeys can fly in theory, they are typically too heavy to fly in practice.