Cows Have Best Friends

The claim that cows have best friends is rooted in scientific research. Studies have shown that cows are social creatures, forming strong bonds with specific individuals in their herd.
Mammals are a subclass of animals with vertebrates who have features including breasts, hair, and a neocortex. They are distinguished from reptiles, birds, and other vertebrates.
The claim that cows have best friends is rooted in scientific research. Studies have shown that cows are social creatures, forming strong bonds with specific individuals in their herd.
Bats are not blind. While they rely heavily on echolocation to navigate and find food, they also have functional eyes and can see.
Beavers secrete a goo from their butts called castoreum. Castoreum has a vanilla scent and is sometimes used as an artificial flavoring in foods.
The square cube law says that volume increases faster than surface area when an object increases in size proportionally. This affects biomechanics (AKA the way organisms are built).
Studies have shown there is no single determinant of sex, gender, or sexuality. In terms of both sex (genetic) and gender (a social construct), a binary distinction of “male or female” fails to describe a wide range of humans in practice. Meanwhile, sexuality (a preference) eludes any simple categorization as well. Simply put, despite some binary aspects (for example a person either has a Y gene or they don’t), Gender, Sex, and Sexuality are all non-binary and each is instead a complex spectrum… and we can prove it with science and logic.
Nettie Stevens and Edmund Beecher Wilson independently discovered the chromosomal XY sex-determination system (that males have XY and females have XX sex chromosomes).
Mammals don’t start as females, they start as a blank slate with XX or XY genetic code, and for the first 5-6 weeks of gestation only the X gene expresses.
Science suggests people are born in a range of places in the gay and transgender spectrum, with both nature and nurture playing a role in sexuality.
Mountain goats aren’t goats, these close relatives of the goat are actually goat-antelopes. Oddly, they aren’t true antelopes either.
The exact origin of today’s dog is unclear, but studies show both dogs and wolves evolved from an extinct species of wolf of European origin that lived 30,000 years ago.