Biology (or Biological Science) is the study of living organisms.

Some Cells Can Live Forever

Infinity is a concept, not a number.

Some cells appear to be able to live forever in a lab. However the Hayflick limit sets a cap on the number of times a cell can divide.

A Mountain Goat is a Goat

Mountain goats aren’t goats, these close relatives of the goat are actually goat-antelopes. Oddly, they aren’t true antelopes either.

Dogs Evolved From Wolves

The exact origin of today’s dog is unclear, but studies show both dogs and wolves evolved from an extinct species of wolf of European origin that lived 30,000 years ago.

Memories are Stored in a Single Part of the Brain

There are different types of memories.

Memories aren’t stored in a single part of the brain. Memories are stored in neurons located in different parts of the brain, recalled using other parts, and connected to even more parts via synaptic pathways.

Human Behavior can be Random

Human behavior can be random to some extent, but most behavior is based on prior input, and thus is “deterministic” (meaning not totally random).

There are Only 5 Senses

Humans have more than 5 senses; we have 5 traditional senses, but over 20 senses in total with non-traditional senses counted. Other organisms have a variety of senses too.

432 Hz is Better than 440 Hz

It’s theorized that using a starting pitch of A=432 Hz and a “just intonation” tuning method (scientific tuning) is more natural and mathematically symmetric than using A=440 Hz and “equal temperament” tuning (concert tuning).

There are Different Blood Types

There are different Blood Types

There are four general blood types (A, B, AB, and O), each can be Rh ‘+’ or ‘-‘. Blood types differ by antigens on the surface of red blood cells.