Feed a Cold, Starve a Fever

The old saying “feed a cold, starve a fever” has truth to it, but generally you should feed a cold and a fever and starve neither.
Diet and nutrition refer to the foods a person eats, the related nutrients, as well as, strategies related to food in regard to dieting and weight loss.
The old saying “feed a cold, starve a fever” has truth to it, but generally you should feed a cold and a fever and starve neither.
Exposure to light in moderation, especially natural sunlight, can have an uplifting effect on mood, while excessive darkness can have the opposite effect.
Weight loss and weight gain are complex, but at its core weight is based on caloric balance; calories stored as fat vs. calories used.
Cheat days (days where you don’t exercise or diet) can help maintain the effectiveness of a diet or workout regime, but only in moderation.
There is no negative calorie food. Not even low calorie or fibrous fruits and vegetables burn more calories than they contain, but some drinks can.