The Polar Ice Caps are Melting

Data shows that the polar ice caps are melting due to natural and human factors.
Earth science if a branch of physical science dealing with weather, geology, climate, water, and other naturally occurring aspects of earth.
Data shows that the polar ice caps are melting due to natural and human factors.
Global warming describes an increase in the Earth’s average temperature, climate change describes all changes to climate, including global warming and it’s effects.
There are elements we haven’t observed occurring (naturally or in a lab), but we can predict the location and properties of “undiscovered” elements.
Diamond is the most common of the naturally occurring “hardest” substances, but Q-carbon, wurtzite BN, lonsdaleite, ultrahard fullerene, graphene, and carbyne are all harder.
Humans impact climate change. Since the industrial revolution the burning of oil, coal, and gas has had an increasing effect on climate.