What is a Useful Idiot?

“Useful Idiot” is a political insult that describes a person who, through manipulation or not, is useful to a political cause that is not their own despite not fully realizing their role.
“Useful Idiot” is a political insult that describes a person who, through manipulation or not, is useful to a political cause that is not their own despite not fully realizing their role.
An “in-group” is a group you are part of (genetically, culturally, or ideologically), while an “out-group” is a group you aren’t part of.
The left-right political spectrum is used to create a model that shows a spectrum of political positions. Traditionally there is a 2-axis spectrum of left and right, but there are also many widely adopted 4-axis model.
Conspiracy theories are sets of one more speculative hypotheses, backed by fallacious reasoning, that suppose a conspiracy.
Reference frames and relativity in physics explained using math-free examples. We cover: frames of reference, inertial frames, accelerated frames, and relativity.
In pop-science, in reference to the brain, you’ll hear the terms “hardwired” and “softwired”, hardwired means genetically programed and softwired means learned.
The physical constants are measurable properties of the physical universe that don’t change, everything else is relative to these constants.
Astrology is a system of divination that assigns meaning to planets and their positions.
We explain the standard model of particle physics in simple terms for non-experts using videos, facts, and bullet points.