As one would assume, despite the persistent myths, the United States is not a corporation.
The United States is a Corporation myth

Is the United States of America a Corporation?
Despite misconceptions, the United States is not a corporation. This can be confirmed by its lack of incorporating acts, its sovereign immunity, and past court cases, among other things.
Below we explain the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871, the Act which many people believe to have turned the United States of America into a global corporation at the hands of international bankers but didn’t.[1]
We’ll also explain U.S. Code › Title 28 › Part VI › Chapter 176 › Subchapter A › § 3002 28 U.S. Code § 3002, which has similar claims made about it (and also didn’t “turn American into a corporation”).
And, we’ll also touch on a few other misconceptions about the United States as a corporation.
The important thing to get here is that regions of the United States may or may not be organized and incorporated. Cities, towns, and territories are often incorporated in the United States.
That doesn’t mean “they are corporations,” it means they are “incorporated within the United States.”
TIP: People often point to companies registered under names like “United States Corporation Company” and “United States Inc.” as proof that the country the United States is a corporation. However, be we talking about the United States Corporation company of 1925, or another entity, the answer is generally the same. That is, United States [insert term], stylized anyway including UNITED STATES, is a popular name for companies. There are actually many companies registered under the name United States in, for example, Delaware and Flordia (click those links for lists; with Delaware you have to type in United States and hit search). Although there are many companies named “the United States [insert term],” none are actually the United States of America (the country we live in) itself.
TIP: For those that don’t want to read: When 28 U.S. Code § 3002 says “United States” it means all corporations owned by the United States (any “federal corporation”), not that the United States is itself a corporation. More specifically, and to use the exact wording of the definition, it means any federal corporation, agency, department, or instrument of the United States. Further, that definition doesn’t provide a legal definition for the United States for all time and in every case, it simply defines it that way for that specific chapter on Federal Debt Collection [chapter 176]. Likewise, the Organic Acts organize (give governance rights) to D.C., they do not create another United States. All states and organized territories can self-govern despite being beholden to the Federal Government. Simply put, there is only one United States and all of the aforementioned are simply discussing parts of the one-and-only United States.
TIP: The United States of America consists of 50 states, 1 federal district (D.C.), 1 incorporated territory, and 15 unincorporated territories. Entities created by the executive, legislative, and judicial branches can also be considered “a part” of the United States regarding issues like sovereign immunity and being beholden to the central government. This means for example federal corporations, agencies, departments, etc of the United States are “a part” of the United States, which can be important to clarify for example in rules, regulations, and laws that are discussing the powers and rights of those entities.
“We may say in passing that the argument that the United States may be treated as a corporation organized under its own laws, that is, under the Constitution as the fundamental law, seems so strained as not to merit serious consideration .” – United States Supreme Court UNITED STATES v. COOPER CORPORATION, (1941) No. 484 Argued: March 6, 1941 Decided: March 31, 1941
The U.S. Corporation Myth
The reason this page exists is that it is addressing a persistent myth.
Some say, “The United States of America” is different from the “UNITED STATES” [corporation],” and that, “The UNITED STATES was formed in 1871 and controls only the District of Columbia and the territories it purchases or acquires; Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands.” This is not correct (to the best of my knowledge, although feel free to comment below).
Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands are unincorporated and organized territories of the United States (the one and only United States). The District of Columbia is an incorporated and organized district under the direct control of Congress since the passage of its Organic Acts. It was purposefully organized this way to avoid state-level power grabs, not to ensure some banking conspiracy, as is sometimes insinuated.
The lack of statehood for the capital is to be found in the Constitution. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 of the document reads, “The Congress shall have Power To …exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States.” – Here’s Why Washington D.C. Isn’t a State [2]
TIP: Columbia is a poetically named, historically used to reference the United States that is a reference to Christopher Columbus. The de facto unofficial national anthem used to be “Hail, Columbia!”
Disambiguation: The “incorporation doctrine” refers to the idea that the states are beholden to the Bill of Rights. This is a concept used in the gun debate; it doesn’t apply here.
Organization and Incorporation in the United States
Before we get into debunking the Organic Act of 1871 myth, let’s discuss how organization and incorporation work. You can skip to the next section for the debunking part.
In business law, a corporation is that which is incorporated as a company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law. For regions within the United States, it works much the same way.
Regarding a city, town, territory, or region:
- Being incorporated means being part of the United States proper (AKA being incorporated into the United States). A legal part of the U.S. in terms of rights, not only property of the U.S.
- Being organized means having an organized government authorized by an Organic Act passed by the U.S. Congress. This usually consists of a territorial legislature, territorial governor, and a basic judicial system. Being organized means being able to self-govern, even in the case of an organized unincorporated territory which is owned by the U.S. but can govern itself.
A territory may be neither incorporated or organized, like American Samoa; it may be unincorporated and organized like Puerto Rico; incorporated and unorganized, like Palmyra Atoll; or incorporated and organized like the District of Columbia. D.C. is organized and operates under Article One of the United States Constitution and the District of Columbia Home Rule Act and is incorporated by its Organic Acts.[3]
Meanwhile, being admitted into the Union as a state by Congress is the only way for a region to become an official state of the United States.
Are Any States Corporations? Neither the United States nor its 50 States are corporations. All are incorporated into the union by an act of Congress and get their power from the federal Constitution. State Constitutions govern the individual states.
TIP: Only entities incorporated into the U.S. and its states can enjoy sovereign immunity; only official states enjoy voting rights. This why Puerto Rico and D.C. have no official voting rights in Congress. The United States [corporation] if it did exist, would have fewer rights and less sovereignty than a state. Likewise, if the U.S. were a corporation, it would not have sovereign immunity unless it was otherwise owned by the United States federal government itself.
TIP: In the absence of an organic law, a territory is classified as unorganized; in the absence of being “incorporated” into the United States, a territory is unincorporated. This is why it was vital to pass the Organic Acts including the Organic Act of 1871, which organized and incorporated D.C., “the Seat of the Government of the United States.”[4]
FACT: The United States includes 50 states, 1 federal district (D.C.), and many territories with different statuses. Those entities, as well as all executive, legislative, and judicial entities on the federal and state level are beholden to the central federal government. In some cases, this is despite them having their own charters and constitutions and having their own “powers.” There are a few exceptions, like the Federal Reserve which is an independent entity within government. Still, even when there are exceptions, all the entities are beholden to the federal government, and thus to Congress as well. Congress is comprised of state-based elected officials who represent “we the people,” and thus are beholden to “the people” to an extent. This is also true for the Treasury, and no U.S. Code › Title 12 › Chapter 3 › Subchapter XII › § 411 12 U.S. Code § 411 – Issuance to reserve banks; nature of obligation; redemption, doesn’t imply otherwise as insinuated here.
Is the Federal Government, states, territories, or people sovereign? The states and commonwealths of the U.S. are sovereign, as are local governments, as are our citizens, as is the Federal Government… even unincorporated territories like Puerto Rico have some degree of sovereignty, but it doesn’t mean the same thing for each entity. Firstly, every entity is beholden the federal government. Meanwhile, the federal government, state governments, and local governments all enjoy sovereignty (regarding governance) and sovereign immunity (regarding being sued) under U.S. law (although the degree of immunity differs by the entity). This may extend to entities doing contract work for the state (see Advanced Software Design v. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis), but it doesn’t apply to entities that are unincorporated into the U.S. Puerto Rico does not have the same sovereignty the states do. See Political status of Puerto Rico for a discussion of why it was important for D.C. to not be an unincorporated and unorganized district. In terms of the electoral system and rights, sovereignty refers to the fact that each of our 320 million citizens is 1/320 millionth sovereign and each has human rights and voting rights as ensured by the federal constitution and state constitutions although power is delegated in the Republic. See Sovereign immunity in the United States and compare to popular sovereignty for a better understanding of how this complex philosophical concept and the legal concept is often misused in general debate.
Why Do People Think the United States is a Corporation?
In 1871 Congress incorporated the District of Columbia, and the wording of the Act (along with a few bits of supposed evidence featured below) caused some to speculate that the United States had become a corporation controlled by the international banks.
The simplest rebuttal to this, aside from understanding how things work (as presented above), is pointing out that the Act incorporated and organized D.C., not the United States. D.C. and the “United States” are not the same entity any more than Nashville is the same as Tennessee.
Some otherwise excellent articles that seek to focus on the truth patriotically, like the following article are a misleading, “The United States Isn’t a Country — It’s a Corporation!” Articles like this complex but accurate article and this 2013 article (which I’ll cite liberally here as it proceeded ours chronologically) are correct.[5][6]
UNITED STATES is a Corporation – There are Two Constitutions – Sovereignty. <— No, there are not “two constitutions,” and no, there is no weird sovereignty loophole aside from he well-known Citizens United idea that corporations are people.TIP: Some point to America as a type of corporatocracy (a government controlled by corporations). Certainly, cases can be made, if we are talking about the political influence of the corporations of the fortune 500 for example. However, like the incorporation doctrine, or the incorporation of D.C., this topic is only loosely related to the topic on this page.
TIP: Because D.C. is a central hub, in a great country, with a beneficial corporation law, many of the world’s most powerful corporations have the headquarters there. That does include the IMF and other international banks and businesses. Which, you know, is good for the country. What, would you rather their headquarters be somewhere else?
Debunking the Myth that the United States is a Corporation
As noted by the previous correct article back in 2013, the two legal documents used to fuel the myth that the U.S. is a private corporation owned by “the Rothchilds” of which our President is CEO, misunderstand the documents they are citing.
For more on the Rothchilds, see a history lesson about the history of banking (NOTE: I am not proposing that international bankers, be than Rothchilds or Morgans for example, aren’t important parts of western and American history, or that they didn’t have a hand in aspects of the creation of our modern system… in fact, that truism seems fairly clear. I am simply proposing that they do not own a corporation named the UNITED STATES that has somehow replaced the United States of America).
With that said, let’s clarify the documents noted above.
Debunking the U.S. Code Title 28 Myth
The first bit of evidence Presented from U.S. Code › Title 28 › Part VI › Chapter 176 › Subchapter A › § 3002 28 U.S. Code § 3002 is:
As used in this chapter:
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
This is used to justify the idea that “United States” means a Federal corporation. The problem is that this isn’t what (15) says (and even if it was, it says “As used in this chapter.”)
To paraphrase in common language the provision says: “United States” includes any federal corporation, agency, department, or instrument of the United States.
In other words, when the document says “United States” it means all corporations owned by the United States, not that the “United States” is a corporation.
Another way to phrase it would be:
[In this document when we say “United States”] “United States” means a Federal corporation of the United States, an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States, or an instrumentality of the United States. I.e. when we say “United States” in this document we are also referencing all federal corporations, agencies, departments, etc.
NOTE: The definition in question here is simply a definition from a sub-section of the U.S. code that is discussing federal debt collection procedures. Here is one example of a sentence from Chapter 176 “The United States may, in a proceeding in conjunction with the complaint or at any time after the filing of a civil action on a claim for a debt, make application under oath to a court to issue any prejudgment remedy..” See how “terms” are used here and how each “term” of importance is clearly defined in for chapter (in this case Chapter 176). This act of providing definitions make it so they can, for example, say “United States” and don’t have to say “any federal corporation, agency, department, or instrument of the United State” every time they want to use the term. You can click the links below to see where the definitions lay in the hierarchy of the U.S. Code, and hopefully this will help you understand how they do and don’t relate to the full Code and more broadly the Constitution (a law that over-rides the entire U.S. Code). As you go through the pages you’ll see many common words get defined, “claim,” “debt,” “court,” etc, and in all cases the definitions apply to the chapter on federal debt collection and that nothing in that chapter is discussing the formation of some proxy nation (or whatever).
Debunking the Organic Act of 1871 Myth
The other part of the claim says that the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 creates a new Constitution for the United States by inserting wording for “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA” in the act that somehow replaced our original “The Constitution for the United States of America.”
So, the first thing to point out is that the act the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 creates “a Government for D.C.” as it says in the Act. It has nothing to do with creating a Government for the United States.
D.C. was first established by Congress via the Residence Act on July 16, 1790. Then, the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801, by Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution, formally placed D.C. under control of the Congress and organized the unincorporated territories Washington County and Alexandria County within it. Then, the Organic Act of 1871, the one in question, created a territorial government for D.C.
Up to that point, D.C. had been governed as a mixture of municipalities and counties within District boundaries and not by its Government as a state. Later, in 1874, Congress repealed the territorial government to create a single municipal government for the federal district. See Origin and Government of the District of Columbia Judd & Detweiler, 1902.
Today “the name of the Seat of Government of the United States is The District of Columbia,” but that D.C. and the U.S. are not the same just as the Seat of Government of Washington State is Olympia, but Washington State is not Olympia.
TIP: It is a “federal district” because it is directly controlled by the Government. It is not a state and does not control the government.
- Federal Corporations – by the Congressional Research Service (PDF)
- District of Columbia Organic Act of 1801 – text of the Act
- District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 – text of the Act
Red Coats Did not vote.
Yes you are an idiot !! You know nothing about the US . If the Us is not a corporation then why is it listed on Dun & Bradstreet? Are you a Milliman? Because that’s what I figure. Start your study, i am a professor and have taught college for many years. Try picking up a book and stay the hell off of Wikipedia!!!!!
jerry smith Supports this as a Fact.
it is a bankrupt corp as of 2020
Zane Grey Supports this as a Fact.
You really should study the documents you pretend to have read to make this article of misinformation. Arguing with facts presented in Acts of Congress and Supreme Court decisions is the sign of a psychopath. Trying to discredit Team Law, who has won 96 of 96 court cases, is just stupid. The united States of America (the name of the Republic Government) is not the corporate District of Columbia defined in the Act. It is the corporation it formed to conduct it’s business through after the Civil War. Downes vs. Bidwell 192US, 244 defines this scenario quite well.
Are you being paid to create a whole website to try and discredit the truth or are you can’t understand the words you read?
Nearly every sentence of your article is fraught with misinformation. Why would you do that? If you want to learn law the right way from it’s source you really should go to Team Law and become a beneficiary.
The United States Government/ District of Columbia is in fact a corporation.
The united States of America is in fact the name of the Republic Government.
The unratified Constitution of the corporate United States (1878) is merely a corporate charter missing the original 13th Amendment of 1818 and had it’s 16th and 17th Amendments simply added to it without ratification from any State in the Union of State called the United States of America. (National Archives)
There are three Constitutions in effect today according to the National Archives and facts of law.
The corporate United States Government has been operating under bankruptcy law since March 9, 1933 and the Banking Act of 1933. The Social Security Act of 1935 was adopted from Great Britian, word for word, to help it raise revenue in it’s bankruptcy which, it is still in to this day. National Archives.
I can demonstrate what I have said in any forum where you can’t demonstarte any of what you said in any court and win.You are a liar and most likely an agent provacateur.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
So I am just a person who looked at the claim and tried to see if it was true and wasn’t see that it was. You are throwing out so many heady things at rapid-fire I don’t have the knowledge or headspace to argue. But I can assure you I’m not trying to be tricky, will try to sift through what you say to see if it does actually prove the main point though. As everything you said could be a true thing, but not at the end of the day prove the point.
Terry Jacks Supports this as a Fact.
Your name, my name, all our names on our birth certificate are in ALL CAPS.
Not John Smith, but JOHN SMITH, We are considered Corporate Entities, not private persons.
And just like a Corporation;
1. Our Personal property is taxable.
2. We follow Rules and Mandates
3. We are in courts of the State
4. We pay Fees and Fines
Individual people are treated like corporations.
Under the original Constitution FOR the united states, all four of these are Unconstitutional.
Paying taxes is illegal.
The IRS is illegal, and is not part of the US Government, but the Government doesn’t tell you this.
The IRS is based in Puerto Rico.
Taxes are VOLUNTARY, but the government doesn’t and the IRS doesn’t tell you this.
Fortunately, President Trump got rid of this Tax/IRS Scam on the American People in 2019, and starting in 2021, we should get back every dollar we have paid the in illegal federal income taxes.
T.O Did not vote.
Listed the current “united States of America” government is a “Corporation” with Dun & Bradstreet # 16-190-6193 (Also see Organic Act of 1871) and has through fraudulent contracts stolen your GOD-Given and Constitutionally Protected Rights… Explain this one.
George Supports this as a Fact.
GOVERN: to control
MENTAL: the mind
You’re in a cult retard
Jeff Supports this as a Fact.
GOVERN: to control
MENTAL: the mind
Do an image search:
Look at a courtroom
Look at a church alter
Look at Judges
Look at Priests
Look at Isis
Look at law enforcement
Look at the 1st Amendment
GOVERNOR MEANS: the warden of a prison
That’s why you’re in LOCKDOWN
Jeff Did not vote.
Facts and beliefs have nothing to do with truth
Fact is defined as something believable
Believe: to blindly accept as reality without question
If you don’t question what someone has told you,
How do you know it’s the truth?
GOVERN: to control
MENTAL: the mind
Don’t believe me?
Image search –
Court room
Church alter
Law enforcement
Shaved heads,
matching costumes,
carrying weapons,
Devotion to a supreme leader
And missions of violence and murder?
You’re in a phaqing cult Simon
Eva Elle Seqattre Supports this as a Fact.
The “the Men Who Built America” were employed by the Rothschilds(Vanderbilt, JP Morgan,etc). They were chosen because they were of the same satanic family. They did not OWN anything. As a matter of fact, the Payseurs of Italy are on top of the Rothschilds in the Pyramid. JP Morgan did not own the place in SC were the banking deal was made. He simply lived there. Woodrow Wilson was put into office so the deal could be passed. I believe, if my memory serves me correctly, it was Christmas night or Christmas Eve, so Congress was home. This was when the constitution wa changed and we became slaves.
Dalet Supports this as a Fact.
Corp, corporation, incorporation, and unincorporated: The etymology of the word Corp is the coming together of people into a singular entity. That would make United States a corporation. Words have meanings and the meanings don’t change, just because they get twisted. Corp, also means death, “He gave a mighty shout: “Babylon is fallen—that great city is fallen! She has become a home for demons. She is a hideout for every foul spirit, a hideout for every foul vulture and every foul and dreadful animal”. Commerce is business, exports are controlled by Governments.
CHRIS Did not vote.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
It is .com and we make about $1 a day in ads (I lose money on this site). I’m not attempting to prove it a myth, I looked into it and couldn’t find anything to back up the idea that it wasn’t a myth. All evidence I was told to look at didn’t back up the claim. After looking into each bit of evidence I was pointed at and finding they didn’t back up the claim, and then after doing my own research I labeled it a myth. I then have since paid attention to the comments and, while I have enjoyed the discussion, have not been meaningfully swayed. Although I remain open-minded if my information changes.
James Flemming Did not vote.
The Dunns and Bradstreet Company which list all Corporations and assign all Corporations with a Dunns number. the united States is listed as a Corporation and has a dunns number. also listed as Corporations is Congress, the Homuse of Representative FBI, CIA, And the DOJ., Look it up.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I can’t find a D-U-N-S number for the US (or Congress), although I can find for example some states. Please provide directions for finding the US or list the number. That said, even by this measure, do we really mean to say that Texas isn’t a state it is a corporation? That isn’t my takeaway. I don’t think a legal entity with employees (i.e. state employees) is the same as usurping the state constitution. I’m not an expert on this matter, but it doesn’t seem like that is how it works.
Robert plant Did not vote.
You said organic few times. The UNITED STATES inc is dead. Papers are available. The ORGANIC 1871 fiasco is the start of all the BS. time to return power to WE THE PEOPLE and level all who ever attempt again to currupt THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THE REPUBLIC.
Allen Guy Did not vote.
On the IMF and other global cos. Based on say..”would you want them based anywhere else”?
That’s an interesting and very open question.
Mama Bear Did not vote.
If it’s important for you to debunk the corporation issue, why do you merely post 1 page, a single excerpt? Why not post the entire document so everyone can form their own judgement & not just take your observation/opinion as the ultimate truth?
Terrence McCargish Did not vote.
While you make some good points and in some ways the US is not a corporation, your lack of understanding the banking system is a serious hole in your research. The first clue to this is you saying the IMF and international banks are good for our country. No, they are not. The Fed is at the head of this in the US. They are not federal at all. It is a private bank that “loans” money based on taxpayer output. This is why our debt is so high and why we will never get out of debt in this country. The IMF plays into this as does the CFR, the UN, WHO, and multitudes of other entities that rob the American taxpayer blind. For better insight on this, please look into Lord de Rothchild. They started this system many years ago and essentially took over England this way. The Crown does not belong to the Royal Family there and hasn’t for hundreds of years. If the Queen wants to wear the crown jewels, she has to get permission from the bank. This is why we are looking at the Corporation of the US. Many things ring true to that. Strange that 2 weeks before JFK was assassinated he gave a speech on this. He also had legislation to remove the Fed from our monetary system. So if you look into this on the banking side, you might get a better understanding of exactly who runs the US and just how illegal it really is when comparing it with the Constitution. Just the simple understanding of how the banking system works actually make the US a corporation, and a morally defunct one at that .
Charles Did not vote.
This is very simple. The constitution of the United States specifies how the constitution can be amended. That same method would apply to it being abolished. This requires a 2/3 vote of both houses of Congress and ratification by 2/3 of the states. Did that happen when the United States was turned into a corporation? No. So the constitution is still in effect. End of question.
Mike Did not vote.
You are knowingly lying to all who respect your “knowledge”. Is Jesus the living Son of the living God? Or can u enlighten us please. You have no understanding except what you MUST believe. Read Cornwallis’ 1781 speech to Washington. Next you are going to say the P2-3 Freemasonics were good people especially the 31s, 32s, and 33’s. Are you willfully ignorant or just a corporate sheep!? Try this person on for size and please learn what you are talking about.
Leslie Did not vote.
Sorry but your so called fact information is a myth. Since I had an immediate family member to work in the US shadow government I was able to get a 4 star general to admit to me that the constitution being used today in our government is not the one written by the framers. Which therefore makes it illegal because the original constitution was a legal and binding document.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That would be an amazing thing to share some sort of proof of. Or to perhaps get more details on that story.
Steve Supports this as a Fact.
Ya’ll are full of shit and should learn real history.
gerry pelto Supports this as a Fact.
You left out how the 14th amendment changed our citizenship to that of debt slaves. The original jurisdictiion republic cannot recover until we are no longer under military rule living in conquered territories as spelled out in the emergency banking act and the trading with the enemies act as amended. Whether we are incorporated does not matter, We the people are enslaved to a system of credit run by a foreign bank. Owned lock, stock, and barrel by the British crown. The Bar association changed our entire legal.system to maritime admiralty law and we are so dumbed down from tv and flouride we not be difficult to conquer. We even buy water from foreign corporations . We will march right to the nearest provisioning center to get our rations , if your social credit score is high enough.
Scott Supports this as a Fact.
The corporation has recently been dissolved and the organic United States of America is under military control as we restore back to the sovereignty that was given to us in the Declaration of Independence and ratified in the original Constitution of the united States of America. Your “facts” are incorrect. You should not rely on CNN for your “facts”.
Walter Strohbeck Supports this as a Fact.
Its complex but I can see its a good effort on a genuine analysis
L Did not vote.
Maybe I missed it, but DC is a city/ state, isn’t it? Vatican, the military arm of Vatican (head of beast) and London, which is financial arm
J Anderson Supports this as a Fact.
I like how you have comments and are capturing feedback. Lots of emotion. Understandable. Would be interesting to see you play advocate of other side and make case for it. What did you learn find/out on the constitution of vs constitution for. The one irate comment seemed even more far fetched. Did you read the suggested book. Was it helpful. Thanks.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Well the best proof of two would be to find a different one that says “for” and then compare it to the one that says “of.” The one issue I have going back to this is that the Consitution we all know ( says “for” and is called “of.” So it has both things in it. It also reads to me as I would expect given all of our records of the Constitutional convention and such.
Then we have the records of the organic act which doesn’t imply creating a new constitution
I know to some degree I’m missing that ah-ha moment, but from the stuff I can find like this ( I don’t get any ah ha moments when I look for proof of or proof against. I just find documents that line up with what you expect and then I see room for confusion.
Would actually be happy to take the other side here. Keep waiting for someone to share a document that gives me something to sink my teeth into.
As for good books, I don’t think I found one. I have just been reading the documents in question, for example, the ones shared above.
Teresa Did not vote.
I disagree with your statements.
Tammy Supports this as a Fact.
Seriously, how old are you and you think you know more than people who are twice your age! We have done our research too and the internet doesn’t give you ever pictures! Fact or myth?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
If you are twice my age you are 80. Assuming you aren’t 80, although if you are… very cool. To the point though, I don’t assume I know more, I just research stuff for a living and write about it online So I’m confident in my ability to research and the results of the research. I don’t run this site as a way to throw things in people’s faces though, I just want to get to the bottom of the truth here. I am open to debate and hearing alternative views and citations. There is only one truth, either I have this one right or I don’t. I think I have it right, and I am confident enough I do to label it. But it doesn’t mean I have to be right. I could in theory be proven wrong and this page would then reflect that by being updated.
Frank Did not vote.
Corrupt Corporation.
JAMES MCMAHON Did not vote.
District of Columbia is NOT named after Christopher Columbus. “Columbia is only the latest name given to a goddess who is older than recorded history and can be traced in her modern form to the early Egyptian dynasties. ” (The Masonic Philosophical Society” 1/21/24).
And yes our country was a corporation and recently (May 2020) declared bankrupt.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
All hail Columbia
Jo Ann C. Supports this as a Fact.
Why lie to the people? THE USA was incorporated in the ACT of 1871. But it was dissolved this past summer 2019 by Donald J. Trump… making Biden a President of a NON existing Corporation! LMAO! Have fun lying to the people, all TRUTH is coming out.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Ummmm. Definitely not this. I mean if you want to say this, let’s see a citation so we can examine the source at least.
I don’t like being jerked around, if someone told me this I would examine it and if they were jerking me around I would try to find out why… and as I said, I would not like it.
toby Supports this as a Fact.
The Corporation you say doesn’t exist has now been dissolved.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I don’t think it can be dissolved if it never was. Can we see the Articles Of Dissolution?
Lan Johnson Supports this as a Fact.
WAS!!! UNTIL 2019
Monica Doesn't beleive this myth.
I found this article very informative. I had been reading all these articles about how the Act of 1871 turned our country into a corporation, and somehow the Bank of London, the Vatican, and the ‘communists’ were involved. None of it made sense. Thank you for this common sense explanation.
George Did not vote.
get lost
Kapt Blasto Did not vote.
I’m going to put in my two cents worth here:
Why is it, that, every time we have or use a “central Bank” system… we end up throwing it out?
My claim is…that every time we start or continue each cycle of the Central Bank System…we (meaning the Government using the central bank system) issue DEBT for it to use as capital to lend out.
If the object of that exercise is for the bank to have capital to lend out….then why not TAX THE BANK FIRST, (despite knowing it doesn’t have the money to pay the tax)
then, let the Bank issue back a Promissory Note, BACK to US,
and then we accept it, and then…DEPOSIT that Promissory Note Back INTO the Bank, and THEN let that Bank lend out capital and get paid back with interest, with every lend out it does to member banks, a TAX RIDER of a certain miniscule percentage, to make it look like its paying back the loan that paid the tax we imposed upon IT?
and then if we have to, we BORROW against what we’re owed…rather than TAX the people to constantly be paying back the bank?
Seems like a better plan, than killing the bank, doesn’t it?
Kriss Supports this as a Fact.
Your article, while admittedly long and exhaustive proves nothing other than you are convinced of your own opinion. Had you started this write up with “this is my opinion based on references attached” instead making a bold, blatant statement, possibly it could recieve more serious consideration.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Well without any evidence to show that the United States is a corporation, with evidence to show it is not, and with the proof, I looked at debunked, I am simply drawing the conclusion that the United States is not a corporation. If there is other contradictory evidence then we can consider that.
I would say that the goal of this site is to draw the best conclusions possible and then to label things as fact or myth. That label doesn’t mean I have to be right, it just means that is what I have concluded to be the case based on the evidence/arguments. I’m still waiting for my mind to be changed on this one. If I see compelling evidence I’m open to changing the conclusion.
Jim Lewallen Supports this as a Fact.
This myth concept is promoted by those who want to maintain the power and fear control over you, the people. Do your own research. Don’t listen to the satanic seed of the lying race of the Nephilim spirit.
They are terrified of the power you, the people have. They gain their strength by taking your negative energy of your fear. They also know that when you reject their lying tactics; they lose. The leaders of the democrats and even within the ranks of the republicans know and will see their own demise very soon, when they are the one who will be taken to the death camps they have built for the people of the United States! Then we will all be faced with the truth. The Bible tells us that the liars will lead the procession of the wicked into hell. Don’t believe their lies!
Robert Benjamin Miller Supports this as a Fact.
I know You think you nailed it but You said it Several Times. United States? No. United States of AmeriKa. Incorporated. You are changing the meaning or usage of the word. I do Understand how many hapless, ignorant people there are that wont fact check you, but I am not one of them. Corporation Limits are posted outside Every single City and Town. You confusing this and making benign statements some of which are true to “incorporate” your “narrative.”
dick goldman Did not vote.
You are incorrect, it is a corporation and there are many many supreme court cases stating so in their verdicts so to the best of your knowledge you better do some more reading
MadMAX Supports this as a Fact.
a Corporation Cannot Write Or Enforce Law..
A Corporation Can Only Write Code, Statute, Ordinance etc.
The Law is what the People Say is Truth, Not what a Company or Corporation Say.
Steve Jordan Supports this as a Fact.
This certainly puts to rest the idea that the United States is a corporation in every possible misunderstanding of that phrase, but the blizzard of conspiracy grows from a relatively sound base:
“It is suggested that the United States is to be regarded as a domestic corporation, [*485] so far as the State of New York is concerned. We think this contention has no support in reason or authority. A domestic corporation is the creature of this state created by its legislature, or located here and created by or under the laws of the United States. (Code of Civil Pro., § 3343, sub. 18.) The United States is a government and body politic and corporate, ordained and established by the American people acting through the sovereignty of all the states.”
— In re Merriam’s Estate, 36 N.E. 505 (1894).
In Volume 19, CJS (Corpus Juris Sec.) § 883 one finds the statement that “The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State.” The above case is cited as the authority. That the United States is a foreign corporation is exactly what the court held. By affirming the decision, the United States Supreme Court concurred in U.S. v. Perkins, 163 U.S. 625 (1896).
Thus, the basis for the argument that United States is a foreign corporation. In fact, if one reads Title 28 USCS § 297, the “compact states” of subsection (a) are clearly defined as “countries” in subsection (b).
But to see this presented explicitly, there are further definitions Corpus Juris Secundum, Volume 20, § 1785, where the definitions are given for Foreign Corporations.
None of this means a thing unless and until it becomes authority to do something unethical and power-grabby. And I am impressed with your responses to other posts.
So allow me to point you to; its author makes a compelling case for the proper application of US federal income tax. And we could sure use as many ethical lawyers as we can find to restrain the federal government to its proper reach of power.
Matt Clark Did not vote.
I believe that there is no way 44 presidents, the majority of successful individuals throughout history, the founders of many financial institutions, vice presidents, first ladies and royalty all just happened to be related by chance(not to mention governors, congressman, infamous and legendary people(Jesse james , Lee Harvey Oswald etc) practically every famous person/corporate founder,statesmen,successful Actors, and royal family members you heard about/learned about in school ……oh yeah presidents of course are all of few royal bloodlines. Not just any royal bloodline but the reigning royal family,charlamagne, William the conqueror, Henry III, and Edward Longshanks three of the most viscous and ruthless Royals, who spent a lot of their lives acquiring and consolidating wealth, by the way, is just coincidence there is no way in any hypothetical that this is a result of chance, the odds got to be 1,000,000.00/1 or much, much greater! So yes I believe that the organic act was a way to covertly pay allegiance to the crown!
Anon Did not vote.
LOL another Snopes inspired pile of garbage. The truth is out and NOTHING will stop it. The U.S. of the 1860s and strengthened with the 1900’s banking acts ARE CORPORATIONS of ROME.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Honestly I think answers like this are the only sane ones
walter Supports this as a Fact.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Well I would argue though this is sort of twisting the initial point of the whole argument of “the US is a corporation and not a country.” Because here it is just being argued that “in terms of these provisions, the US can act in corporate capacity.” That is different than saying “the US is a corporation and not a country to which the constitution applies.”
– Is the United States a resident within the meaning of the words “residents, corporate or otherwise”? We thinks it is. It many times has been held that the United States or a state is a “person” within the meaning of statutory provisions applying only to persons.
The above quote, it would be like saying “because corporations can be treated like people, Apple is a person and not actually a company.”… but that isn’t what anyone means when it is said “corporations can be treated like people for legal purposes.”
:Dman Supports this as a Fact.
One simple question in regard to your idea that the USA corporation is a myth – then why does a standing member of congress publicly read the constitution and related articles into the record every 20 years, as required by every commercial corporation?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I would say they do not if I had to guess. Can you find me a link or some proof of this and I’ll investigate? 🙂
Jazzy Did not vote.
You have totally lied to a misled people concerning this. It is a real thing with tons of legal documentation to back it up and proving it.
If it were not so they would not have provided remedy to become a sovereign citizen again. Each state has them but it is like pulling eye teeth to get them completed because they will keep misdirecting you to something else that keeps it tied up, like lawyers do in court.
Look these up then you will Begin to understand
This is just a small list of information. There is so much more.
Hint: Black’s Law Dictionary, there are many other sources
• Three City-States of the world
• Vatican Canon Law
• Maritime Admiralty Law – Law of the sea not land. Used only for commerce but yet this is the law used in our courts on land.
• BAR Association – British Accredited Registry
• Esquire ~ a British title attorney’s use with their name.
~ Legal Name Fraud ~ Birth Certificate / Legal fiction / Strawman illusion
~ ALL CAPITAL LETTER NAME = A CORPORATION, not a live, breathing,
feeling, living human.
~ Corporation Scheme/Deceived without our consent or knowing~
~ It’s the Birth Certificate that keeps us enslaved to the Corporation~
~ We have to get rid of the Birth Certificate contract and all other contracts~
i.e. Birth certificate, social security numbers, driver’s license, marriage license,
death certificate, passports, office copies of registers or title sheets…etc
• Person
• Citizen
• Register/registration
• Corporation
• Statute
• Summons
• Must
• Articles of Confederation
• Act of 1871
• CCU Codes
• Common Law
• Natural Law
• Case Law
• Color of Law
• Lieber Code of 1863
• Treaty of 1213
• Deed of Trust vs Allodial title
• UCC1 form
• Bouviers law 1856
• Trading with the enemy act
• Protected by the Haygs convention
• AIDS – US Patent # 5,676,977 ~ cures blood borne pathogens and aids. Aids was created on purpose. And now the Patent for many strains of Corona Viruses
• Thimerosal – mercury = poison in vaccines harming your children On purpose.
immunize dot org /fda/
• Tuskegee syphilis experiment – This is horrific
The “United States” is a dejur quasi corporation authorized under Article 1 Section 8 Clause 17 which has unfortunately become defacto do to congress being incompetent and not being able to manage its own commercial affairs by becoming indebted to a private international bank called the federal reserve… Whereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated Statute: Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 1942: “Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen . . . where private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is concerned . . . For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government.”
Karma Here Supports this as a Fact.
The Organic Constitution of The United States of America – Art. I – § 8
“To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, & among the several States, & with the Indian Tribes;”
O.S. § 80. United States § 1. State’s consent to acquisition of lands by United States.
“A. The consent of this state is hereby given, in accordance with Section 8 of Article I of the Constitution of the United States,”
28 U.S.C.Judicial & Judiciary Procedure Sec. 3002 (15) “United States” means-(A) a Federal corporation;
28 U.S.C, Judicial & Judicial Procedure Sec, §1333. Admiralty, maritime and prize cases states in part…” is in conformity with Rule 2 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure abolishing the distinction between law and equity.”
27 C.F.R. 72.11 – Commercial crimes. Any of the following types of crimes (Federal or State):
Offenses against the revenue laws; burglary; counterfeiting; forgery; kidnapping; larceny; robbery; illegal sale or possession of deadly weapons; prostitution (including soliciting, procuring,
pandering, white slaving, keeping house of ill fame, and like offenses); extortion; swindling and confidence
games; and attempting to commit, conspiring to commit, or compounding any of the foregoing crimes. Addiction to narcotic drugs and use of marihuana will be treated as if such were commercial crime
frontncenter Did not vote.
I can tell you that the main reason for all the confusion is intentional by design. And that the “United States” and “United States of America” are indeed 2 separate things. The latter being all 50 States and the former the Federal Government. Trickery & deceit is nothing new for the Federal Government. The Federal Constitution itself was an act of trickery & deceit. The sole express purpose of the Constitutional convention was to revise the Articles of Confederation (organic constitution). No one, and I mean no one, had permission or authority to draft a new constitution that would replace the government. It was drafted in secret and riddled with legalese. The use of double entendres should be evident.
The United States has always been a country of criminal and political shysters. It was founded on theft, murder and rape. The rich and well to do have always taken everything for themselves and duped the common folk out of money and land. Just ask the Native Americans about the United states government. Bunch of lying thieving murderous crooks that use propaganda to bury the truth and history.
If you can’t see that the United States treats everything like a corporation, including people, then you’re blind and lost. Yes all the evidence used (especially by idiot self proclaimed sovereign citizens) is wrong. None of the corporate filings are in this country. Because this country isn’t what everyone thinks. The filings are Edinburgh. The parent company is listed as the UK. If you don’t understand why or how these things are it’s understandable. Most law professors, historians and lawyers don’t either. And for good reason.
How many people believe America won independence? 98% percent of people in this country. But is it true? I’ll tell what is true.
The colors of the King were & are Red, White and Blue. The first flag was actually the Grand Union, designed by George Washington, an Englishman with Norman Knight ancestors. The 13 Red & White stripes never represented the 13 colonies, they were the Ensign of the English Navy (House of Tudor) way before the colonies existed. Washington was a Colonel for the British army, longer than a General for the confederate. Alexander Hamilton was feeding secrets to the British and brought the scourge of bankers down on America. John Adams was quoted as saying the first time he read the Constitution was in a foreign land. That land was London, at Middle Temple BAR, before the convention was even a thought. The final document in Philadelphia was drafted by lawyers & politicians, the majority of being members of Freemasons and/or Knights of Templar (Middle Temple aka the BAR at the Inns of Court (Crown Temple Church).
That’s the truth. That’s what’s real. And if the United States Federal Government wasn’t a corporation it wouldn’t have a Duns number. But it does.
United States Government – 052714196
Keeping secrets and hiding facts for the purpose of oppression and power are nothing new. Men will do and say anything they have to in order to keep power & money. The constitution isn’t a document of protection for the people. We the People means State legislators. The men who drafted and signed it. Not a single common person had anything to do with it. It’s bankruptcy compact that changes every 70 years. It’s been revised 4 times, each coinciding with the 4 bankruptcies filed by the United States.
If you can’t the information to confirm all this then you’re not looking hard enough. The information exists and it’s real. The founding fathers were nothing but a bunch of hypocritical freedom loving slave owners who committed a coupe and usurped power for themselves. And they did it all through trickery & deceit. Lawyers & politicians have never gave a damn about the people and they never will.
Brandon Gray Did not vote.
There are clearly two constitutions found in the Congress notes. The United States of America is an unincorporated trust created by We the People. George Washington created the United States, a service company, owned by the the United States of America. The United States has gone bankrupt many times. Because of the 14th amendment we don’t elect anyone to United States of America anymore, only to United States office.
Congress OF THE United States
begun and held at the City of New-York, on
Wednesday the fourth of March, one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine.
THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best ensure the beneficent ends of its institution.
RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, two thirds of both Houses concurring, that the following Articles be proposed to the Legislatures of the several States, as amendments to the Constitution of the United States, all, or any of which Articles, when ratified by three fourths of the said Legislatures, to be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of the said Constitution; viz.
ARTICLES in addition to, and Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America, proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth Article of the original Constitution.
Mir Mir Did not vote.
“A person is a corporation, so Corporations must be people”… Just goes to show you how biased and ignorant you are TRYING to keep yourself. “An Asian Elephant is a mammal, so mammals must be asian elephants.” Wow the cognitive dissonance in this “fact checking blog” is dizzying. You’ve been given multiple sources straight from legislation which state… “United States” means “A federal corporation.”
Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 – Definition 15-A
(15)“United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
(Notice how B & C both refer back to the term United States which has been formally labeled as “A federal corporation.)
Now, you also change the basis of your logic throughout the comment section, from “There is no evidence!” to “Just because government officials treat it that way doesn’t make it so”. Well I agree with you on the latter.
Though the TERM “United States” is indeed referring to a corporate entity… That does not make this country a corporation. We are the United States of America… not simply the “United States”. We are only obliged to follow along with the Bill of Rights… Anything after that is entirely voluntary to each Man or Woman (Not person). The “United States” Government is a corporation or else it would the called The United States of America Government. YOU claim we are misreading legal definitions. NO it is you who are relying on biased individuals within this corporate entity to give you correct information. Your first mistake.
BUT, while the government is a corporation, the land we live on is not a part of it. We own that property, and we contract the government to care for it, not to buy it off of us. While the STATE GOVERNMENTS are a part of that corporate entity, THE STATE itself is not. While the government officials (Police, Federal agents, congress, etc.) are bound by its own laws, We the FREE people are not, but can choose to be. A Police officers cannot restrict a persons right to travel simply because they are not following “Corporate rule” to have a driver’s license. We are not obligated as FREE people to register our “automobiles” with that corporate entity (Or any corporate entity) Corporate “Vehicles” and their “DRIVERS” are the only ones who have to abide by these RULES.
So Yes… the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not a corporation… the UNITED STATES is a corporation.
Dale Little Doesn't beleive this myth.
Good article. Most theorists tell people to look at things like the 1871 Act, but few do. I did and it clearly says the Washington DC was to be a MUNICIPAL corporation…just like most other cities in America. I tell people rather than waste their time trying to sort all these stories out, just make your own up, like all the others
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
This is basically what happened with me, I looked up the resources people were pointing to and read them and then didn’t find evidence to back up the claims. The buzzwords are there like “corporation,” but otherwise it doesn’t line up with the theories as far as I can tell.
James Supports this as a Fact.
This site is obvious disinformation. Every court in the United States is a private corporation.
Your bullshit does not stop the following from meaning exactly what is written:
28 USC § 3002 – Definitions
As used in this chapter:
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Yeah, as written, it is written like this “As used in this chapter: “United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States.”
In other words, in that chapter on collecting debt ( the Term United States includes federal corporations, an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States, or an instrumentality of the United States.
It does not however say “and thus it is so and forever in all contexts let it be that the US is a corporation.”
I get that people don’t agree, but every time read this it says the same thing to me.
Chris Supports this as a Fact.
UNITED STATES has a corporate number on file with Duns and Bradstreet. Also it was the united States of America and not UNITED STATES. Capitalisation is key in law and there is a difference.
Christopher Did not vote.
Man, you guys really need to educate your staff more……as a former Marine, an avid student of law, statutes, code and policies of the individual states and federal code, what you are perpetrating to anyone who reads this bullshit article is wrong. The thing with law is everything contained in them is specific and defined. As someone who has used these principles named in the article that you claim isn’t true, I have had success 98% of the time in exercising our rights…..I suppose your gonna say to that the government we have today is legit too when the Constitution FOR the United States explicitly forbids lawyers, judges, military personnel from serving in the legislation. It’s there in plain black and white…..
Steven Ashton Did not vote.
“The United States government is the largest corporation in the history of the world.” – Joe Biden
Fact check it. He said it.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That is semantics, not a legal argument. He also said something about a street fight with Corn Pop, doesn’t make it constitutional law.
Izz Did not vote.
This always amuses me, because both the “believers & myth busters” are both wrong.
The United States is in fact a Corporation. But the Delaware filings that the believers point to have nothing to do with that incorporation. In fact, the real corporate filings for the United States aren’t in America, but in Edinburgh, Scotland. Its parent company is listed as the U.K..
Let’s take a look at what a Corporation Sole is.
A corporation sole is a legal entity consisting of a single (“sole”) incorporated office, occupied by a single (“sole”) natural person.
The Crown is a Corporation sole, and is the legal embodiment of Executive, Legislative, and Judicial
governance in the monarchy of each country. These monarchies are UNITED by the personal UNION of their
Monarch, but they are independent STATES (or Estates). An Estate (or State) is known as a Crown Colony.
The UNITED STATES (or United Estates aka Crown Colonies) embody the Corporate sole’s Executive, Legislative, and Judicial governance. The District of Columbia is the Monarch that UNITES the independent States (or Estates aka Crown Colonies) that make up the UNION between the 50 UNITED STATES of AMERICA.
And if you still don’t get that America is a Corporation under the sole of the Crown, then just take a look at the flag of the last State accepted into the Union (i.e. the 50th State or Estate aka Crown Colony).
And by the way smart guy… the building where the Corporate filing is located in Edinburgh, Scotland, is known as White House #2, sister to the White House located in the incorporated District of Columbia.
The funny thing about these so called ‘myths” is that there always some truth to them. They aren’t just made up from thin air, they all come from a source. Unfortunately, the truth gets distorted, whether intentionally or by ignorance.
The easiest way to hide a real conspiracy is to call it a conspiracy theory.
DDD Supports this as a Fact.
You can tell a Jesuit wrote this article. It doesn’t fully answer the question. While what you say is myths true but because you didn’t answer the full question or I should say dive deeper. In 1871 the US was leased for 99 years.[longerst lease avail. then] since it has been re leased secretly. While you are correct. in the Congress/state part of what you say hence being the US can’t be a Crop. your right & wrong. The US we the people lets call it US1, & US Federal version lets call it US 2, ARE 2 separate US. The President, the VP, the FED, the IRS, & SS all belong to US2. Which operate under the District of Columbia,[Wash. DC] They do not have to live by the Constitution or any other US law for that matter. They are Above the Law. Thats why nothing ever happens to them unless the people in control of them [ The JESUIT CABAL ] say so. The JESUIT CABAL are led by the Jesuits in in Vatican [not all Vatican are Jesuit, there are some that believe in God and are true Christians], & not to get too deep and confuse you,. The Jesuits, made up the entire Catholic Religion, years later infiltrated the Vatican and like everywhere they ever went prospered and took over after spreading lies creating chaos and hatred. They Infiltrate, divided & conquer from within. They joined with Sabbatean Zionist Bankers [Rothchild], Illuminati Freemasons [ Weishaupt] & Luciferian Religious Leaders [J. Frank] Families bred from within and spread across Europe and the US. They now control 75% of the world. Europe,Canada, US, The Fed, The UN, the Education System, Knights of Malta, Council International Affairs,the Vatican, The City of London etc. They are responsible for almost every major conflict that happened in the world, revolutions, both WW’s, 9/11 Lincoln, JFK the list is endless. And are the ones behind the current Globalization Agenda. The REAL enemy of the entire free world. The JESUIT CABAL.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I would say it is unfair for you to label me with this label just because you don’t like my answer. You don’t get to tell me I belong to some secret order just because we disagree. That is some mix of mean and lazy. Mean, because you got to paint me the enemy without listening and lazy, because you get to ignore my argument without thinking. 😉
Although, this said, if the implication is that I like Jesus and the Vatican, then whatever. Both are fine. If the implication is that I’m lying to try to hide the truth, then strongly disagree.
tim bowman Did not vote.
act of 1871 begs to differ.guess you have not read it.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I read enough of it to write about it in the article you are commenting on.
Curt Supports this as a Fact.
You are being sold for your future earnings.This is how the govt gets it’s money.You can go to GMEI Utility register and go to challenge then put in your SS# With dashes.It will show you all the bonds linked to your SS#.I did this about 4yrs ago and had over 130 linked to my SS#.I checked about 3 weeks ago and had 967 linked to my SS#.It will say if they are active or inactive in what country they are plus other info.
FRANK STEIN Did not vote.
Disappointed Doesn't beleive this myth.
Stop letting Google searches make you feel like you have researched something. Go to the source. The funniest thing I find about this article is the fact that the author has linked pages with verbatim versions of the constitution of the United States of America, and it does not seem anyone has actually read beyond the preamble. Article IV. Section 4. should have been your first stop. The government can not be anything other than a republican form of government, to be otherwise voids the very document which created it, and thus dissolves the government in to nothingness.
Reading through a lot of the comments I feel it important to break down the logical conclusion into tiny steps so the victims of the public behavioral modification, ahem, I mean the public education system can somewhat understand.
1. European countries colonize the world. Britain being the foremost to do so.
2. People in the American colonies tire of the British tyranny and oppression.
3. Revolutionary War – People of the American colonies claim their sovereignty.
4. Lacking a governing body to defend their new found sovereignty the people feel vulnerable.
5. Thus begins the drafting of the constitution FOR* the United States of America. *it has not been created yet.
6. Ratification of the constitution by the combined sovereign authority of the citizens of the nation.
7. The constitution OF* the United States of America creates a republican form of government. *now it exists.
8. Ranks and Titles are bestowed by higher authorities than the entity which receives them.
– just as no person can simply declare themselves King, a title which is bestowed by a higher authority,
– no entity can simply declare it’s self as a corporation, again a title bestowed by a higher authority.
9. What is a higher authority than the government of the United States of America?
– The combined sovereign authority of the citizens of the United States of America that created it, whom of which has already agreed, The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened), against domestic Violence.
While a very loose definition of a corporation (entities working together for their own benefit) is similar to a republican form of government (by the people, for the people), they are not the same thing.
I can however see the confusion, the same confusion the has most people believing that the U.S.A. is a democracy or a democratic\republic, when in truth it is neither. <– Argue with this as much as you want, but then recite the pledge of allegiance followed by reading Article IV section 4 of the constitution of the United States of America.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That is actually a pretty interesting argument.
I would counter-argue that actually here the Federal Government is promising a republican government to the states, it isn’t promising that it itself will be a Republican government.
However, the rest of the constitution clearly lays out a Republican government.
Ok, with that said, in theory the constitution also gives the power to change the constitution (amendments) and therefore Congress could by vote change the constitution.
Ok, with that said, if congress did this, I feel like there would for sure be a record of it 😉
Anyway, appreciate the interesting take. And as always, I could be wrong…. just conveying what I think I know based on my research and understanding.
Makaveli tha Don Supports this as a Fact.
You are all dumb for arguing with Thomas DeMichele. To help you all out and understand , A fool ducks when the truth is thrown at him. All you can do is present the knowledge and the individual can only accept or deny it. That’s it. Obviously DeMichele has a lot of catching up to do, but be patience with him.
BTH Thomas,
“The United States government is a foreign corporation with respects to a state”.
In re Merriam. 163 US 625
Also which United States are you referring to In all this, huh?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
“The United States government is a foreign corporation with respects to a state” is not the same as “bankers turned our country into a corporation and disbanded the constitution in favor of xyz.”
That is my general point.
Intel Vet Supports this as a Fact.
As someone who’s been studying constitutional law United States codes uniform civil codes and Commercial codes over the past 30 years I can tell you that the United States is a corporation and was set up by the bankers and barristers from England to take over the United States not by force but by legislation.
This is the best way that you could possibly run and counterintelligence operation that would take over a country and have it run by private corporations such as the Federal Reserve.
You can claim anything that you want and act as if the United States is indeed a constitutional government and refer to the Constitution anytime it is convenient, however like so many judges are now openly and blatantly Defie the president of the United States, with unconstitutional limitations placed there by those who understand the deeper and true workings of this private Corporation and therefore use it to their benefit.
I have spoken with several judges IRS agents and other government officials who know and understand this completely but cannot speak of it officially.
I understand you’re in debt references in research and your opinion, and I will add that no matter how much you quotes and give citations, it is in fact and opinion because when it comes down to enforceable law oh, it is up to the whim ask whoever is the siding what laws they wish to enforce, and how convenient that if they wish to disobey the Constitution oh, it is conveniently abounded with each other c
“Codes” to confuse the corruption and deception.
I honestly don’t care if anyone believes me or not, because reality is subjective and the one thing that these globalists have done is structure in frame reality to their choosing. And whether or not we want to subject ourselves to it, and place ourselves under their Authority The Tide is changing globally the people are saying this most governments are the enemy of the people, and in fact the word government itself means Control of the Mind.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Glad to have your opinion stated and thanks for the comment. But I do wonder if you are a scholar of constitutional law why you have linked to a cheeky thread on the Latin root of government and not cited court cases in which the decision was based on the US being a corporation or such?
Ardy See Supports this as a Fact.
The argument evidently is flawed by confirmation bias.
None of the works of Anna von Rieitz is known to be cited.
Anna von Reitz .com
This page is an index of the writings of Judge Anna von Reitz from Big Lake Alaska.
Helloimwondering Did not vote.
This isn’t a good thing to debate since all evidence points to THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA being a corporation. Why do you think your driver’s license and credit card names are in all capital letters?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Why would we not want to debate something there is confusion over? As to why we use all caps, I would wager it is unrelated and has to do with standardization and letters being easy to recognize.
Malik Bey Did not vote.
Supreme Court Annotated Statute, Clear field Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-
371 1942
Whereas defined pursuant to Supreme Court Annotated Statute: Clear field Trust Co. v.
United States 318 U.S. 363-371 1942: “Governments descend to the level of a mere
private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen . . . where
private corporate commercial paper [Federal Reserve Notes] and securities [checks] is
concerned . . . For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as
entities entirely separate from government.”
What the Clear field Doctrine is saying is that when private commercial paper is used by
corporate government, then government loses its sovereignty status and becomes no
different than a mere private corporation.
With out a doubt its a corporation which violates the rights of people by denying due process and in violation of the supreme law of the land the Constitution remember article 1 sec, 10 – No emit bills of credit.
Michael Schnitzer Supports this as a Fact.
The legal definition of “government”, requires that a government must have BOTH a “body corporate” AND a “body politic”. If you take out the body politic, all you have left is a “body corporate” or simply a private corporation. The body politic, in turn, consists of “ u.s citizens” domiciled on the territory (washington d.c ) (even though, they do not live there/are not physically present there) who participate directly in the affairs of the government as jurists and voters and NOT statutory “employees” or “officers” of the corporation.
[Will v. Michigan Dept. of State Police, 491 U.S. 58, 109 S.Ct. 2304 (U.S.Mich.,1989)]:
Both before and after the time when the Dictionary Act and § 1983 were passed, the phrase “bodies politic and corporate” was understood to include the [governments of the] States. See, e.g., J. Bouvier, 1 A Law Dictionary Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America 185 (11th ed. 1866); W. Shumaker & G. Longsdorf, Cyclopedic Dictionary of Law 104 (1901); Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 U.S. (2 Dall.) 419, 447, 1 L.Ed. 440 (1793) (Iredell, J.); id., at 468 (Cushing, J.); Cotton v. United States, 52 U.S. (11 How.) 229, 231, 13 L.Ed. 675 (1851) (“Every sovereign State is of necessity a body politic, or artificial person”); Poindexter v. Greenhow, 114 U.S. 270, 288, 5 S.Ct. 903, 29 L.Ed. 185 (1885); McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1, 24, 13 S.Ct. 3, 6, 36 L.Ed. 869 (1892); Heim v. McCall, 239 U.S. 175, 188, 36 S.Ct. 78, 82, 60 L.Ed. 206 (1915). See also United States v. Maurice, 2 Brock. 96, 109, 26 F.Cas. 1211 (CC Va.1823) (Marshall, C.J.) (“The United States is a government, and, consequently, a body politic and corporate”); Van Brocklin v. Tennessee, 117 U.S. 151, 154, 6 S.Ct. 670, 672, 29 L.Ed. 845 (1886) (same). Indeed, the very legislators who passed § 1 referred to States in these terms. See, e.g., Cong. Globe, 42d Cong., 1st Sess., 661-662 (1871) (Sen. Vickers) (“What is a State? Is it not a body politic and corporate?”); id., at 696 (Sen. Edmunds) (“A State is a corporation”).
The reason why States are “bodies politic and corporate” is simple: just as a corporation is an entity that can act only through its agents, “[t]he State is a political corporate body, can act only through agents, and can command only by laws.” Poindexter v. Greenhow, supra, 114 U.S., at 288, 5 S.Ct. at 912-913. See also Black’s Law Dictionary 159 (5th ed. 1979) (“[B]ody politic or corporate”: “A social compact by which the whole people covenants with each citizen, and each citizen with the whole people, that all shall be governed by certain laws for the common good”). As a “body politic and corporate,” a State falls squarely within the Dictionary Act’s definition of a “person.”
While it is certainly true that the phrase “bodies politic and corporate” referred to private and public corporations, see ante, at 2311, and n. 9, this fact does not draw into question the conclusion that this phrase also applied to the States. Phrases may, of course, have multiple referents. Indeed, each and every dictionary cited by the Court accords a broader realm-one **2317 that comfortably, and in most cases explicitly, includes the sovereign-to this phrase than the Court gives it today. See 1B. Abbott, Dictionary of Terms and Phrases Used in American or English Jurisprudence 155 (1879) (“[T]he term body politic is often used in a general way, as meaning the state or the sovereign power, or the city government, without implying any distinct express incorporation”); W. Anderson, A Dictionary of Law 127 (1893) (“[B]ody politic”: “The governmental, sovereign power: a city or a State”); Black’s Law Dictionary 143 (1891) (“[B]ody politic”: “It is often used, in a rather loose way, to designate the state or nation or sovereign power, or the government of a county or municipality, without distinctly connoting any express and individual corporate charter”); 1A. Burrill, A Law Dictionary and Glossary 212 (2d ed. 1871) (“[B]ody politic”: “A body to take in succession, framed by policy”; “[p]articularly*80 applied, in the old books, to a Corporation sole”); id., at 383 (“Corporation sole” includes the sovereign in England).
Ken Brown Did not vote.
If you are correct, then how can the organic Constitution be ignored, and a tax on income be imposed on the people? Individuals have been prosecuted for refusing to sign a 1040 tax form under the penalty of perjury; it is an axiom of the law that a person cannot be forced to take an oath against his will. Also, a study of the Federal Reserve itself shows that it is not a government entity but a private corporation, which pays no taxes; how is it possible for the currency is controlled by an entity other than the department of the treasury? The first director of the FIED was a member of the Warburg family, an international banking family, you want to explain why and how this occurred?
I believe every word of why you claim is a lie and form my opinion on my research, including but not limited to reading Carroll Quigley, G. Howard Griffin; and others. I am able to easily recognize that we are living in an Orwellian society.
Rick Did not vote.
This is absolute BS! The definition CLEARLY states “the “UNITED STATES means corporation”… you even quote it! Yet STILL act as if that very definition in the VERY law that created it is not factual… you still insist it is a myth…
I would say this site is a shill site ran by the US corporation… lmao… go figure… a shill site pushing shill definitions in the face of the EXACT definition of the “thing” in questions!
It reminds me of that bumbling “Oz” behind the curtain telling those that saw through the veil, “PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN”.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
^^^ you arguing that the bit of legal speak that proves your point and not mine is an argument, but it is not compelling. We both presented the same evidence, I am arguing that that line of text doesn’t change our country into a corporation, you are arguing it does. I strongly feel though my interpretation is correct.
As to my full argument. I already explained my position on this page, but here it is again in short hand: The passage everyone quotes should be read as “[In this document when we say “United States”] “United States” means a Federal corporation of the United States, an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States, or an instrumentality of the United States. I.e. when we say “United States” in this document we are also referencing all federal corporations, agencies, departments, etc.”
Side note: I edited your comment slightly because it was unnecessarily worded and I think detracted from your point. That aside, feel free to present more evidence or more arguments.
Red Bluepurple Supports this as a Fact.
This article should be taken down. It is disseminating falsehood.
FACT – USA, Inc. This ‘government’ IS A CORPORATION and YOU and YOUR STRAW-MAN NAME (all in caps) is ALSO a corporation. Dead man walking.
FACT – this USA is NO LONGER a Constitutional REPUBLIC, it is now called a DEMOCRACY. DEMOCRACIES are the step just prior to COMMUNISM / SOCIALISM.
Sorry. Stuff like this is one major piss off. After all of the comments proving FACT and it still stand published? What IS the intent?
guestimate Did not vote.
OK if US isn’t a corporation, what is it? Why do all the states have Duns numbers? Absolutely the Federal corporation, United States, exists within the 10 square miles of Washington, DC
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Already explained my take on this. Those corporations have nothing to do with the government, the foreign corp definition needs to be read in context. It isn’t text defining the US as not a country, it is text discussing the US in respect to states in terms of corporations.
The point of this article is that the United States is not a corporation with different laws that usurp the constitution, not that the United States or its entities don’t meet some definitions of corporation (for example DC is incorporated into the united states and there are federal corporations that exist in the US and in respect to a state the US is a foreign corporation, as it does not derive its laws from that state…).
None of that is the same as the claim that some bankers turned the US into a corporation and usurped the government in the late 1800s or whatever. That is just ways to talk about the actual system we all know in practice in legal speak.
From what I understand at least.
Lamir Mcqueen Did not vote.
Thomas DeMichele
here in California we have two constitutions on for the state and another for the corporation
1849 California Constitution: WE the PEOPLE OF CALIFORNIA, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom: in order to secure its blessings, do establish this Constitution–
1879 State of California Constitution: We, the PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure and perpetuate its blessings, do establish this Constitution.
All you have to do is draft an affidavit get it notarized and send it, to the Secretary of state of the United States or to the Secretary of state of your state, asking them if the United States is a corporation, for you knowledge they’ll give you the answer. lying isn’t against the law perjury is… just to that
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Would love for someone to do that, scan the document, and upload. Happy to post it.
Norm Supports this as a Fact.
“TIP: For those that don’t want to read: When 28 U.S. Code § 3002 says “United States” it means all corporations owned by the United States (any “federal corporation”), not that the United States is itself a corporation.”
Hi Thomas. This is where you lost me. I’ve created three corporations in my lifetime, two in Delaware and one in Florida. A fourth earlier incorporation application was rejected for errors I made in the application process (proof that I needed approval from other than myself, in this case the state government). All three successful [in]corporations created agencies through application filings that granted my natural name (not an agency) agency and the right to use a fictitious name, and with it certain protections. All [four] of the applications I made required my real (not fictitious) natural name and other personally identifying information as well as the other individuals’ natural names (not agencies) I listed as officers for the consideration and approval of the state to grant me (us) corporate agency and it protections.
So, my questions to you are these. How can the government, an agency created by the people to govern them by their consent, own a corporation? What natural name owns such corporation? Who, or what, is the “outside” agency it makes application to, next approves, and subsequently grants the authorization to own a corporation? Is it another country? The United Nations? The US Attorney? A private Attorney contracted by the government? If it is “We the People,” then how is this authorized and where, and why then would I need government authorization to incorporate?
Chaz Al`Ghul Supports this as a Fact.
TIP: “This is semantics” is a lazy and lousy excuse for your bullshit festival, that phrase would not fly in any kind of court, legalese, and is laughable to be used in the absolute quagmire of this very topic. Ergo further disqualification of input from this source having any merit and added proof that those in power manipulate everything to remain in power.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
My point is that if we are talking about America as a corporatocracy or the incorporation of states and regions or corporations that are United States entities are not the same exact thing as talking about this idea that the United States is a literal corporation that has usurped the actual United States as defined by Constitution.
It is “semantics” in that just because all these concepts share the root word “corporate” doesn’t mean that one being valid makes the other one necessarily true.
I don’t see why I would need to have that quip hold up in Court though. In Court I would just present the same evidence everyone else is presenting and then have a legal scholar point out that it doesn’t show the US is a corporation.
With that said, I edited the section to make the same point without the term semantics. This way people don’t have to look up a definition to get the point of what I’m saying. 😉
Christopher Harper Doesn't beleive this myth.
Only people (mainly Trump supporters) who sit around the internet and whose conversations revolve around the following: QANON, George Soros, HRC, Obama, (new kid on the block) AOC, Rothchilds, Bilderberg, Freemasons, ZOG, CIA/FBI, space reptiles, Alex Jones *BIG BREATH* BREXIT, Deep State and other 100% NONSENSE! You know, like Obama’s gun confiscation plan (yet here some people are pushing for stricter gun laws! if that plan was true there would be NO GUNS to inflict MORE gun laws on! That’s lost to the tinfoil hat brigade) and death panels… Most people have a hard enough time just getting from one day to another. Regular, hard working NORMAL people really don’t care about “shadowy” government conspiracies if it’s not affecting their daily life. Why would they? Plus where’s the PROOF? And I am not talking about some strangely worded document or some far out website, that’s OBVIOUSLY BIASED (Infowars, Above Top Secret, etc). Some of you NEED this stuff to believe in and that’s cool! Because unlike some in this nation who complain about “agendas” being “forced” down their throat. Or “unwholesome” movies and TV shows…. I have enough COMMON SENSE NOT to PARTICIPATE! Have fun and when Xemnu from Dimension X arrives, let me know and I’ll get the grill out! Come thru!
Chris Did not vote.
Corporation or not we have been deceived. We are not a republic nor a democracy the two symbols in the house of representatives tell us exactly what rule we are under. It’s total rule fascism. Look up fasces and you will see that same symbol behind the president when he gives the state of the union.
Jim Supports this as a Fact.
28 USC § 3002 – Definitions
As used in this chapter:
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
This is used to justify the idea that “United States” means a Federal corporation. The problem is that this isn’t what (15) says (and even if it was, it says “As used in this chapter.”)
That is EXACTLY what is says. “As used in this chapter”, does NOT take away it’s meaning elsewhere.
To paraphrase in common language the provision says: “United States” includes any federal corporation, agency, department, or instrument of the United States.
And herein lies your biggest problem. You are taking a “legal” document (u.s. codes) and then using “common” language to explain why your argument is correct.
It does NOT say “includes”, it says “United States” – “means”
In other words, when the document says “United States” it means all corporations owned by the United States, not that the “United States” is a corporation.
No, what it means is, the United States is a corporation and all the corporations it owns.
Another way to phrase it would be:
(15) “United States” means A; B; or C — (A) a Federal corporation of the United States; (B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or (C) an instrumentality of the United States. I.e. when we say “United States” we mean the property of the country. Get it?
You pulled this one out of your @$$. NOWHERE in the code above do I see the words “or”.
The U.S. codes are, again, legal documents. They are NOT a freakin multiple choice quiz, where you get to pick and choose which answer (A,B,C) YOU “believe” is the correct answer.
If it lists A,B,C, then it is ALL three, not one or the other.
A federal corporation operating…blah blah…. The United States government is a foreign “corporation” with respect to a state.
Also… If the United States is NOT a corporation, then why is it listed on dun & bradstreet, as a corporation?
Why, are ALL government agencies, courts, police stations, fire stations, etc… found on dun & bradstreet and similar sites?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
“United States” means a Federal corporation”
That sentence does not say “The United States is a Federal Corporation.” Just like ““United States” means an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
an instrumentality of the United States” does not mean say “the United States is an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.”….
Obviously, right?
This says, logically speaking, “the term United States in this article is referring to federal corporations, agencies, departments, commissions, boards, or other entity of the US or an instrumentality of the US.” It does not say “the United states is a corporation.”
barry soetoro Did not vote.
From Black’s dictionary, CORPORATION.
An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws
of a state or nation, composed, in some rare instances, of a single person and his successors,
being the incumbents of a particular office, but ordinarily consisting of an association of numerous
individuals, who subsist as a body politic under a special denomination, which is regarded in
law as having a personality and existence distinct from that of its several members, and which is,
by the same authority, vested with the capacity of continuous succession, irrespective of changes in
its membership, either in perpetuity or for a limited term of years, and of acting as a unit or single
individual in matters relating to the common purpose of the association, within the scope of the
powers and authorities conferred upon such bodies by law.
A public corporation is one created by the state for political purposes and to
act as an agency in the administration of civil government, generally within a particular territory
or subdivision of the state, and usually invested, for that purpose, with subordinate and local
powers of legislation; such as a county, city, town, or school district.
THEY LIE Supports this as a Fact.
Sounds like alot of BS.
chris Supports this as a Fact.
This article cherry picked info and conveniently left out a large body of evidence. Heck, it’s even been admitted at certain points by government officials that it’s a corp. If you look hard enough you can find it.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Feel free to present the evidence.
Jaun Supports this as a Fact.
So wouldn’t make sense to make to United states a corporation back then and now? How can a piece of land take on living ideas rules and regulations on other persons if its not legally a person? How can just a piece of land have a president and decision makers? Answer: By making it a Corporation: A company or group of people authorized to act as a single entity (legally a person) and recognized as such in law. The towns all around me are all incorporated so why not the entire united states? Not hard to figure out.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Hmmm, does our constitution technically make us a type of corporation? Maybe this can be argued. I will research specifically this. It is very different than the claim made by many commenters and some of the stories I cited, where the idea is that the US was usurped by turning our nation into a corporation post-civil war. That is the angle I was researching from. I do wonder though if the act of forming a nation with a constitution doesn’t also qualify it as a type of corporation?
Feel like this whole subject can go a lot of interesting ways, I need to sit down with a few different types of lawyers and pick their brains at this point honestly. 🙂
GJ Did not vote.
My God your are the most misinformed researcher I have ever seen. Are you a BAR attorney? Every response you have to a criticism is I need to do further research or you don’t know. You declared a myth without doing the research. C’mon. The country created the corporations from the beginning to conduct commerce in international trade. They corporations were never meant to be the governing bodies of the country. It’s a fact and fiction. But you need to take your lenses off and give an honest pursuit of truth to come to a proper understanding.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I think I was informed enough after research to answer the question “is the United States a corporation,” that is different than being able to answer every question asked in the comments 😉
That said, otherwise interesting input.
Blake Did not vote.
Hi, I noticed you mentioned MK Ultra. I wanted to provide some reports from a man who was a retired FBI chief 🙂
[edited by author: I didn’t want to link to the specific site being linked to here, but this commenter wants you to research “MK Ultra” and “Ted Gunderson”]
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I removed the links you shared and added in the search terms people can use to find the info you were sharing. Hope that is OK, I don’t mind sharing ideas… but some specific information I don’t want the site linking to. Hope that makes sense. 🙂
Mike Supports this as a Fact.
Hello Thomas, the District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871 constituted a body corporate for federal United States territories including Washington D.C., it says exactly that in the act!
The Law Dictionary that Features Black’s Law Dictionary 2nd Ed. Defines a body corporate as a corporation.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
No, that is what it says when you cherry pick and don’t look at the full text.
“Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That all that part of the terri-tory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the District of Columbia, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes, and may contract and be con- tracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, have a seal, andexercise all other powers of a municipal corporation not inconsistent withthe Constitution and laws of the United States and the provisions of this act.”
You can read the rest of the document, but literally this is just combining three subdivisions of DC into a single government (remember states and territories have governments, but these are all part of the United States), creating a territorial Governor (see the odd history and changes here,_D.C.#1871%E2%80%931874:_Governors_of_the_District_of_Columbia), and denoting that it is a body within the United States that can be sued and have the laws applied to it (like any state / territory, but not like the United States). Our seat of Government is in DC, so it has an interesting history and organizing Documents.
But let’s be clear, we live in the United States, not in DC…. DC is in the United States, the United States isn’t in DC. So what does “constituting a body corporate for municipal purposes” have to do with the nation in which we live or its Constitution?
Mike Did not vote.
Thomas, your reply made my head hurt! Washington D.C is the united states corp/inc and u.s citizens are its citizens and its us citizens are bound by its statues, regulations and etc. Washington dc/united states inc/corp is not the original jurisdiction of the republic form of government. Washington dc/united states inc/corp created federal zones and thus jurisdiction in the several states of the union. There are 2 types of citizens in the usa. The first is the US citizen and the second is a state citizen, non person non resident. I know this does not make sense to you but please bear with me, because in order to understand an act, law and etc, you need to research the true facts, laws and the real history of our republic form of government and its original jurisdiction and the people that where involved with the acts, laws and etc at the time. 3 great places for researching our true history and facts are, and please for the love of god and country start first with teamlaw.nets history outline at Learn about the 2 types of citizenship and other good stuff at and
Mike Did not vote.
Edit: I should have said that United States inc/corp extended its jurisdiction into the several states of the union by creating blanket federal zones in the several states of the union.
Mike Did not vote.
Thomas, download and read sedm.orgs pdf on USA inc/corp.
Jerry Quagmire Did not vote.
You can rearrange wordings all you want. We are a corporation and we are slaves
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I could make a case for it metaphorically and argue the validity of it… but that conversation is different than the specific topic.
Sun Son Did not vote.
For Exiting The Matrix Take The GREEN PILL!
The vital information provided here within exposes the subscribers to the memorandum of association to be directly involved in the outright criminal actions of theft, embezzlement, slavery, false imprisonment, breach of trust, fiduciary duties and the like yet not limited to.
The subscribers to the memorandum of association are acting against Earths’ heir’s best interest regarding our inheritance of/to earth.
It is through these nonconsensual administrative payment processes exposed here within that the subscribers to the memorandum of association are illegally syphoning off the wealth of our earthy inheritance thereby damaging and causing harm to our Mother Earth, our Mother in Nature Kenah Bosem and her Temple of IsIs, Divine Holy Mother of the IsIs-Genesis, Earths original species and to all of our creations.
The subscribers to the memorandum of association have converted Earth to a debt based slavery Prison Planet system and forced this upon us. They are guilty of and shall be punished for these crimes mentioned here within yet not limited to.
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is a de facto government, a foreign and alien administration ran through a series of dormant and non-trading companies owned in the U.K. and registered in Scotland as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIMITED, with Company number SC380798, which has been formed as 99000 – Activities of extraterritorial orgnisations and bodies and a 99999 – a dormant company.
A Dormant company is a company whose transactions have been limited to payment for shares taken by subscribers to the memorandum of association, fees paid to the Registrar of Companies for a change of company name, the re-registration of a company and filing annual returns and payment made in respect of civil penalties imposed by the Registrar of Companies for delivering accounts to the Registrar after the statutory time allowed for filing.
* SIC code is a Standard Industrial Classification code.
99000 – Activities of extraterritorial orgnisations and bodies
99999 – a dormant company
Classification: NACE Rev 2
Code: 9900
Label: Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies
Charge d’Affaires, Consular missions activities, Consular office, Customs co-operation council activities, Diplomatic corps, Diplomatic missions activities, Embassy, Employee of extra-territorial organisation, European communities activities, European communities representatives and information office, European free trade association activities, Foreign armed forces, Foreign civil service, Foreign consular, Foreign government service, International labour office, International monetary fund activities, International organisation (e.g. United Nations International Labour Office), International organisations activities, Legation, Office of high commissioner, Organisation of oil producing and exporting countries activities, United Nations and affiliated organisations (not United Nations Association), World Bank activities, World customs organisation, Foreign embassy, Organisation for economic co-operation and development activities.
What activities does the Class 9900 contain?
This class includes: ~ activities of international organizations such as the United Nations and the specialized agencies of the United Nations system, regional bodies etc., the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Customs Organization, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the European Communities, the European Free Trade Association etc.
This class also includes: ~ activities of diplomatic and consular missions when being determined by the country of their location rather than by the country they represent
Nature of business (SIC)
74990: Non-trading company
SIC Category M: Professional, scientific and technical activities
SIC2003 Code 7499
SIC2003 Description Non-trading company
SIC2007 Code 74990
SIC2007 Description Non-trading company
The Directors are the only ones who actually know who the subscribers to the memorandum of association and/or owners of the Company are.
These Secretary’s and Directors crisscross back and forth as Agents in several different companies mentioned here within yet not limited to.
These noted below are just naming a few companies of interest on this subject matter of “nonconsensual administrative payment process” and by these findings warrant further investigation for prosecution in these crimes.
1.) THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIMITED (SC380798) Incorporated 22 June 2010
3 officers
COSEC LIMITED, Secretary appointed 22 June 2010
MCMEEKIN, James Stuart, Director appointed 22 June 2010
COSEC LIMITED, Director appointed 22 June 2010
2.) COSEC LIMITED (SC134450) Incorporated 14 October 1991
3 officers
HEIN, John, Nominee Secretary appointed 14 October 1991
MCMEEKIN, James Stuart, Director appointed 14 October 1991
CODIR LIMITED, Director appointed 1 January 2014
3.) CODIR LIMITED (SC134449) Incorporated 14 October 1991
3 officers / 1 resignation
HEIN, John, Nominee Secretary appointed 14 October 1991
MCMEEKIN, James Stuart, Director appointed 14 October 1991
COSEC LIMITED, Director appointed 1 January 2014, resigned 6 April 2016
4.) THE BREXIT AUTHORITY LTD (SC541083) Incorporated 25 July 2016
3 officers / 0 resignations
COSEC LIMITED, Secretary appointed 25 July 2016
MCMEEKIN, James Stuart, Director appointed 25 July 2016
COSEC LIMITED, Director appointed 25 July 2016
5.) IMMORAL EARNINGS LIMITED (SC230155) Incorporated 10 April 2002
4 officers
COSEC LIMITED, Nominee Secretary appointed 10 April 2002
MCMEEKIN, James Stuart, Director appointed 15 October 2011
CODIR LIMITED, Nominee Director appointed 10 April 2002
COSEC LIMITED, Nominee Director appointed 10 April 2002
6.) “Anyone or anything thereof and in the like yet not limited to.”
Important Notices
* The IRS is not a US government agency it is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund), (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S. et al. CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391), also see above in Definitions under 99000 – Activities of extraterritorial orgnisations and bodies.
* The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the U.N. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. Page 816)
* The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921. (41 Stat. Ch 214 page 654)
* The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF (International Monetary Fund), (Presidential Documents Volume 24-No. 4, page 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-2887)
Every transaction account starts at zero. When transactions occur on the account they occur as debit and credit simultaneously, so that the accounting adjusts the ledger back to zero. This occurs at the depository by the close of each business day. Therefore, all balances are false statement, false entries accordingly. – 18 U.S. Code § 1001. Statements or entries generally. (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 750; Pub. L. 101-73, title IX), LAW.CORNELL.EDU 18 U.S. Code § 1005 – Bank entries, reports and transactions.
The more you know the clearer it becomes!
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
The idea that this made things clearer maybe is something I don’t agree with, but when I have the brain power I will certainly dig through it. For sure though I have a hard time believing that the U.S. is a subsidiary of the U.K. given like for example the histories of the wars of the 1700s and 1900s.
Kenny Supports this as a Fact.
Thomas , sorry to say this but your whole statement is opinion..
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
It is my conclusion from my research. The idea of this site is to take a topic and then our researchers (in this case me) and our users provide evidence and try to draw a conclusion.
Ultimately either the US is or isn’t a corporation, so we are all looking for that definitive answer, and when the answer lines up with the truth, it can be definitively labeled “fact” or “myth.” Right now I’m seeing the data point to “myth” (and thus for now it has that label)… but ultimately I accept whatever the truth is. So if I am wrong and can be proven wrong, then we can change the label and offer the reasoning and citation.
non Supports this as a Fact.
Most definitely the USA is an incorporated business organization under the private ecclesiastical trust styled as “IN GOD WE”. Take a look at the private script(fed reserve note) of this private trust for more evidence.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That I don’t think is the history behind that phrase. Check out the Wikipedia page on it:
Me Did not vote.
You sound stupid…. Everything you explained explains a corporation..Lmfao.. When your parent signed your birth certificate naming you in all caps and have you a business number.. Your social security one with your name in all caps… Wait.. All caps can’t be a person.. That is an entity that you have agreed to accept and give up laws of the Land as they have sovereignty rights because then it would be world domination but it’s on its way.. Wake up dude
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I’m very awake.
I think my general point is as lucid as it gets. Let me restate the point:
Being like a corporation is different than literally being a corporation.
I am not debunking the idea that the US is like a corporation, I am debunking the idea that at some point in the late 1800s / early 1900s corrupt bankers and politicians usurped the will of the people and overtook our United States and its Constitution replacing it with a corporation called “the United States.”
SHARKY Did not vote.
” It may seem strange to own debt as value, but US bonds (debt) and FRNs (debt by proxy) are as good as gold for anything you want to purchase in this country or in the world. ” and of course, >> “but honestly I do think Federal Reserve Notes have value,” if you did, in fact, say this, and anyone that thinks that there is any substance to it, and anything of true value in even reading it, which is a total waste of time that I will never get back, thank you. You have lost the total concept of reality, and are very possibly un-conscience at this very moment. Do you even know of the word, intrinsic value, that is to have value on its own! An FRN, AKA-federal reserve note has none, and if you or anyone places “intrinsic” value on it like you seem to do, they have a very deep misunderstanding of way too many things, and it is a lost cause dealing with you or them! FACT: is in the USA an FRN is worthless, as in worth less then the paper it is printed upon, it is, in FACT, nothing more then MONOPOLY MONEY! Your attempt to claim it is based on debt is groundless, to say the least.
I will waste no more time on you, now if anyone else wishes to take up your attempt at an argument, I will decide, depending on what their claim is if have a desire to continue. otherwise, this case is closed, and I win!
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
A federal reserve note doesn’t have intrinsic value. Neither does any national currency.
The purpose of currency is to be a medium of exchange that allows people to trade things of value.
For example I have a job making tables, I get wages from my employer, the employer borrows money from the bank to keep the table making shop open, with my wages I buy meat from the butcher, the butcher later buys a table from my employer… We did not need to trade tables and meat, things with exchange value and intrinsic value, because we accepted a medium of exchange called a money. By doing this each unit of currency was used more than once (velocity of money) and together we grew the GDP and created job and commodities (trade-based economy).
A Federal Reserve Note functions as a money.
We could trade Gold, but that would be a headache. So then, we should make let’s call them GBN (Gold backed notes).
To make Gold Backed Notes we need a trusted third party, so we all agree on the system behind the note and all use that system in common.
The nation did this at a time, but the limited supply of Gold does very little to allow for growth.
So when not just us and the Butcher, but when 7 billion butchers and table makers need to borrow and trade, we have a problem of the gold supply being to limited.
If we used only gold as it is, a dang ounce of gold would be so expensive it would no longer have a use-value… because no one could afford it for anything aside from money.
Thus we can use factional reserve lending type mechanics and create Gold Backed Notes where every note say is backed by 1/97th its value in Gold.
Now we have expanded the money supply.
Of course we can’t just create this out of air, so let us instead bring these new notes into existence through borrowing.
Now we have stimulated the economy and brought money into circulation.
Now, let us tax this back out to help prevent inflation.
Now, let us agree that we invented this specific monetary system, that really this is all just marks on a ledger backed by an agreed upon system.
Now, let us free up that gold and replace these gold back notes with another thing. We will replace them with IOUs from states.
These IOUs are bonds.
Now, let’s have some entities in place to ensure this system, and let us ensure they aren’t controlled by the same entity.
We will call these Federal Reserve, Private banks, Congress, Treasury, IRS, trade, and expectations of the global economy.
Now let’s make all bonds redeemable for Federal Reserve Notes… and we will use these Notes as our currency.
Now… let’s treat credit based on that currency the same as those notes. Thus, credit and notes will be the fiat currency of the state.
Exactness aside, I hope I’ve made my point.
Point being, if you just work through the logic, you can see why we went from trading tables for meat to the modern monetary system.
I am not being snarky, I am just arguing that Federal Reserve Notes, devoid of intrinsic value, are not only a good system, but a system upon which the current wealth of our nation was built. And arguing for a Gold Back System is only a good idea if you own a large supply of gold or a company that sells gold (which I promise you many who advocate for a gold-backed system do).
howard Supports this as a Fact.
just about everyone here goes on and on about things that create a migraine for most that would even try to read it, and now I ask everyone to ask one question, then go from there. let alone everything else, what the heck is with the MONOPOLY money in the USA right now. it started as UNITED STATES NOTES, but we all using private banking note AKA, FRN’s. [FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES!] now let anyone doubt that is proof that also is, only the tip of the ice berg, and there is a ton that needs to be explained with just that one point, and explained and dealt with before we go any further. And if anyone thinks for one second that a FRN has any true value! then i am wasting my time with you!
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I apologize for the headache. But, I disagree that the nature of our money has much to do with anything aside from sensible economics.
Here is an article on how the monetary system works and why it is the way it is //
The very short and headache free version is: the modern monetary system allows us to create enormous amounts of value and keeps any one entity, for example Congress, from messing things up using a system of checks and balances (pun intended). We wouldn’t be the nation we are today if we kept the old gold-backed and silver-backed system. It may seem strange to own debt as value, but US bonds (debt) and FRNs (debt by proxy) are as good as gold for anything you want to purchase in this country or in the world. We agree a widget has value, we have a sensible system backing it, we have an entity like the FED controlling inflation, and we have a widget in the money form worth using… ok, if I keep going we are bound for more headaches, but honestly I do think Federal Reserve Notes have value, in fact I have made it my life’s mission to collect more (AKA capitalism). Now as for owing interest on debt, no one wants to, but this mechanism is meant to control borrowing like a drunken sailor (which we tend to try to do anyway)… it is a mechanism of monetary policy, not a nefarious device to trap people in debt (ideally).
Lili Did not vote.
Let’s see..Corporations have:
C.E.O’s or PRESIDENT of the corporation….Check
Vice President of the corporation…Check
Secretary (of state)…Check
Sure looks like a Corporation
Question should be is it a Privately-owned Corporation or Publically traded Corporation?
Answer: Does individual CITIZENs vote count? FAIL..the ‘electoral college’ aka stock shareholders votes only count
PRIVATELY OWNED CORPORATION..Whether it’s a foreign corp is to be determined
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
A country is a lot like a corporation. The point of this page is only that the US was not a country turned into a corporation some hundred years ago by amoral bankers and corrupt politicans (unless you consider our founders and the congress under which key amendments were passed as such).
Now if you want to say “a country is like a corporation, and the US is no exception… and for sure we can find some amoral bankers and corrupt politicans in any country run like a corporation,” then who am I to argue with your opinion 🙂
Look, that bit of fun aside, I would also stress your point above that the US is like a public corporation where the public are share holders with voting rights. If you and Buffet both own shares in Apple, Buffet has more power, but you both get a vote and you both benefit when Apple does well. Further, Apple has a well defined structure and rules it must follow, it must have public disclosure, it is accountable to the law, and it is meant to operate in favor of its shareholders. Public companies and democratic states indeed have much in common. Debt, bonds, relationships with bankers, voting, distributed power structures, responsibilities, rules, etc. Really interesting line of thought.
Hank Doesn't beleive this myth.
Well stated. I would prefer an explanation from some University Law professionals but my lawyer says this is a myth also. Karen Hudes lends credit as she worked at the World Bank and I believe she is a lawyer but maybe a confused lawyer. Reality seems to show Thomas is correct. Now as an historian, I am aware of many nefarious interests and influences throughout US history but in general one can be best guided by following the money trail and who benefits.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Thanks for the feedback. Would love to have some top professionals and experts on this thread, but glad to have all information we can get.
Ma'StarFurious Did not vote.
It’s pretty obvious what is happening no matter how idiots try to sugar coat what is going on.
Being complacent in acts of treason still makes you an accomplice and ignorance of the law doesn’t excuse you from it… let’s just get this out of the way right now.
There have been no judges since 1891, only administrators facilitating fraud.
Manipulating words and changing definitions to win court cases is fraud.
Ignoring the separation of powers our founding documents demanded makes congress guilty of treason.
The federal government has eradicated our laws slowly since 1789 giving congress more power to commit fraud.
This all equates to theft of the people turning them into “U.S. Citizens” which is well known to be “federal property” just another form of serfdom. Peons, servants, slaves, villains, bondsmen/bondswomen, laborers, vassals, serfs, peasants, and Agents.
All who doubt this are either one of three things, an ignorant fool, a knowing treasonous fraud, or a mixture of both.
Stealing allegiance at birth through fraud and then watering it down with distorted context heavily manipulated to separate common sense of common law rather than separation of powers.
WE ARE NOT AMUSED and yes, there are many of us who see what is happening in this zombie nation.
All the fictional courts stealing your inherent unalienable rights. The feds controlling every aspect of your lives, especially, education and food. Manipulating the power of the mind is no trivial thing. It’s the most important thing you will ever know and incredibly insidiously in need of righteous retribution. They’ve stolen the nation. United States constitution is like 800+ pages of bs. These fake administrators stand under their own constitution not the American people. Their oath is bound by their own fake degradation of our just laws. Besides all of that… Sovereign immunity is a fictional story since they can’t even respect treaties… and by “they” I mean the British crown that you pretend isn’t some fictional corporation using a treasonous constitution to steal allegiance through contractual law. Hiding in admiralty, equity, commerce, and slaying common law while hiding from a court of record. This is why they make all of us ignorant to these things. They wouldn’t last five seconds come tomorrow if this was known today by most people.
18 U.S. Code § 241 – Conspiracy against rights
18 U.S. Code § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law
18 U.S. Code § 247 – Damage to religious property; obstruction of persons in the free exercise of religious beliefs
18 U.S. Code § 249 – Hate crime acts
18 U.S. Code § 1661 – Robbery ashore
Whoever, being engaged in any piratical cruise or enterprise, or being of the crew of any piratical vessel, lands from such vessel and commits robbery on shore, is a pirate, and shall be imprisoned for life.
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 775.)
18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason
28 § 1343 (3) To redress the depreivation, under color of ANY State law, statute, ordinance, regulation, custom or usage, of ANY right, priviledge or immunity secured by the Constitution of the United States.
-All Civil Servants but the President must protect the Constitution from ALL enemies
-Licenses and registrations are only required for commercial activity; Police in traffic stops are impersonating government officals on an emergency and the one being stopped is the emergency. Then they impersonate judicial officers, then impersonate being a Sheriff who is an executive officer, violating the principal of separation of powers, and impersonate a court bailiff by signing the false summons thereby impersonating a judicial officers a second time.
28 U.S. Code § 3002 – Definitions
(14) “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
(Note – Original Federal jurisdiction was limited to four scopes of power:)
Innerstate Commerce
Foreign Trade
Fraud (you)
63C Am.Jur.2d, Public Officers and Employees, §247
“As expressed otherwise, the powers delegated to a public officer are held in trust for the people and are to be exercised in behalf of the government or of all citizens who may need the intervention of the officer.
[1]Furthermore, the view has been expressed that all public officers, within whatever branch and whatever level of government, and whatever be their private vocations, are trustees of the people,
[2]and accordingly labor under every disability and prohibition imposed by law upon trustees relative to the making of personal financial gain from a discharge of their trusts…
[3] and owes a fiduciary duty to the public…
[4] It has been said that the fiduciary responsibilities of a public officer cannot be less than those of a private individual.
[5] Furthermore, it has been stated that any enterprise undertaken by the public official who tends to weaken public confidence and undermine the sense of security for individual rights is against public policy. Fraud in its elementary common law sense of deceit-and this is one of the meanings that fraud bears [483 U. S. 372] in the statute.
See United States v. Dial, 757 F.2d 163, 168 (7th Cir1985) includes the deliberate concealment of material information in a setting of fiduciary obligation. A public official is a fiduciary toward the public, … and if he deliberately conceals material information from them, he is guilty of fraud. McNally v United States 483 U.S. 350 (1987)
Vehicle Code 17459, 17460
Civil Code 170.3
Ex Parte Frank Knowles, 5 Cal. 300
***A Court of Records:
A judicial tribunal having attributes and exercising functions independently of the person of the magistrate designated generally to hold it [Jones v. Jones, 188 Mo.App. 220, 175 S.W. 227, 229; Ex parte Gladhill, 8 Metc. Mass., 171, per Shaw, C.J. See, also, Ledwith v. Rosalsky, 244 N.Y. 406, 155 N.E. 688, 689][Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Ed., 425, 426]
“The judgment of a court of record whose jurisdiction is final, is as conclusive on all the world as the judgment of this court would be. It is as conclusive on this court as it is on other courts. It puts an end to inquiry concerning the fact, by deciding it.” Ex parte Watkins, 3 Pet., at 202-203. [cited by SCHNECKLOTH v. BUSTAMONTE, 412 U.S. 218, 255 (1973)]
“Judges do not enforce statutes and codes. Executive Administrators enforce statutes and codes. There have not been any judges in America since 1789. There have just been administrators.” FRC vs. GE 281 U.S. 464, Keller vs. PE 261 U.S. 428, 1 Stat. 138-178 “When acting to enforce a statute and its subsequent amendments to the present date, the judge of the municipal court is acting as an administrative officer and not in a judicial capacity; courts in administering or enforcing statues do not act judicially, but merely ministerially.”
“A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government …”
Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383
1953 – Kitchens v. Steele, 112 F.Supp 383 “A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government…”
“Both before and after the Fourteenth Amendment to the federal Constitution, it has not been necessary for a person to be a citizen of the United States in order to be a citizen of his state.” Crosse v. Bd. of Supvr,s of Elections, 221 A.2d. 431 (1966)”
“…he was not a citizen of the United States, he was a citizen and voter of the State,…” “One may be a citizen of a State an yet not a citizen of the United States”.
McDonel v. The State, 90 Ind. 320 (1883)
Also Congressional Record, June 13th, 1967, pp. 15641-15646): A “citizen of the United States” is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT, the private constructive cestui que trust of US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc.
[This neatly explains once and for all what a “citizen of the United States” is in federal parlance, as opposed to popular speech, and underlines the need for Americans to forthrightly expatriate from any such “citizenship” and instead declare their allegiance to the land of their natitivty, for example, California, Nevada, or Ohio.]
A “Code’ is not a Law,” (In Re Self v Rhay Wn 2d 261), in point of fact in Law,
***Common Law:
A concurrent or ‘joint resolution’of legislature is not “Law,” (Koenig v. Flynn, 258N.Y. 292, 179 N. E. 705, 707; Ward v State, 176 Okl. 368, 56 P.2d 136, 137; State ex rel. Todd v. Yelle, 7 Wash.2d 443, 110 P.2d 162, 165).
US. SUPREME COURT DECISION – The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land, the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are “not the law”,[Self v. Rhay, 61 Wn (2d) 261]
Proceeding according to the course of common law [Jones v. Jones, 188 Mo.App. 220, 175 S.W. 227, 229; Ex parte Gladhill, 8 Metc. Mass., 171, per Shaw, C.J. See, also, Ledwith v. Rosalsky, 244 N.Y. 406, 155 N.E. 688, 689][Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Ed., 425, 426]
Bagley-Keene Act Sect. 11120
The Brown Act Sect. 54950
-“The people of this state do not yield their sovereignty to the agencies that serve them.”
-“The people, in delegating authority, do not give their public servants the right to decide what is good for the people to know and what is not good for them to know. The people insist on remaining informed so that they may retain control over the instruments they have created.”
Due process of law is process according to the law of the land …. . . . Due process of law in the latter [the Fifth Article of Amendment to the Constitution) refers to that law of the land which derives its authority from the legislative powers conferred upon Congress by the Constitution of the United States, exercised within the limits therein prescribed and interpreted according to the principles of the common law …. Mr. Justice Matthews, delivering the opinion of the court in Hurtado v. California, 110 U.S. 516, 3 Sup. Ct. 111,292,28 L. Ed. 232 (1884).
“The only inherent difference ordinarily recognized between superior and inferior courts is that there is a presumption in favor of the validity of the judgments of the former, none in favor of those of the latter, and that a superior court may be shown not to have had power to render a particular judgment by reference to its record. Ex parte Kearny, 55 Cal. 212. Note, however, that in California ‘superior court’ is the name of a particular court. But when a court acts by virtue of a special statute conferring jurisdiction in a certain class of cases, it is a court of inferior or limited jurisdiction for the time being, no matter what its ordinary status may be. Heydenfeldt v. Superior Court, 117 Cal. 348, 49 Pac. 210; Cohen v. Barrett, 5 Cal. 195” 7 Cal. Jur. 579
Thompson vs. Smith, 154 SE 583 “Without authority, its judgments and orders are regarded as nullities. They are not voidable, but simply void; and form no bar to a recovery sought, even prior to a reversal in opposition to them. They constitute no justification; and all persons concerned in executing such judgments or sentences are considered, in law, as trespasser.”
Elliot vs. Piersol, 1 pet. 328, 340, 26 U.S. 328 “When a judge acts when he or she does not have jurisdiction to act, the judge is engaged in an act or acts of treason.”
“A ‘Statute’ is not a Law,” (Flournoy v. First Nat. Bank of Shreveport, 197 La. 1067, 3 So.2d 244, 248)
Lansing vs. Smith
-“People of a state are entitled to all rights which formerly belong to the King, by his prerogative.”
“The people are not bound by general word in statutes, restrictive
of perogative right, title or interest, unless expressly named.
Acts of limitation do not bind the king or the people. The people
have been ceded all the rights of the king, the former sovereign.”
People v. Herkimer
HJR Act 1933
The 1939 Public Salary Tax Act
The Buck Act
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
A robust comment. I can’t just read something like this a respond with a rebuttal, because it is an overwhelming pile of excerpts of specific documents.
That said, if we are throwing around accusations of treason and/or ignorance, please understand that I plead ignorance. I am doing my best to share what I have found, I am fully open to being wrong, especially if given your binary choice.
That said, if I am right, and you are wrong, then you are throwing around baseless accusations of treason and ignorance, which is a pretty intense insult to lay on someone who is trying to help and facilitate a conversation.
Charleydan Supports this as a Fact.
Sir: Why does America have two constitutions? One is legislature created. Illustrated in the book comes gets; The United States of America Constitution Analysis and Interpretations. The other, with a declaration of independence an Bill of Rights; including inelienable rights. Why does the Judges Blue Book, pp.311-314 claim there is United States ( federal); then there is United States of America ( foreign corporation). Why does, Self v Rhay state we have two laws, but one is not real law. Yes, in 1913; things were changed. The courts struggled, in how to handle the change an truth is: the courts have two masters, which do you serve?
For the life of me. How can all officers(oath takers) swear allegiance to two constitutions: that one honors one is committing treason against the other.
David Supports this as a Fact.
This part of title 28 is about definitions.
I’m not sure how you can come to the conclusion if by taking the sedition by it’s stated meaning, which it should be instead of individually interpreted, but anyway I’m not sure how you get your interpretation that the United States is not a corporation, when in its first definition is- a federal corporation. THEN it talks about all the agencies and things associated with the us government. So United states, taken by the literal legal definition SHOULD mean it is a federal corporation. But even if that wasn’t true- it directly controls corporations that get involved in the economy. Freddie Mac and Fannie may come to mind. The usps, although not legally defined as a corporation- seems to mostly act like one, with the extra added benefit of having a legal monopoly on “first class mail” it is illegal to send letters at a rate that is less than the amount prescribed by congress. I think it’s something like 8 times, could be wrong. So while arguing whether or not the us government is or isn’t a corporation, is it right to have the government own it’s own corporations and compete in the delivery business and then call it a free market? Who cares how to name them- it’s what they do that matters
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Interesting thoughts. Thanks for sharing.
You have a general point in here that is important, that is: Just because we don’t have a smoking gun document that turned the U.S. into a corporation and not a country, does it mean that there is no important discussion about government corporations or governments treated as corporations?
I would say there is almost certainly a ton of very real points to discuss here.
Joseph Michael Hossman Supports this as a Fact.
“The date is February 21, 1871 and the Forty-First Congress is in session. I refer you to the “Acts of the Forty-First Congress,” Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62. On this date in the history of our nation, Congress passed an Act titled: “An Act To Provide A Government for the District of Columbia.” This is also known as the “Act of 1871.” What does this mean? Well, it means that Congress, under no constitutional authority to do so, created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, which is a ten mile square parcel of land.
What??? How could they do that? Moreover, WHY would they do that? To explain, let’s look at the circumstances of those days. The Act of 1871 was passed at a vulnerable time in America. Our nation was essentially bankrupt — weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War. The Civil War itself was nothing more than a calculated “front” for some pretty fancy footwork by corporate backroom players. It was a strategic maneuver by European interests (the international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the neck (and the coffers) of America.
The Congress realized our country was in dire financial straits, so they cut a deal with the international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London were dipping their fingers into everyone’s pie) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. If we think about banks, we know they do not just lend us money out of the goodness of their hearts. A bank will not do anything for you unless it is entirely in their best interest to do so. There has to be some sort of collateral or some string attached which puts you and me (the borrower) into a subservient position. This was true back in 1871 as well. The conniving international bankers were not about to lend our floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a brilliant way of getting their foot in the door of the United States (a prize they had coveted for some time, but had been unable to grasp thanks to our Founding Fathers, who despised them and held them in check), and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed.
In essence, this Act formed the corporation known as THE UNITED STATES. Note the capitalization, because it is important. This corporation, owned by foreign interests, moved right in and shoved the original “organic” version of the Constitution into a dusty corner. With the “Act of 1871,” our Constitution was defaced in the sense that the title was block-capitalized and the word “for” was changed to the word “of” in the title. The original Constitution drafted by the Founding Fathers, was written in this manner:
“The Constitution for the united states of America”.”
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I’ll get back to this with a more in depth comment later, but for the time being I would say “strongly disagree with your interpretation of these events, and most of my arguments against are contained in the article and in the comments already.” I would say, what you say is the myth version of the truth. The incorporation of DC did not turn our country into a corporation, it instead said in as few words as possible…. incorporated DC into the US.
Ivar Supports this as a Fact.
2Pe 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2Pe 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2Pe 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.
Rev 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
Rev 2:21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
Rev 2:22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
Jer 51:7 Babylon hath been a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Cool words, great words really, but what does it have to do with the topic? Being grandiose doesn’t make something relevant.
A free living Soul Supports this as a Fact.
I believe in this debate you may be the only one believing in a myth. The evidence is compiled against you.
In Volume 19, CJS (Corpus Juris Sec.) § 883 one finds the statement that “The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State.” The above case is cited as the authority. That the United States is a foreign corporation is exactly what the court held. By affirming the decision, the United States Supreme Court concurred in U.S. v. Perkins, 163 U.S. 625 (1896).
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
So I generally disagree that this is evidence of anything and stand by my position. Let me explain why.
All you are saying is that in one version of a well respected law encyclopedia, in a section about corporate law, it describes the relationship between a state and federal government (and federal corporations and a state) in terms of corporations.
I don’t have access to the original version, so I can’t fully vet this… but I would generally argue that this is very different from a law that makes the US a corporation, it is a secondary legal resource saying this in a section about corporations.
Not proof for me.
Still, here is the passage as provided by (a good resource, but on that here is trying to compile a list of reasons that the US is a corporation):
“A foreign corporation is one that derives its existence solely from the laws of another state, government, or country, and the term is used indiscriminately, sometimes in statutes, to designate either a corporation created by or under the laws of another state or a corporation created by or under the laws of a foreign country.”
“A federal corporation operating within a state is considered a domestic corporation rather than a foreign corporation. The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state.”
[19 Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.), Corporations, §883 (2003)]
I guess we can argue what this resource has graced us with, but without the source it is hard to really argue too much. Still, again, this is like all the other arguments that cherry pick anything written in a legal document and try to say that means that United States is a corporation owned by bankers…. but I don’t think it works that way in any case, I don’t see how it could. How could you change the nature of the entire country by writing something in a secondary legal resource, that would be chaos. We need a formal originating document here to really back up the claim being made!
Further, U.S. V. Perkins is discussing the same sort of thing. It is saying, with respect to new york (and from the perspective of New York law), in terms of laws about corporations, does the U.S. have the ability to tax.
So yes, these two things connect, but both are discussing the powers of the state in terms of the power of corporations where a state and federal government are treated
as corporations in respect to each other.
Again, this is very different than a binding document that makes the U.S. not a government, but instead a corporation.
I mean, if we say a corporation is that which is created from binding law, then the very act of creating the constitution made the U.S. a corporation in this sense… but that is waaaaaayyyyyy different than what is being charged. What is being charged is that our ancestors sold us out to bankers and turned the U.S. into a foreign corporation owned by someone other than we-the-people.
Right? So Yeah, hard disagree on this one. In fact, I stand by the idea that I’m getting close to the truth, and the conspiracy theory version is using sparse facts to paint an inaccurate picture (potentially for malicious purposes, which makes them in fact that only conspirators in the story…. or at least, let’s not ignore that potential world, I won’t actually accuse anyone of that intention, not the point anyway).
All that said, I’m going to again double down on my stance.
My stance being, although I am not a legal expert, I am a logical person who researches things, and by reading these documents and remaining skeptical, I am not swayed, and I do not find them to be proofs of the overarching claim.
Legal documents that refer to aspects of the U.S. and states as a corporation or incorporated are not the same thing as our government being not the one defined by the founders and instead a corporation owned by bankers.
Simply put, applying corporate law or discussing incorporation or defining aspects of the government a certain way in respect to a single passage in a law or legal resource (for example discussing aspects of government of state and federal as corporation with respect to each other) doesn’t prove the overarching argument and instead is I think better looked at for what it is, a mundane bit of legal speak meant to make very specific points about very specific aspects of law.
For reference, I used the following links to draw my conclusion: (the Perkins case) + (I couldn’t find volume 19 anywhere, so short of buying it to confirm this I have to take the word of the next link… that means I lack context; that said, this helped me understand what this resource was and what other parts of it looked like, from this I think I had enough knowledge to draw a general conclusion). (all the info I had on the passage from Volume 19 aside the above).
nunya Supports this as a Fact.
… [edited] …
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Dude…. or Dudette.
Please don’t copy and paste novels into the comments section.
On a topic like this I paste all responses that are attempts to make points, so people don’t think I’m editing free speech or whatever…. but the above was just a literal copy paste of this:
Given that, since I don’t want someone’s article in the comment section of my site (it isn’t fair to the original author), I’m going to edit your comment. See the previous link for what the comment said.
i am man Supports this as a Fact.
Absolutely true. Understand by reading Anna Von Reitz or look to your State Jural Assembly to teach you what your school that is given by the same corporation does NOT, and for a reason…. love and gratitude
Nick Ford Did not vote.
Did the Unted States Government file bankruptcy in 1933? Who bailed this country out of that bankruptcy?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I would have to research these claims…. but immediately see a red flag. That is, the first part of the page jumps right to blaming Jewish bankers. Doesn’t mean it isn’t true, but it is a red flag since so much propaganda uses “Jewish bankers” as a boogie man.
Cyber Supports this as a Fact.
The author of the above propaganda is illiterate on the subject and repeatedly applies his own definitions to cited law, thereby spinning it yo his false and uneducated opinions. What utter rubbish. The Supreme court has in several cases declared there are three actual United States. The corporate, the actual Republic of the founders goverenrd by the original Constition and Articles of Confederation, which was never overturned, and that “United States” goverened without the Constitutional restrictions on power and whose territorial “subjects” are not covered by the bill of rights. And there is more than one Constitution. The Supre.e court has ruled on all these issues, and show the above auther illiterate and ueducated on the issue. This is the kind of crud consumed and argued by those too lazy to do the actual research.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Appreciate your comment, although obviously not your tone. But that aside, Agree to disagree I guess.
I do find this a little ironic, because I am pointing out that a definition used in a law is not the same as a law defining the US as a corporation, and you are saying I’m applying my own definition (when I would say that is what others are doing, misinterpreting what is clearly written).
That said, if you don’t mind, please cite a Supreme Court case where they state there is three different United States’ and I’ll take it seriously.
Otherwise, it is a free and open internet (mostly), and this is my take on the matter. Not gospel. Happy to hear arguments against and for, but not going to apologize for my research, conclusions, or defense of my findings.
Yusef El Did not vote.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I can’t argue that you haven’t done a compelling video. As these things work out I tend to be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of data, but yet not necessarily swayed to change my mind.
In short, I appreciate the train of thought in the argument, but am missing the part where I am compelled to change my conclusion about the status of the citizen and the state.
Fancy words and the title Judge do not a truth make. Who is Judge Dale, and what about his argument has proved anything? And, if his argument were proof, why was it so utterly complex?
Just some counterpoints, appreciate the share.
Countyguard Supports this as a Fact.
The problem with this article is that it fails completely to define “United States” or “THE UNITED STATES” or the united several States, or “the united States of America, or… the corporate side of the issue is NOT the united several states… the union of states with 50 sovereign nation/states. The corporate side of THE UNITED STATED, IS a corporation no different that Microsoft, with employees.The standing 1945 Supreme Court definition of the term United States:
“The term “United States” may be used in any one of several senses. [1] It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations. [2] It may designate the territory over which the sovereignty of the United States extends, or [3] it may be the collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution. [Hooven & Allison Co. vs Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945)]”
Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, definition of United States:
“United States. This term has several meanings. [1] It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in family of nations, [2] it may designate territory over which sovereignty of United States extends, or [3] it may be collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution. Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt, U.S. Ohio, 324 U.S. 652, 65 S.Ct. 870, 880, 89 L.Ed. 1252. [Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition]”
There are “federal zones” which are the corporate side of this other united states within the union called the united States. This is how they have deceived us all and why this article fails to explore all the elements of this fraud.
Achachak Tabrimmon Did not vote.
§ 3002. Definitions
(15) ‘‘United States’’ means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission,
board, or other entity of the United States;
(C) an instrumentality of the United
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I’ve for sure already commented on this, but no worries if you didn’t catch it. This is a definition pertaining to a part of a law. In context, it means “United States” in this passage is referring to any instrument of the united states including for example all federal corporations.
In fact, the fact that this is being passed around for proof… is part of what makes me tempted to think that I have found the right answer and that people saying “the US is a corporation” are being mislead or dishonest (not saying this to the reader here, more saying this about the people who spread the information in the first place).
Charleydan Did not vote.
True the constitution granted an United States government. In 1922 things changed and a good study on non-national citizen will reveal this. In the treaty, revised, from the 1870 era. Your represented by a government, but it’s not the United States one votes, democratically in.
If one wants to win in court, consistently, you better claim your rightful place in the declaration of independence. To Let them know which jurisdiction and Government you’re in.
Barry CULLOTY Did not vote.
Why is this garbage still flowing around, very upsetting and false information, man I hate this! These was some comments about maritime law and birth certificates also, and ownership by England no less, what upsetting information! This really bothered me, guess I need to look for better explanations!
Terry Supports this as a Fact.
Not true. It is a myth that says that the United States government isn’t a corporation. It is a corporation and I can prove it to you. You are wrong.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Happy to hear your arguments. Feel free to comment.
Barton Boothe 12-18-18 Did not vote.
What your stating is what we have been taught to believe. It ignores the offenses that are occurring under the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. which is in fact controlled by International Banks, of which the IMF steals peoples identity at birth, dragging you, your birth certificates and social security cards off Jurisdiction of the Land where you were abandoned in Puerto Rico – in US territorial waters. Your identity was delivered to the the IMF who in turn establishes situ trusts and Cestui vie que trusts in your name which are then traded on the open market. You can locate your trust in your name on if you can figure out how to do it. The trustee and beneficiary of that trust is the INCORPORATED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. You are a pawn and worth more dead to the US than alive.
The next reason for establishing the Incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is to commit national fraud against the American people and deny you Constitutional rights under Admiralty Law and Jurisdiction of the Sea. Contrary to what we have been taught the 14th amendment is a means to indenture what were American State Nationals who were collectively and unknowingly gang pressed into becoming involuntary citizens of the INC.UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Contrary to what we have been taught the 14th amendment was not ratified by 3/4 of the States. Eleven states complained that they were held at point of bayonets under Admiralty Law from entering to vote. Their absence meant that it was passed with less than a 3/4 vote. This was exposed by a case under Judge L.H. Perez
May I explain why this occurs. Only employees of the Federal Govt. plus residents in US territories and Corporations were taxable. By dragging you into a territory, in territorial waters you become a taxable resident. You are considered lost at sea and are not longer a living human being. You became an entity, a corporation and as such you become a taxable corporate employee of the government forced to pay for the mismanagement of a parent Corporation her ongoing wars, plus everything beyond the contracted 19 essential services u[ to thousands of services, departments and divisions that people don’t want, don’t need, and can’t use.
With this unconstitutional procedure the parent Corporation now has unnumbered sources with which to continue funding growth. Kind of like The Blob in the 1950’s that fed off human beings, the soul purpose of a Corporation is to create a profit. Human rights are of no consequence, and profit is the motivation. If that were not so the parent Corporation would not continue growing, absorbing and extracting more and more rights and dollars from gang pressed citizens. If that were not so you would see our National debt being paid off, but none of your tax dollars go to pay off the national debt. The evidence of that is a 20 trillion dollar and growing debt. Where do the tax dollars then go? To the IRS a private Puerto Rican Corporation acting as a private collection agency for the Federal Reserve. All your dollars go to the Federal Reserve not the United States Government. The Fed gets your money and the counterfeiting United States Inc, a puppet specifically created to cooperate with this international banking scheme is left with the national debt.
Follow the money from you pocket to the IRS, where it dead ends at the Federal Reserve and you see who is really in control of the Incorporated UNITED STATES of AMERICA, contrary to what we have been taught.
This are multiple reasons for this. Residing .
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I can’t say this isn’t an interesting theory, it just doesn’t line up with the information I can find when I go searching.
Examples of what doesn’t line up to close examination. In my research, I have found:
1. There is no United States Inc that isn’t some random company (like a plumber or law office).
2. All states that existed at the time the Reconstruction amendments were passed have ratified them. 100%, including the states of the ex-Rebel confederate south who were I’m sure not super stoked to sign them.
3. We are citizens of the United States, the supreme law is the Constitution, that law trumps all other laws. The 14th gives us Birth Right citizenship… if anything the 14th doubles down on our rights as citizens.
I mean, maybe some day I’ll be proved wrong, that I am a pirate enslaved to the IMF via a corporation called United States, but until I find prove that sways me, I’m going to have to stick to going point for counterpoint.
All that said, thanks for sharing, happy to let your arguments stand for readers who want to dig deeper into any of the points being made.
Yusef Supports this as a Fact.
Keep researching folks….14th amendment made everyone slaves under the us federal corp….
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
The thing I don’t like here is that you are taking issue with Section 4 (I think), but with this you would throw out Sections 1 -3.
Who in their right mind would throw out sections 1 – 3? I wouldn’t give up protections of life, liberty, and property against the state myself. I suggest you think hard about what it means to be anti-14th amendment.
Now that said, I also don’t see where Section 4 suggests this anti-slavery reconstruction amendment made everyone slaves.
Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.
To me it sounds very suspicious to attack the 14th. You are attacking things like protections from the state and birth right citizenship, and on very shaky grounds… and although I don’t think we would enact slavery, the 14th is actually a protection against it.
Your argument is lost on my friend, feel free to try to make it clearer.
Jack Doesn't beleive this myth.
Thank you for your research and it pains me to see the personal attacks that come in some of the comments here.. Its simple facts are documented and opinions are not facts. The Truth is represented only by facts.. All most of us would like to have is the facts and the truth no matter what that ends up being.. I
I;e seen that myth make its rounds and alot of people believe it but im sorry no.. Besides that fact that Britain never owned most of what the USA is today… Texas has its own constitution and was taken in war from Mexico and its independence ratified in writing by Mexico.. This includes Texas Oklahoma Colorado New Mexico… Also please review.
Joe Supports this as a Fact.
adjective: incorporated
(of a company or other organization) formed into a legal corporation.
“the Incorporated Society of Musicians”
formed or constituted as a legal corporation.
combined in one body; made part of.
I wont sit here for 10 years looking through Court Cases, and Documents, and what not. I just dont have time for this. What I say will be simple, and straight forward.
Apples and Oranges can be compared all day long and disputed how different they are. But… At the end of the day they are still both fruit. Which fruit is not in the word apples or oranges.
In reference to that “The United States of America” (does not have corporation or incorporated in its title) = All States combined in one body, or made part of —–> The United States of America which delegates by, and through congress drafting voting and making legal laws that apply equally to all States, Territories, and Districts by 535 Members of Congress. Again combined in one body; made part of a Legal Organization which 100 serve in the U.S. Senate and 435 serve in the U.S. House of Representatives Which are human Entities, and Legally Corporations onto themselves when combined in one body; made part of The United States of America.
An association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct from those of its members. See also municipal corporation, public corporation.
( initial capital letter ) the group of principal officials of a borough or other municipal division in England.
any group of persons united or regarded as united in one body.
A Corporation is an Entity named in ALL CAPS, and can incorporate with other Corporations to do business with, or combined in one body; made part of…. A Corporation is made up by its members combined in one body; made part of.
The United States are in all caps on all Legal Documents, as well as all States, Agencies, Towns, Villages, or any districts there of, and all its Members (individual human Entities) They are all incorporated into the United States of America.
I always say keep it simple, and there’s a loop hole for every law. If you want to find those loop holes, you have to look for the High supreme court rulings on cases that are not indexed going back to the Magna Charta.
Null Supports this as a Fact.
This is not a myth.
28 U.S. Code § 3002
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That is one of the items I address above. My answer to that, is in short “no.” Please see above for the full answer.
Eric Did not vote.
please explain title 28 1746 1 and 2
When outside the United States… I declare under penalties of perjury, under the laws of the United States of America the forgoing is true and correct
clearly there are two different entities here????? United States and United States of America
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I would say, I don’t read it that way at all.
The first part is from the perspective of the document “If executed without the united states,” it is talking to the reader.
The second part in quotes “I declare…” is what a person must say to declare under penalty of perjury in court, it is a person in a formal setting using the full and proper name of the country.
United States and United States of America are the same thing. If you read other sections ( you’ll find that the document always says “United States.”
I honestly think it is just to not have to write out United States of America every time. You don’t want to write this out every time in a long document, but you can sure say it in a formal setting when making a statement under penalty of perjury.
(1) If executed without the United States: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).
(2) If executed within the United States, its territories, possessions, or commonwealths: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).
NOTE: Appreciate this, and I could be wrong… but this is one of the things that gets to me. On the surface it seems like evidence of a conspiracy, but approached with a level head and put up against reason… it suddenly seems like disinformation and misinformation. Worse, when I really dig into this (…. What I start to hear is propaganda that pits me against FDR, Social Security, and the reconstruction amendments. That doesn’t seem like a crusade of truth, that seems like a really smart person coming up with a conspiracy theory to push a right-wing agenda that attacks key progressive legislation AND globalist and bankers at the same time. It makes me question how well meaning the source of this whole theory was. I am not saying the person who wrote this has ill intentions, but whoever started the ball rolling, I really do wonder.
mike Did not vote.
if there wasn’t a major shift in our government after the act of 1871 why then do we have 2 state constitutions? California has an 1849 and an 1879 constitution. Arizona, for example has only one but I’m guessing that is because they were not a state until 1912, long after the act of 1871. I also cant help but wonder why the original 13th amendment was dumped and the change from “for the united states” to “of the united states” was made.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I’m not 100% on all of those questions, but you have to consider the Civil War ended in 1865 the reconstruction amendments were adopted between 1865 and 1870.
In short, there were major changes in those times.
One change was that an influx of refugees from the Civil War caused a rapid swell in population in what we now know as DC, and this and other factors led to the organizing acts of 1871.
Probably a lot to learn about that time, but I’m not sure any of it is going to lead back to the US being a corporation.
Also, although I’ve heard about the For vs. of argument, but I don’t get it.
The Constitution and the 13th both say “of the United States.”
Did an old version say “for the United States”… and if it did… it really seems like semantics to me.
You can argue anything in the Constitution in the Supreme Court today as written, and they do all the time.
Harry Baulzak Supports this as a Fact.
What are your thoughts regarding this text found in the library of congress stating:
“The United States shall be for ever considered as one Body-corporate and politic in law, and entitled to all the rights, privileges and immunities which to Bodies Corporate do, or ought to appertain.” [editor replaced given link with another link to the same text]
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That is an interesting one. It is a proposition put forth by Charles Pinckney (a founding father from South Carolina) at the Constitutional Convention on Tuesday August 20, 1787 (late into the process).
A lot of ideas found their way into the Constitution and later Bill of rights (as you can see browsing through this:, this one we know did not… at least not with that wording.
I think the idea here is something that we have in practice, that is the sovereign immunity of the state (aka the US) and the power of the state to essentially have the rights and privileges of any other type of body.
Given the other measures Pinckney put forth, I can’t see that the intent was malicious in anyway.
Also, when people muse on the US is a corporation claim, they are generally saying “and then the bankers and foreign titans corrupted the intent of the founders”… well, Pinckney was a founding father and he sat down in a room with the other founders and put this forth, and then the law of the land was written. So the ones who created the foundation can’t also be the ones who corrupted it, if that was the case, then it was always in such a state and there was nothing to corrupt.
Derek Rhodes Supports this as a Fact.
You can search it yourself. Delaware’s Secretary of State. “THE UNITED STATES INC.”
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That is just a business who calls itself “THE UNITED STATES INC.”… lots of businesses registered with similar names. Look again.
This part is 100% misunderstanding/misinformation. It is one of the things that makes me skeptical, because people I hear more compelling arguments from also try to lace in arguments like this. That said, 1. I try to take every argument at its own merit, and 2. thanks for bringing it up, no way to fact-check and share information without it being shared.
Will N. Did not vote.
“The United States is a Corporation” is not a myth. The US government is doing away with regulations because they keep people safe, just so they can stay in power because all the people who are voting for them are ignorant in the fact that regulations save lives and make working conditions humane. The government is basically just one big corporate bigwig that is getting rid of everything that protects us and our rights because all of the politicians just want every single penny that is in our wallets. That is how basically all of the rich people in America are. Both the Democrats and Republicans, and really there is no difference between them, are backed by corporations and don’t want to get funding cut or,even worse, killed, just because they aren’t enacting bills and laws that are going to benefit just the corporations. To me, there are only two political parties, the Corporates and the Progressives.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Two add my two cents, I think the question “is the us an oligarchy / corportacracy” is a different subject (although there is some relation). Here are my thoughts on that
Dario Cruz Supports this as a Fact.
see previous comment for some reason it defaulted to i mark yes here, as i m still researching..but tend to agree with fact but cancelled by vote by voting 2x for and agaist since i had no option not to vote until fat lady sings
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Thanks for the insight. If you don’t toggle the vote it is supposed to not vote… I’ll look into it.
Dario Cruz Did not vote.
I Like this blog here 11/2018, where I found it. day after our Elections
Applause to creator for not deleting and at least trying to answer questions in the comment sections. I having a law degree, find the subject very interesting and am just getting into this research myself…..I see both sides with controversy in their claims
for “Truth” Pro Corporation Arguments:
2. I use legal forms all the time, sometimes its simply not possible to include the entire name in capitals, so many use “Capitals and letters” as an example. also the FCR uses definitions for “United States” not ‘UNITED STATES’ it needs to be consistent for it to be correct that we are governed and enslaved by “OUR NAMES” .
On the other side of the “False/myth” arguments:
1. Why does the government hid the existence of the corporations among the various states why is it not consistent in state registration (why not name board members) and who is actually making the decisions the board members ? these inconsistiencies work both to debunk and strengthen arguments for and against the US as a corporation. Howver, I would argue it favors those arguing the point that it is a corporation. for it were easier and taught in schools, it wouldn’t be hidden for the same reason than Jekyll island coup was also kept secret.
2. Woodfow Wilsons apology
3. I hate corporate meetings they don’t’ accomplish much but allows management to pat themselves on their back for jobs well done contrary to employees and shareholders.
4. there is evidence of actual corporations. Your link to a pdf states as much, after fully reading it, three questions come to mind. Where are the documents required to register the corporation, why do some have IPO offerings who are shareholders, where if any are dividends being paid to.
5. if they were created for purposes of maintaining a more balanced accounting for revenues vs. expenses. Why are so many in the red and why are we trillions in debt, who owes the trillions (corporation, shareholders…i was not invited to any meetings). Even the largest corporations in the world with budgets far beyond some countries they still have a shareholders meeting and publish it and proof of stocks certificates and are on the exchanges.
6. Who are these board members, if they run the corp which we are shareholders of we like should be able to easily find them : like i can look up our school board commission names of members, and other local members.
7. Why such convoluted language. It shouldn’t take $140K in student loans to learn how to read.
KJM Did not vote.
I don’t agree with all your conclusions, however, I wanted to point out that your cordial responses to the contrary opinions here is a breath of fresh air in this era of polarization. I think the ability to discuss an issue politely and with a level head is a very important one, but alas, one that is disappearing quickly. Thus kudos to you for your gentlemanly tone and demeanour!
I wish you all the best in your quest for truth, and hope it brings you enlightenment and fulfilment.
Best regards,
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Thank you for feedback, much appreciated.
Mario Medina Did not vote.
You all are too late; remember qe1? qe2 qe infinity? The Fed was buying 80 billion a month of ” toxic mortgaged backed securities” In other words the FED was buying up all those properties (sic) real estate i.e., the country allodial titles. Usufruct hegemony; esoteric to the masses. Too late people; (sic) Good luck Amen!
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I mean the job of the FED is to buy government backed assets as part of its stated and public mission to, among other things, help keep the economy stable and prevent inflation.
You have Congress making bad moves with regulation, then businesses making bad moves in real estate, buyers making bad moves in taking loans they couldn’t really afford (I don’t victim shame, but we really do love our credit), the state borrowing too much, then banks making bad moves in lending and mortgage backed securities, and then you have the FED trying to clean up everyone’s mess.
I’m sorry, but the villain of this story is either 1. no one aside from human greed, short sightedness, and incompetency, or 2. essentially everyone in the story aside the FED coming along and trying to clean up the mess.
Or at least, that is another perspective to look at it from.
Its not like the FED is going to say “we own the houses, pay us rent,” they leave that up to private banks, who get the thumbs up from officials, who we elect (for example in the midterms coming up this week). Don’t want the system to go down the tubes, try electing someone who won’t deregulate to the point that we need a bailout and a heavy handed FED.
Paul Freedom Supports this as a Fact.
Its definitely a Federal Corp and it’s in receivership under a chapter 11. The only commercial energy that it has is from the true sovereigns. The people. That’s not a myth, it’s a fact.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
How would you go about proving that? What might you cite?
RoninMD Supports this as a Fact.
My vote is that the United States is a corporation. In fact, according to Gilens, Page, et al… the united States is no longer a Democracy or a Republic… it’s an oligarchy.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
This is a good study, it was read and considered when creating this page. Good share, thank you!
Joe Silva Did not vote.
I noticed that when you say that the United States is not a corporation that you never write the UNITED STATES of AMERICA in capital letters is not a corporation. Can you give me a explanation because we all know that The United States of America is not a corporation. I ask you again personally and for all the Patriots who stand with me is the UNITED STATES or the UNITED STATES of AMERICA a corporation.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I can clarify that above. I am not trying to be tricky, the United States phrased anyway, in caps or not, is not a corporation is my conclusion. Ie, it is my understanding that this whole idea that some act from the late 1800s made our nation a corporation is false.
Of course this doesn’t mean I am correct, it only means this is what I’ve concluded from research at this point. Lots of interesting theories surrounding this one, so keeping an open mind.
James Nicholas Jory Jr Doesn't beleive this myth.
Well done. It seems to me that the key fact that the corporation theorists consistently fail to document or prove is the role and intent of the “international banker” from 1860 to 1871. It’s always just bald assertions.
Dwayne Did not vote.
Are you an attorney? If so you should know that, you just gave us your interpretation, not a translation. Also in 1871,English was interpreted differently. Those are facts, what you gave us was a educated guess. A good one too.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Fair enough. I am not an attorney. Just a researcher who has spent some time looking at legal documents while working on various projects over the years. Certainly not an expert however.
Mekashona Did not vote.
Firstly, I would like to thank you offering the opportunity for debate. I think you conduct yourself well, for the most part, in your responses to important questions and criticisms. One frustration I’ve had, however, is that when you are ignorant about something or cannot disprove a comment, you either ignore it or say “I will do more research,” while continuing along the same line of logic. You seem willfully stuck on some things. Do the research on the issues you cannot explain. If you avoid them to hold onto your opinion then you are not really a researcher and you may, indeed, be irresponsible as some have suggested.
Otherwise, I just want to say that I am Citizen of the Osage Nation which, according to treaty law (supposedly the supreme law of the land), is a sovereign nation entitled to every respect and right of other sovereign nations, such as England, Mexico, Canada etc. This background as an Osage Indian gives me insight into some issues with your argument:
First, you take the stance that the law, as written, is the actual manifestation of the physical reality and action in this country. I can tell you if that were true, then the treaties with Indian Nations would be acknowledged and respected by the government and not consistently broken, without exception. Every time someone has argued examples on how and why the government functions as a corporation, you fall back on the argument that the law (1871) says differently. So what? This government (corporation?) follows laws when it finds it to be convenient. Ask any Indigenous person, they will tell you that is true. Or better yet, study Federal Indian law and its history in this country. The Feds do not have a good track record for acting as they say they will/do in their contracts/laws/paperwork.
Second, you say people are not understanding the legal speak, thus leading to the confusion and manipulation of scare tactics, Alex Jones, etc. I work in the legal sector, specifically with federal law, and one thing I have learned is that every single case is just an argument for an interpretation of already existing laws and arguments. Your interpretation is merely your interpretation. So in using the argument that people just don’t understand legal speak, I would say that you don’t understand the functions of the law, how laws are written, changed and upheld. Legal speak is just that – a lexicon used to argue/interpret as far as you can on different points of view, it does not by necessity hold truth.
In closing my comment, I’d like to say thanks, again, for the discussion. It’s interesting and I’m glad people are looking into things that are largely taken for granted. I’d also like to implore people, if you’re interested in the history of this country and its laws, talk to the Indigenous people in America. It has literally been a life or death consideration for them/us and you might gain some insight. Thanks.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Thanks for the kind words. I have been doing more research on this topic. Will dig deeper and give it another review and update some comments to responses as needed. For now, appreciate the comment though.
John Doe Did not vote.
I love how I can disprove your fairy tale with one single video. Please disprove EVERY source document presented in that video. I’ll be waiting.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
So here is the deal, I am not going to nor do I care to go through every document laid out by every version of this theory (for example the ones found here:
I am acknowledging them, I urge everyone to research these carefully and with an open mind, and I found this same rabbit hole you all did… but when I started looking at some of the claims, like the ones noted above, I started finding gaping holes.
The holes have to do with the gap between what seems to be the case, 1. that D.C. is the Seat of the Government of the United States, that the FED is a private within government institution that directly interfaces with banks but isn’t at the direct whim of congress, and that generally the relationship between money, banks, government, etc is complex…. AND 2. this idea that foreign bankers own the United States due to it being a corporation (as proven by X document).
The gap between that first and second point is everything however. Because 1 is the way it is, and 2 is not the way it is from what i can tell.
The way things are is odd enough, and people like Ron Paul for example have consistently said the way it is isn’t good enough. That is a valid stance.
The problem for me is the conspiracy theory part which sort of leads to this conclusion of hate and fear (based on potentially false information).
Hope that is clear.
In terms of your request, I am happy to debate and discuss one document at a time or continue to discuss what I found, but I will not “disprove every document in a 2 hour youtube video.” Not because it isn’t interesting or that I don’t value honest research and debate, but because it is a giant and vague time sink.
Instead of doing that in the first place, what I did was zoom right to the Act of 1871 to show that there was no UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY (or whatever) formed by that document, and thus I refuted a central premise the argument “the U.S. is a corporation” is based on.
So while ideas like “foreign bankers have control of the U.S. via banks” or “D.C. has special powers” or “the FED has too much power” are interesting and valid for debate (we can agree or disagree), the idea that “and they own the united states which is a corporation and therefore we should be filled with fear and hate” just looks, smells, and sounds like the worst kind of propaganda.
All that said, it is important to note that political factions have butted heads over central banks since day 1. There has always been a heated debate. We sort of settled on the modern FED as a compromise position. It really was also very contested even from that day 1. So contested it is shocking to me that its most outspoken critics didn’t say things like “this is BS, we should not have made America a corporation” Like see here: This House Rep goes on and on and on against the Reserve and every detail of it, but he never suggests that the U.S. is a corporation. So that is one example of a thing often cited as proof not actually being proof.
Hank Smalls Supports this as a Fact.
D.C consolidated the states that are now beholden to Federal monies that CAN be cut off or denied, so they act as subsidaries to the “government” proper, just like how franchised restaurants are still answerable to the corporate office or the HQ.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Well that is for sure. Federalism in theory and in practice, and even the Constitution, lays out a framework where individuals, states, and the federal government all have an intertwining relationship. A citizen must follow the laws of the state and federal government, a state is beholden to the citizen and federal government, the citizen and a state can hold the federal government accountable. Money flows all these directions too.
The federal government can influence a state via funding, but states can also throw a wrench in federal programs through state law. ObamaCare is a great example of states striking back. States and citizens used state power and the courts to partly dismantle the program while Obama was in office.
Robust conversation to be had here.
Joe huber Supports this as a Fact.
Whoever wrote this article is full of sh&*#. This is his opinion and everyone is entitled. But to post this article then state different evidence everytime someone has a different outlook. I call bs
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
The article above is my research on the topic. The comment section is just me replying to comments as they come in. I am not re-reading all the comments every time reply. If that is confusing I apologize.
I am not attempting to offer BS, I am just responding and, as needed, researching more.
I don’t have to be right, but the article above is an earnest attempt to look at the claim.
It is easy enough to compare my work to say this article and form your own opinion:
I still think The Act of 1871 and other evidence back up my conclusion. But as you say, we are all entitled to our opinions and conclusions on the facts.
Think about this though, can you really imagine Congress all agreeing to sell our country to the Brits? The North and South had literally just got done going to war over domestic issues, you think after all that we would bend over for a foreign power? That isn’t my evidence, but that alone doesn’t sound right to me. We tend to fight for liberty historically speaking.
Bill the Butcher Poole Doesn't beleive this myth.
The major issue seems to be the inability of people to separate the words “incorporated” , “corporation” , and “business”. All these terms have multiple meanings that need context.
Alas, people tend to believe what they have already decided what is true, so honest facts and truth just… fall by the wayside.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Exactly what my research was turning up. If there is any grain of truth, big or small, in here we won’t find it by confusing the meaning of words as they pertain to the incorporation of entities into the United States or by finding some random business who registered themselves as UNITED STATES INC (or whatever).
charlie Supports this as a Fact.
this is nothing more than disinformation, designed to BS the people,
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Not at all. It is me taking a serious look at the issue and thus far concluding that it is a myth. Thus, assuming I am right, it would make those who put out the myth the BS’ers and me the truth teller.
Hitler was not a good person, but he did not have three legs. If I say he did not have three legs after research, I am not taking the side of fascists, I am simply stating what I believe to be the case based on research.
Nothing on this site is meant as propaganda, everything on the site is meant to look for truth. I am not attached to an outcome here, and certainly it would be more interesting to find some secret conspiracy than to not.
Stephen C. Dubinsky Doesn't beleive this myth.
“Constitution for the United States” vs. “Constitution of the United States” – When the document was first written, it had not yet been ratified by the states. As the Preamble states, the Constitution was written for the United States. Once the states had accepted the document and ratified it, it became theirs. Thus it became the “Constitution of the United States”. Semantics. Learn the rules governing your native language.
DocNo Did not vote.
Let’s not get drowned in word games. Whichever ways you want to put it, the United States is the Ashkenazi Dyansty’s western headquarter period.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I think this idea is 1. racist and 2. not giving the U.S. enough credit.
John Supports this as a Fact.
Check again under Delaware Corporations for file number 2193946 which will return
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
This is just some company who called themselves UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. You can start a company called UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
In this case it is some religious non-profit. Has nothing to do with the overarching dialogue, but certainly is confusing 🙂
NOELINE SHERLOCK Supports this as a Fact.
If what you say is true, then it explains why so many are guilty of treason for their participation and attempts to fundamentally change our great nation. Going all the way back to presidents after Regan.!! Including majority of Congress and Senant. Not to mention the most high ranks of the military branches.
How and why is it that a nation of 320 million citizens would allow our government to get so out of control.?? Someone in their position of control must have thought it to be so. Enough to make them and others believe that by joining forces with world financiers, it was perfectly within their rights to sell off the USA and it’s citizens for a mass profit and power.!! If what is stated in this article is true, it fails to explain how we could possibly have been over run and taken over by such a large band of crooks and traitors..
Because if the Constitution of the USA is what our governors,(law makers) and Presidents, past, present and future, where is the accountability if they are allowed to change the “rule of law” to fit their personal whims, to the degree they are themselves above the laws as stated…Unless they truly believed that under a corporation they were within their rights to act and do as they so wish.. Which to me sounds like there are more than one Constitution of the USA and the U S.
Bringing us to the double standard and why, if you’re on the “right” you are held to the strictist word of the Constitutional laws. Those on the left are held to the relaxed word of law as stated in the Corporate Constitution of the U S, which is forever being changed and rewritten by those who have the majority of the House and Senant. Which has been predominately the Democrats and their cohorts “Rinos”, who for over forty years have managed to but completely dismantle the very foundation that the United States of America was built upon. As it was proposed by our Founding Fathers.
Colin Doesn't beleive this myth.
Though it may not be a “corporation” it is a corporate Form of government and the Constitution is its charter which all positions are subject to, bound by and those that volunteer to serve by and through such position are required “to swear an oath or affirmation to support this Constitution”. One cannot “support” if you don’t know what it says and believe in it. You can “serve” and “protect” something and not belive or support it!
Further, it matters Not, what “Form of Government ” is instituted, all that matters is that those holding any position use any and all powers of that position “to secure these rights” and “effect their Safety and Happiness”!
Anything else is “giving aid or comfort to the enemy” = treason.
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends (That all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness — That to secure these rights governments are instituted among men) it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it and Institute new government laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
That is very clear! It mattes not what Form it takes all that matters is that those in any position volunteered to be governed by it and to support it and to use it “to secure these rights” and “to effect their Safety and Happiness.” Anything they do that isin contravention of these “principles” is giving aid or comfort to the enemy.!!# treason.
“This Constitution, and the laws that shall be made in pursuance thereof and all treaties made under the authority of the United States shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding”!!!!!!!
That spells it out doesn’t it?? “any thing in the Constitution or laws of any state to the contrary NOTWITHSTANDING.
Conclusion, it matters Not what “Form of Government” is in existence so long as it secures these rights and effects (cause, make happen, bring about) our Safety and Happiness”!!
Sean Will Gary Beller Supports this as a Fact.
CAN ANYONE ELSE SEE: the United States powers are transferred to the UNITED STATES CORPORATION!
Central government restricted by constitutions with powers constitutionally limited has through bankruptcy dissolved it’s self, it’s people, and the constitutional limits all of which exist only in name with no powers under jurisdiction of the new corporation central military government, the powers of corporation central military government “war powers” are used by the new owners of the new corporation central military government powers which is the U.S. corporation central military government owned and operated by “international bankers” who claim permanent war powers, the same “international bankers” control the value of the type of currency used by the people, the collateral of this currency is movable property “you as a slave labor is the movable property”, creating a permanent tax debt servitude employee of the corporation government! The peoples constitutions limited central government from permanent war powers and trading with the enemy acts amended and enacted by President Roosevelt! The Judicial and congressional branches prohibited permanent debt servitude by employer contract “peonage”, U.S. federal citizenship is employee contract because it has been a corporation government since President Roosevelt 1937-1941 and the very Definition of peonage.
Definition of peonage. 1 a : the use of laborers bound in servitude because of debt. b : a system of convict labor by which convicts are leased to contractors. 2 : the condition of a peon.
The federal Peonage Act of 1867, upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1905 case of Clyatt v. United States, banned such laws.
42 U.S. Code § 1994 – Peonage abolished
US Code
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The holding of any person to service or labor under the system known as peonage is abolished and forever prohibited in any Territory or State of the United States; and all acts, laws, resolutions, orders, regulations, or usages of any Territory or State, which have heretofore established, maintained, or enforced, or by virtue of which any attempt shall hereafter be made to establish, maintain, or enforce, directly or indirectly, the voluntary or involuntary service or labor of any persons as peons, in liquidation of any debt or obligation, or otherwise, are declared null and void.
(R.S. § 1990.)
Clarc King Doesn't beleive this myth.
I must say you wrote an excellent piece of scholarship on the Act of 1871. Thank you. Patriot Ideology is dangerous and unpatriotic, employing the faction of useful idiots that exist everywhere, and are actually furthering the destabilization of the United States.
Renaissance Man Supports this as a Fact.
Dude after reading all the comments and your apologetic dismissive replies and subverting admitting defeat to a superior fact based point I’ve determined your not a devils advocate your afraid to admit after all your efforts your commentators have overwhelmed you with Congreve evidence that you are WRONG and in denial. You may be correct that the 1871 didn’t incorporate us…but the filed articles of incorporation did..look for those mr. Neutral researcher…try a different search engine…you just like to argue…got a mirror handy? Analyze what I’ve said while looking your pompous ass in the eyes in your own reflection yoyr a FKN debt slave.. Think you own your house? Try not paying property taxes. Think you own your car? Try getting three DUIs… honest opinion? I would waste a minute debating you because your lack of knowledge leaves you to avoid any conference or admittance of being wrong. Frankly I think you think you have some standing intellectually to host a blog debunk site when in fact your armed with misinformation and arguing technicalities that aren’t relative to REALITY THAT YOU ARE A FKN DEBT FREE RANGE SLAVE. if you don’t admit you’ve been checkmated soon by all the superior minds here who have handed you you arse, I’ll add ” ROYAL POMPUS DUMBASS” to your accolades. You’re wasting people’s time, I’m done. Shut the F up close your idiot mouth and listen and learn something Hollywood. You are subtitling your thread with Fake factless misinformation. United States Means Federal Corporation…that means they already file the articles of incorporation previously dumb Neutral researcher….look for those…. You are unbelievably in denial. And will never admit you were wrong. Check your ego man you are doing damage, not enlightenment. Wake up pal.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I appreciate how adamant you are. Any chance you have a link to these supposed articles of incorporation?
The things I would say to that are:
1. I am fine being wrong, just looking to be convinced. If I am wrong because of my own short comings, then that is on me. What can I say? The comments should speak for themselves. If they say to you “commenters are right, researcher is wrong,” then ok.
2. I stand by the idea that the section is question is a list of definitions pertaining to that section and is not meant to be interpreted to mean that the UNITED STATES is a corporation of the United States or that there were prior articles of incorporation to which the definitions are referring. I say this because this is how I read it and I haven’t seen evidence that convinces me otherwise (I’ve heard interesting arguments, but haven’t seen the evidence; above I asked for the evidence, I will continue to look myself using different search engines, including non-mainstream ones).
3. You make some good points about the extent of private property in the state. What do we really own when the government can take things away? I guess my answer is that we live in a society and we are thus bound by the explicit social contracts we agree to by remaining citizens, and thus we sacrifice true state-of-nature quality freedom for the benefits of the state. I can’t break the law, the government has to follow the constitution, I need permits, the state can take away my liberties if I break the law, etc (in theory on all this). It is essentially a trade-off… but there is another deep topic of conversation here. Just because I’m explaining the point of Hobbes and you of Mises after watching V for Vendetta doesn’t mean one of us has to walk away a changed man or that one of us can’t agree in part or understand what the other is putting down.
Renaissance Man Supports this as a Fact.
It seems you research in archives only favorable to your opinions. Hello, the United States is a corporation which was in bankruptcy and all land , buildings, gov owned property and the us citizens were collateral thru liens in order to borrow debt notes after the civil war. What do you think a bond is? Treasury Bonds?. You sir are naive. The Traficant congressional speech is hard to verify as authentic but search for that. Why do you think the gold was confiscated and replaced with private FORIEGN bank notes.???’s simple follow the chronological order of things that actually happened for specific purposes outside the realm of organic constitutional credence, not some theory about federalist and republican, liberal influence. Here’s a math example foe you. Grasp this. Each of us is born with ZERO ( 0 ) authority over anyone else, as we mature we don’t gain any authority over anyone without their contracted consent. To think that a majority adds all their ZERO authority to form any type government to force everyone else in any opposition to comply with their wishes and recognize their collective majority zero authority is ludicrous and an attempt by that majority to force a gov & special interest tainted laws on them they don’t want. The majority doesn’t dilute its ndividul consent nor nullify it. The constitution & Bill of Rights protects the INDIVIDUAL from the gov and preserves INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS not group rights. Govern ( control ) ment ( mind) ” mind control…get it? Let me make it simple for you…your theories don’t prove out, let’s use math….350,000,000 people in America….250,000,000 would be a majority…that times (x) ZERO is…..”( 0 )”. Just as the minority of 100,000,000 times (x) ZERO is…..”( 0 )”…. Lookie There…they both have equal authority to tell each other what to do. Governance is by consent of the individual…unless I’m committing a crime defined legally as violating another’s right, doing damage to their person or property, I’m free to do as I FKN please according to natural law. Without any interference nor demand from any government what so ever. If you can’t strive for that, then your a sucker in denial with no balls to claim your unalienable rights, freedom and liberty. No license, no permission, no permit…that’s LIBERTY. Since you site political and philosophical influences of earlier times in shaping gov, consider the fact corporations were only allowed by congress to task public works projects then disbanded and were illegal for a reason, as were central banks under Jackson and why the founders forbade any FORIEGN BAR ASSOCIATION ATTORNEY TO HOLD ANY PUBLIC OFFICE With the original 13th amendment the FORIEGN oath sworn lawyers swept under the rug asap after the British burned the capital buildings and destroyed original records during 1812. Now it’s all lawyers and they have you debating encrypted legal art syntax like nimble sheep. You are either a free man or a slave. Pick one. All else is irrelevant. You are under researched and being lied to. What does your gut tell you? Maybe study the five monkey theory to understand why you think like you do.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
These are all solid points from the point of a staunch libertarian or classical liberal. Arguing that people have rights, but groups of people don’t, is a very specific ideology. Clearly many great thinkers take issue with it.
If groups of people can’t have rights then the family, the church, the state, corporations, the military, etc all start running into issues.
I support the idea that we can organize as a group, tax for the general welfare, create laws, etc… to me the arguments for are found in social contract theory essentially… but that is personal opinion. Opinion aside, it is essentially a philosophical argument on some level.
In practice, in the state the United States, we recognize groups. The constitution is a the recognition of the rights of a group under a representative government. Yes, the core of that is individual rights, but I don’t think you can just say it is ONLY that and expect not to be challenged.
Renaissance Man Supports this as a Fact.
The articles of incorporation are not the same thing as the DC organic act. The constitution “of” is the modified almost mirrored copy of the original “for” version less the original 13th amendment and w/addition of the 14th enslaving all as US CITIZENS. These articles were filed I believe in New York and you can find copies of them by researching. It is illegal for the U.S. Gov to deal in FORIEGN currency issued by a FORIEGN entity like IMF which is now our treasury in receivership of sorts, unless they INCORPORATED. KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT BEFORE YOU DEBUNK ANYTHING. A MILLION OTHERS DISAGREE WITH YOU. MANY ARE LAWYERS.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That theory connects a bunch of things that I’m not sure connect (and don’t fully buy into; for example the “of” and “for” thing I don’t think exists, never seen any evidence)… but I will think on how they might.
Renaissance Man Did not vote.
You sir are researching inside a vacuum, a bubble. Widen your scope and get to the truth. These are all legal ploys for a purpose and the gov abuses power and disregards the constitution. You are incorrect.
Renaissance Man Supports this as a Fact.
If you incorporate into something….you become incorporated..part of..a corporation…all corporations are made up of parts and charters…the same logic you use with the obvious conclusion with Olympia & Washington. So what is the difference in “of” & “for” you failed to make any point. Just a typo? it’s all original 13th ammendment FORBIDDEN TO HOLD ANY OFFICE BRITISH ACCREDITATION REGISTRY Attorneys with FORIEGN titles of nobility and letters of marquee who have orchestrated a scheme using syntax, legal ease & art to extort and control sovereign individuals who’s individual consent is necessary to be ruled over not the majority consent to force an unwanted gov on everyone else mr logic. That would be TYRANY.
Kalvin Did not vote.
So because someone is a racist you automatically take away any “medals” they have earned ? America is a corporation look up “season of treason 2” on YouTube and then come back and see if you think we live in the “land of the free “
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
The first part of your comment I don’t understand, but I’m going to assume this is a real comment due to the way it is phrased.
Skyy Supports this as a Fact.
I don’t know where you get your facts but Columbia has nothing to do with Christopher Columbus. Columbia is the deity over America. The way Britannia is the deity over England. That ‘s why in D.C. there are no high rises because of the statue Columbia on top of the Capitol building.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
robert francis Supports this as a Fact.
It really doesn’t matter whether the U.S. is incorporated. We actually lost the revolutionary war… How do we know? Because the entire legal and banking system that we use in this country originated in London. In fact, since money and legalities influence society the most and are deemed to be privatized institutions, run by a sort of retarded plutocracy that we the sheeple socially agree to accept, then we are nothing more or less than their little DEBTOR slaves. We actually allow ourselves to be ruled over by retarded plutocrats who control infinity as megalomaniacs, and we obviously love it…
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Rhetoric aside, I don’t really agree with this. The wealthy may have a lot of power in the world, and specifically the wealthy of the west have a lot of control in the west (some of it through the control of banking)… but I don’t think it is as simple or nefarious as some bloke in London secretly owning our country. If that were the case we probably would have come to the aid of Britain sooner in WWII (for example).
Michael Supports this as a Fact.
§ 3002
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
This does not say the United states IS a federal corporation. It says when we say UNITED STATES in this chapter we mean all entities that are part of the united states including federal corporations and when we say STATES we mean any territory owned by the US including DC, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, New Hampshire (i.e. even things that aren’t the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA or actual STATES are for the purposes of this chapter being called by this name).
It also says “United States marshal” means a United States marshal, a deputy marshal, or an official of the United States Marshals Service designated under section 564. That doesn’t mean that all Marshals are really owned by shadowy bankers. It means that is the way you should understand this term in the following chapter.
It is legal speak…. and anyone who knows the law should know this. They should know this is not the proof. And I’m slightly annoyed we don’t have a lawyer in the comment section who has fully explained this.
In my opinion everyone is reading into this with conspiratorial minds and thus missing out on all the truths of the world they could be researching and focusing on. Dig, get to the bottom of this, but if you are looking for the Rossetta stone,look elsewhere, because you did not find it with U.S. CODE TITLE 28 PART VI CHAPTER 176 SUBCHAPTER A § 3002. That is one of the main points of the article above. We all know that one page online (in the citations on this page) that weaves together a complex theory and uses this subchapter as proof… but the page above is that other page online that says “NOOOPE”. I might be wrong, but let’s refrain from just posting it again and again without a strong argument.
ALSO, it is from a chapter on Federal Debt collection, but it is in respect to a law that defines how the Court system deals with Federal debts.
Also, even if you do post this thing again with no argument, let’s post the full thing. (not to pick on you as a poster, just saying in general) 🙂
The short AND FULL quote is:
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
The full version:
§3002. Definitions
As used in this chapter:
(1) “Counsel for the United States” means—
(A) a United States attorney, an assistant United States attorney designated to act on behalf of the United States attorney, or an attorney with the United States Department of Justice or with a Federal agency who has litigation authority; and
(B) any private attorney authorized by contract made in accordance with section 3718 of title 31 to conduct litigation for collection of debts on behalf of the United States.
(2) “Court” means any court created by the Congress of the United States, excluding the United States Tax Court.
(3) “Debt” means—
(A) an amount that is owing to the United States on account of a direct loan, or loan insured or guaranteed, by the United States; or
(B) an amount that is owing to the United States on account of a fee, duty, lease, rent, service, sale of real or personal property, overpayment, fine, assessment, penalty, restitution, damages, interest, tax, bail bond forfeiture, reimbursement, recovery of a cost incurred by the United States, or other source of indebtedness to the United States, but that is not owing under the terms of a contract originally entered into by only persons other than the United States;
and includes any amount owing to the United States for the benefit of an Indian tribe or individual Indian, but excludes any amount to which the United States is entitled under section 3011(a).
(4) “Debtor” means a person who is liable for a debt or against whom there is a claim for a debt.
(5) “Disposable earnings” means that part of earnings remaining after all deductions required by law have been withheld.
(6) “Earnings” means compensation paid or payable for personal services, whether denominated as wages, salary, commission, bonus, or otherwise, and includes periodic payments pursuant to a pension or retirement program.
(7) “Garnishee” means a person (other than the debtor) who has, or is reasonably thought to have, possession, custody, or control of any property in which the debtor has a substantial nonexempt interest, including any obligation due the debtor or to become due the debtor, and against whom a garnishment under section 3104 or 3205 is issued by a court.
(8) “Judgment” means a judgment, order, or decree entered in favor of the United States in a court and arising from a civil or criminal proceeding regarding a debt.
(9) “Nonexempt disposable earnings” means 25 percent of disposable earnings, subject to section 303 of the Consumer Credit Protection Act.
(10) “Person” includes a natural person (including an individual Indian), a corporation, a partnership, an unincorporated association, a trust, or an estate, or any other public or private entity, including a State or local government or an Indian tribe.
(11) “Prejudgment remedy” means the remedy of attachment, receivership, garnishment, or sequestration authorized by this chapter to be granted before judgment on the merits of a claim for a debt.
(12) “Property” includes any present or future interest, whether legal or equitable, in real, personal (including choses in action), or mixed property, tangible or intangible, vested or contingent, wherever located and however held (including community property and property held in trust (including spendthrift and pension trusts)), but excludes—
(A) property held in trust by the United States for the benefit of an Indian tribe or individual Indian; and
(B) Indian lands subject to restrictions against alienation imposed by the United States.
(13) “Security agreement” means an agreement that creates or provides for a lien.
(14) “State” means any of the several States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, or any territory or possession of the United States.
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
(16) “United States marshal” means a United States marshal, a deputy marshal, or an official of the United States Marshals Service designated under section 564.
(Added Pub. L. 101–647, title XXXVI, §3611, Nov. 29, 1990, 104 Stat. 4933.)
guestimate Did not vote.
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
Pretty clear if you ask me.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I mean out of context, sure
Marshb Did not vote.
I actually remember the day that I was studying in the law library, reading through the federal code annotated, and coming upon the portion that declares the “United States of America” to be a corporation and it’s (c)itizens a “franchise there-of.” Of course, as a child fond of explosions I already lost all trust for the media and my government when 9/11 happened and my child eyes that enjoyed watching any recording things blow up recognized controlled demolition without a blink. That distrust was why I was reading the founding documents and code law as pertained to what claimed to be my government and my state.
I read all of it. Every page, every footnote. Some of it I read repeatedly. Some of it gave me joy- the system that had been crafted could be an incredible machine. If lawyers and politicians hadn’t screwed it all up- the founders created something astounding and capable. Words were twisted. Things claimed to mean what they don’t. No amendment was needed to “free the salves” because they are men and created equal- it was already there. And the amendment that supposedly freed those slaves- did nothing of the sort. Instead it just shifted slavery to being something the State could impose on ANYONE at will due to it now being applicable to anyone who has committed any crime… those crimes determined by that same State. Slavery was expanded- not abolished. Equal protection was explicitly pointed out ostensibly for the idiots who needed to be told that “all men are…equal” already did that but really just made everyone equally subject to being a slave of the state for breaking any arbitary law that they arbitrarily create. It effectively ended what those of us old enough to remember as Civics Class were taught to be the good old US of A. When the South left and the North declared war- the country we are taught to be living in is the country before the split. What we actually live in is the thing that came after with modifications to constitutional law and federal code law which effectively negated the “government deriving its JUST powers from consent of the governed” bit. Before this- the Constituion gave the PEOPLE all the power. After this, it said that they had no power.
And it’s been a charade every since- slowly wearing down the populace resistance to various things and distracting them with other things.
Now, we are what amounts to a fascist oligarchy. The police are basically the mafia, we pay them for “protection” that we do not get, and they still break our things. The authorities those police ostensibly “answer two” are at once afraid and /or unwilling to rein them in- some because they make bank off of the for profit prison industrial complex aka slave trade aka police kidnapping and manufactured authority/consent.
Our “government” is a corporation- on paper and in function. It creates its own policies irrespective of its franchises (aka citizens) and said same are responsibility for adhering those policies regardless of failure of corporation to notify its franchises of additions or changes to said policies; also, withholding right to change said policies at will, irrespective of franchise position in regards to said same. This corporation also reserves the right to arbitrary suspend, ignore and/or haphazardly follow said policies itself as pertains to it or franchises, enact policies which directly contradict previous policies even when those policies have provisions enumerated specifically rejecting the corporation doing so; while also maintaining the discretion to allow franchises to take action for remedies against said corporation should franchises be damaged in some regard by the above mentioned policies.
I’m in my 30s.
I’ve paid attention.
My police are a gang.
They rob my friends, my neighbors, the people of our towns.
My politicians are a farce- most people don’t vote. They know it doesn’t matter- they mostly don’t know why it doesn’t matter… it’s quite a lot of reading after all. And we are programmed to be lazy about such things if it isn’t purely to entertain. The popular vote said we wanted term limits and the SCOTUS claimed we can’t do that- tho the president has term limits. And what if by some magic, the brainwashing failed, and NO ONE went to vote? Well the politicians would still vote, of course. Doesn’t matter if the highest vote is 30million or 13. If only a handful vote and 13 is the majority, they won’t the popular vote and the electoral picks what it picks. And what if magically, no one voted for a governor, senator, no political office higher than mayor. What would happen? They’d put whatever mouthpiece overworld they were gonna put there anyway for the most part.
Our choices are a lie. I’ve watched this government lie to me since I started school and didn’t realize it till 9/11- I just wondered why they were teaching at the rate of the dumbest kid. Surely the adults knew what they were doing… surely, some did- but not the ones that wanted bright and inquisitive minds. Not the ones that looked at incorrect narratives patterns and scratched their heads. I was… 4th or 5th grade so around 96 or 97 I’d guess… they stopped doing civics class. Even then- that concerned me. I didn’t like that class when I took it but what kid likes that junk? I realized it was important tho- it was supposedly teaching me how my government worked. We should all know how our government works and what the laws are. But they don’t want you to. And they don’t want you to look back and realize that every time we have invaded another country since the world wars it has been after they lied to the people through the media and evoked outrage and patriotism and freedom to get the emotional populace to feed bodies to the war machine. Nam to Iraq- you name it, they lied to get us there.
I read the laws because I realized that the people who were supposed to be preserving what the founders created had long ago fallen asleep at the wheel. Because everyone I believed was probably paying attention when I was a kid and not worrying as kids shouldn’t worry about politics and the like- they weren’t. Or they’d glimpsed how bonkers it was and knew it was off but hope and laziness kept them complacent as long as they were kept entertained.
Our system is a lie- what we are taught, what is written, and what is actual practice are different things entirely. And the person who wrote this starting thread is a sham- knowingly or not he is aiding the greatest threat to the American people since the Canadians rode down on their majestic moose and burnt down our White/Brown House.
Yusef El Did not vote.
Before the 14th amendment [sic] in 1868:
… [F]or it is certain, that in the sense in which the word “Citizen” is
used in the federal Constitution, “Citizen of each State,” and “Citizen of
the United States***,” are convertible terms; they mean the same thing; for
“the Citizens of each State are entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of
Citizens in the several States,” and “Citizens of the United States***” are,
of course, Citizens of all the United States***.
[44 Maine 518 (1859), Hathaway, J. dissenting]
[italics in original, underlines & C’s added]
After the 14th amendment [sic] in 1868:
It is quite clear, then, that there is a citizenship of the United States**
and a citizenship of a State, which are distinct from each other and which
depend upon different characteristics or circumstances in the individual.
[Slaughter House Cases, 83 U.S. 36]
[(1873) emphasis added]
The first clause of the fourteenth amendment made negroes citizens of the
United States**, and citizens of the State in which they reside, and thereby
created two classes of citizens, one of the United States** and the other of
the state. [Cory et al. v. Carter, 48 Ind. 327]
[(1874) headnote 8, emphasis added]
We have in our political system a Government of the United States** and a
government of each of the several States. Each one of these governments is
distinct from the others, and each has citizens of its own ….
[U.S. v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542]
[(1875) emphasis added]
One may be a citizen of a State and yet not a citizen of the United States.
Thomasson v. State, 15 Ind. 449; Cory v. Carter, 48 Ind. 327 (17 Am. R.
738); McCarthy v. Froelke, 63 Ind. 507; In Re Wehlitz, 16 Wis. 443.
[McDonel v. State, 90 Ind. 320, 323]
[(1883) underlines added]
The Federal Zone:
A person who is a citizen of the United States** is necessarily a citizen of
the particular state in which he resides. But a person may be a citizen of a
particular state and not a citizen of the United States**. To hold otherwise
would be to deny to the state the highest exercise of its sovereignty, — the
right to declare who are its citizens.
[State v. Fowler, 41 La. Ann. 380]
[6 S. 602 (1889), emphasis added]
The first clause of the fourteenth amendment of the federal Constitution made
negroes citizens of the United States**, and citizens of the state in which
they reside, and thereby created two classes of citizens, one of the United
States** and the other of the state.
[4 Dec. Dig. ’06, p. 1197, sec. 11]
[“Citizens” (1906), emphasis added]
There are, then, under our republican form of government, two classes of
citizens, one of the United States** and one of the state. One class of
citizenship may exist in a person, without the other, as in the case of a
resident of the District of Columbia; but both classes usually exist in the
same person.
[Gardina v. Board of Registrars, 160 Ala. 155]
[48 S. 788, 791 (1909), emphasis added]
There is a distinction between citizenship of the United States** and
citizenship of a particular state, and a person may be the former without
being the latter.
[Alla v. Kornfeld, 84 F.Supp. 823]
[(1949) headnote 5, emphasis added]
A person may be a citizen of the United States** and yet be not identified or
identifiable as a citizen of any particular state.
[Du Vernay v. Ledbetter]
[61 So.2d 573, emphasis added]
… citizens of the District of Columbia were not granted the privilege of
litigating in the federal courts on the ground of diversity of citizenship.
Possibly no better reason for this fact exists than such citizens were not
thought of when the judiciary article [III] of the federal Constitution was
drafted. … citizens of the United States** … were also not thought of;
but in any event a citizen of the United States**, who is not a citizen of
any state, is not within the language of the [federal] Constitution.
[Pannill v. Roanoke, 252 F. 910, 914]
[emphasis added]
Yusef El Did not vote.
You do not understand the difference between UNITED STATES and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. UNITED STATES is a legislative democracy that receives it plenary power from Article I Section 8 CLause 17 of the constitution. UNITED STATES CITIZEN is subject to this legislative democracy as is all congressional created instrumentalities.
One need only look at the word “Citizen” before the 14th amendment (Proper Noun) and “citizen” after the 14th amendment “common noun,” to see where the deception lies. The deception is instituted through the use of grammar.
The Supreme Court has officially defined the key term “United States”
to have three separate and distinct meanings:
(1) It may be the name of a sovereign occupying the position of other
sovereigns in the family of nations.
(2) It may designate the limited territory over which the sovereignty
of the federal government extends.
(3) It may be the collective name for the fifty States which are
united by and under the U.S. Constitution.
(1) United States* or U.S.* (first meaning)
The name of the sovereign Nation, occupying the position of other
sovereigns in the family of nations.
(2) United States** or U.S.** (second meaning)
The federal government and the limited territory over which it
exercises exclusive sovereign authority.
(3) United States*** or U.S.*** (third meaning)
The collective name for the States united by and under the
Constitution for the United States of America.
Robin Supports this as a Fact.
Really? Because blacks law dictionary defines it as a corporation.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I think you are referring to this? AND
The more I read about this the more sure I am right in my original conclusion and that the rest is like an elaborate flat earth theory.
A United States is a concept that was around before we began to call ourselves the United States of America. It is for example used in the classic that inspired Madsion “the Spirit of the Laws.”
= It is difficult for the united states to be all of equal power and extent. The Lycian* republic was an association of twenty-three towns; the large ones had three votes in the common council, the middling ones two, and the small towns one. The Dutch republic consists of seven princes of different extent of territory, which have each one voice. =
Also, I’m going to reassert that my position is that the US, United States, America, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, a US citizen, a United States Citizen, a Citizen of a state, etc are all in reference to the same and only United States of America and that the seat of this government is in DC which is not a state but is part of the United States as confirmed by its Organic acts (and that taxes are Constitutional, and that aside from the interest owed to the FED and the general way the system works… bankers don’t own our nation in any meaningful way, etc).
Happy to hear counter arguments, but I think the more I hear the more sure I am that this whole thing is a complex conspiracy theory.
Jay Atkin Supports this as a Fact.
Curious if my comment did come through?
And thanks for this article. Good job!! It is through sharing and research that we reawaken our fellow sovereign American Nationals.
It IS quite the “can of worms”.
Research we in the Continental Congress of 2009 have done, does support the attempted theft of our Republic and assets by European powers in the time following the “Civil War”. But remember, NO fraud can stand when the “contracts” are not known or fully understood by ALL parties involved. That makes ANY CONTRACTS citing American national debt void.
International law of the Sea(Maritime Law) MUST reflect Common Law. Hence why the current DoJ uses Statutory as their label. They don’t want people enforcing Common Law in these unjust courts.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Both comments are posted, we approve comments manually to filter out spam. All legitimate comments are welcome regardless of their content.
Jay Atkin Did not vote.
One must point out you are citing Federalism and supremacy of the Federal government over the States. This is simply not truth.
When you create something, you are it’s Creator, it’s Master. We the People are Sovereign, equal to any Sovereign in the world. We created the colonies which then became sovereign Nation/States recognized by King George and his progeny inadfinitum. The States then created the Federal gov to serve them and their needs via the AofC/Constitution. Only the delegated powers in Article 1 Section 8 are allowed to the Federal gov. All else is either expressly forbidden(Article 1 Section 9) or reserved to the States and the People(9th and 10th Amendments).
Thus, the Federal government is NOT above the States. The statutes(which are not defined in Black’s law dictionary as law) are applicable to only Federal employees or Federal assets, which the 14th Amendment turned the slaves and U.S. citizens into.
Common Law/Common Sense
We the People/Kings and Queens of the world
Aof C/Constitution
Laws in pursuance to this Constitution
Federal Gov
Legislative, judicial, executive, citizens grand jury
Post 14th Amendment-
Common Law/Common Sense
Fed gov
Branches of Gov
Statutes/federal laws
We the people(U.S. citizens)
Yoshi Supports this as a Fact.
If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it must be a ducking truck?
I see you have only supported facts that U.S. means a federal corporation, others have posted other citations on the subject matter. Foreign federal corporation, business is to tax corporations, federal can only deal in commerce, etc. etc.. etc…
Show me the document/code/statute/Act/ or any other paper that IS enacted into their corporate ponzi scheme employee handbook that says U.S. is NOT a corporation.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Asking for evidence of absence is kind of a BS thing. It is like saying “show me proof that the state Connecticut isn’t a transformer.” None exists, as it isn’t and thus there is no official document stating everything the state of Connecticut isn’t.
I am fine with being wrong on this whole issue, I just don’t find any of the proofs I have seen compelling. The most compelling things I have read are some of these comments, but it hasn’t fully changed my mind.
Tim Wiseman Supports this as a Fact.
Whomever debunked this so called myth does not have reading comprehension skills needed to weigh in on this article,that’s my opinion .
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Your opinion is noted, it would be stronger if you offered examples. 😉
STEPHAN C ZUPP (strawman) Did not vote.
Nice try. But you aint foolin noIbody.
Try reading The Global Soveriegn Handbook
J Supports this as a Fact.
This totally blows this aspect of the sovereign citizen argument out of the water. Good work.
Greg Riley Did not vote.
The word “federal” is misleading, obviously. This in turn, creates an allusive nut and shell game.
I would also like to point out that the lost art of critical thinking may have well been hijacked in modern America as conspiracy theory.
I suggest a reaction has been successfully programmed into our psyche. Perhaps reflection prior to casting others with this dismissive tactic could serve useful. Although, I am no scholar by any means. Enlightening article and discussion.
Godspeed in good deeds!
Marc Supports this as a Fact.
Thomas DeMichele,
Good argument, to which I wholeheartedly disagree. USC 28’s comment below has a lot of real valuable information.
Simply enough, the creation of the Federal government is defined as a trust. Though there are many forms of trusts, Corporations are a form of a trust which has Presidents, Secretaries, treasurer, etc. Trusts, the trustees, beneficiaries, etc, need not be made public. We do have a Federal Corporation registry, but all trusts that act like a Corporate trust need not be registered.
The US Supreme Court has stated in numerous cases the several definitions of “United States”
The term “United States” may be used in any one of several senses. [1] It may be merely the name of a sovereign* occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in the family of nations. [2] It may designate the territory over which the sovereignty of the United States** extends, or [3] it may be the collective name of the states*** which are united by and under the Constitution.
[Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt, 324 U.S. 652 (1945)]
Also cited by Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, in its definition of “United States”:
“United States. This term has several meanings. [1] It may be merely the name of a sovereign occupying the position analogous to that of other sovereigns in family of nations, [2] it may designate territory over which sovereignty of United States extends, or [3] it may be collective name of the states which are united by and under the Constitution. Hooven & Allison Co. v. Evatt, U.S. Ohio, 324 U.S. 652, 65 S.Ct. 870, 880, 89 L.Ed. 1252.”
The second definition is the one in which the Congressional power has under Article 1 Sect. 8 the powers to do business as a corporate like trust. It does have all the same pieces of a corporate trust. It can create entities over which it has sovereign power. All UCC entities, all (new after 13th Amendment) US Citizens fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of the 2nd definition “United States.” It can enter contracts which affect itself and its owned entities in a manner which is not required to pass Constitutional tests.
As the 2nd definition United States, it cannot enter contracts which effect the PEOPLE of the 50 states who are not an owned entity. They can only do this through Constitutional acts which are a whole different behavior, bringing Constitutional Treaties, or Constitutional Amendments, or Positive Public Law (not just public law). Much of the public law created is done in a manner which affects only owned entities. For example, Obamacare (ACA) passed Constitutional tests because it is only enforced against “persons” who claim to be US Citizens or federal corporations (those who are taxpayers). There are several laws passed which they run through the IRS system in order to stay Constitutionally sound. Taxpayers by definition either are an owned entity of Congress (eg. Registered Corporation, States doing business with the Federal Government, a US Citizen) or consent to be an owned entity (a foreign people like People of one of the states who signs the perjury statement on IRS tax forms, who otherwise is not a US Citizen) for the purposes of paying taxes. The perjury statement on the IRS tax forms is one of two types used by the government. One is for entities who are inside the Federal Jurisdiction “United States” and one which is for those who are without the Federal jurisdiction. This jurisdiction is not a territorial. IRS forms are for those who are within Federal jurisdiction.
The long and the short of it is, the United States government truly acts as a corporate trust much of the time under definition #2, with much of its interaction being commercial in nature. Whether it has a federal EIN or is publicly registered is immaterial as any trust can remain partially or fully private. It can also act as though it is not a corporate trust, as in a government, by the people for the people. Really wish more people knew this information so we could hold them to be the latter.
Keith L Kennedy Did not vote.
Every time you claim “myth”, the words ‘United States’ are spelled in lower case. NOT ONCE, do you proclaim, “THE UNITED STATES is not a corporation”, because it is. Correctly, The United States is not. Therefore, this is misleading at best; either by omissive deliberation, or outright subversion. It falls into the maligned definition of propaganda – a point of view – but in this case, a Pied Piper’s fable.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
It is not subversion, I am saying that this whole idea is in my opinion a myth. So I’m saying the UNITED STATES, United States, united states, etc is a republic of states bound by a Constitution and not a corporation created in 1880s or whatever.
You can see that people disagree and put forth their own theories. I would read through everything and do your own research. I could be wrong.
Here is my theory on everything: 1. whatever is the case is the case (even if we can’t or don’t know what is the case), 2. we should try to understand what is the case to the best of our ability, 3. it helps to research and share information so we can better understand what is the case.
John Did not vote.
My comment is being monitored ? that confirms my first comment and truth.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Everyone’s comment gets checked to see if it is spam. It is the internet, people like to spam websites.
We don’t censor anything and will post anything short pure hate speech and spam.
John Did not vote.
Its still a Nazi nation going to sh$#* due to corruption and a few wealth scumbags the sheeple support. Idiot aMErika.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I’d say this, very few things are black and white. There is a lot of negatives to be frustrated with, I mean why do we have this crushing student debt and people in Flint drinking lead on one hand and then tax breaks for those who don’t need them on the other?
Still, there are also a lot of good people trying to do the right thing, and even some people who aren’t doing what we might consider the right thing are doing what they do with what to them is good intentions.
World is a complex place, takes effort to make it better and sometimes you have to squint to see the good things so you can remember what you are fighting for.
Paschal Did not vote.
Your interpretation as stated above:
“When 28 U.S. Code § 3002 says “United States” it means all corporations owned by the United States (any “federal corporation”), not that the United States is itself a corporation.”
However, it seams to me, that this definition is clearly stating that the United States is a Federal corporation that is an entity of the United States…
U.S. Code › Title 28 › Part VI › Chapter 176 › Subchapter A › § 3002
28 U.S. Code § 3002 – Definitions
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
(B) an agency, department, commission, board, or other entity of the United States; or
(C) an instrumentality of the United States.
Brian Wilkes Supports this as a Fact.
Its ironic whether i believe this or not, the system is broken because anytime your 21 trillion dollars in debt who cares if were incorporated or not. The people are not being properly represented. Our elected officals fight to stay in office sometimes for years and for what reasons..Answer that for yourself….
Scholar Supports this as a Fact.
It is a fact that there is now a United States Corp apart from what was once legal.
You can see this by joining the military for instance. The military is not governed by the constitution, you sign away your freedoms by enlisting, something you do when hired by a corporation. The constitution enshrined god given rights which cannot be taken away, but if you join the current military, you’ll soon see the socialist indoctrination at its face. The constitution says no standing armies. Right now we have multiples and even the state militias are tampered with through the “national guard.”
A sovereign entity like the United States in Congress Assembled, cannot be sued. The fact that the US can be party in any lawsuit is a direct show that they are in fact the corporation and not the sovereign entity. You can not be sued in court without having a social security number or birth certificate. You also cannot be sued for anything other than federal reserve notes.
You simply have to, as with all things, follow the money. Look into what happened after the revolution with gold payments from north Carolina. Look into the actual causes for the Civil war, which is corporate domination, followed by establishing laws about the cost of the Civil war debt being paid back to those several wealthy families, and about the subsequent default of the entire nation to those families, resulting in the gold seizure from citizens to pay them back, and the creation of the federal reserve corporation to run our money. We didn’t have constitutional money again until 1986 with the silver eagles and golden dollars being issued again.
Still you can buy 20 corporate federal reserve notes with 1 true US dollar dominated in 1 ozt silver.
Anywhere that only accepts federal reserve notes is part of the corporation. If they don’t have any plan to accept silver, they’re part of the corporation.
Indeed the US admiralty flag, with gold fringe, is of the corporation. Indeed your vehicle registration and drivers licenses are granted for corporate use, not private. You don’t need a drivers license or registration to travel, only to do so for profit or in conjunction with a corporation.
Its clear that the author of this article has not looked at the facts and points to references distorted by bad interpretation.
The USCC, the United States Commercial Code, was created because of a Comnerce Clause in the Constitution which was only meant to regulate trade between state governments, not private citizens. This commerce clause was a precursor to saying how no states may form their own independent unions or confederations which could subvert power from the newly created “f”ederal goverment (little f emphasized as not yet a corporation).
Basically now at birth because of the great depression and the selling out of our country and its default to those families, we are given corporate fictions at birth, in the form of social security and birth certificates. Those legal strawmen are whats used by the IMF who control the IRS, to determine Standard Drawing Rights aka SDR from the international world bank.
Basically i could write several books before even scratching the surface. No one but you can check the facts and think for yourself. Just follow the money, or the fake money.
Mike Doesn't beleive this myth.
I don’t understand people who are so eager to believe conspiracy theories. I guess facts don’t matter. For some reason there has to be some awful conspiracy for everything. It is disruptive and polarizing and harms this country.
Michael Schnitzer Did not vote.
Here is another thing for you to think about:
“A corporation is a citizen, resident, or inhabitant of the
state or country by or under the laws of which it was
created, and of that state or country only.”
[19 Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.), Corporations, §886
Stewart Did not vote.
The United States is a District of Columbia corporation.
In Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. § 1785 we find
“The United States government is a foreign
corporation with respect to a State”
(see: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441
S. 0.1973, 14 L. Ed. 287).
Since a corporation is a fictitious “person”
(it can not speak, see, touch, smell, etc.),
theres many laws stating us is a corooration
it can not, by itself, function in the real world.
It needs a conduit, a transmitting utility, a
liaison of some sort, to “connect” the fictional person,
& fictional world in which it exists, to the real world.
Michael Schnitzer Did not vote.
Stewart, I know! citizens, residents, or inhabitants ( our name in all capital letters) of the us corporation/ federal zone that we always hear and which we are always called by the government/law enforcment officers are government created corporations.
Ayi A'a Re Did not vote.
Since the Act of 1871 which established the District of Columbia, we have been living under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION which is owned by certain international bankers and aristocracy of Europe and Britain.
In 1871 the Congress changed the name of the original Constitution by changing ONE WORD — and that was very significant as you will read.
Some people do not understand that ONE WORD or TWO WORDS difference in any “legal” document DO make the critical difference. But, Congress has known, and does know, this.
1871, February 21: Congress Passes an Act to Provide a Government for the District of Columbia, also known as the Act of 1871.
With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress creates a separate form of government for the District of Columbia, a ten mile square parcel of land (see, Acts of the Forty-first Congress,” Section 34, Session III, chapters 61 and 62).
The act — passed when the country was weakened and financially depleted in the aftermath of the Civil War — was a strategic move by foreign interests (international bankers) who were intent upon gaining a stranglehold on the coffers and neck of America.
VDC Did not vote.
How about them passing off the fact that corporations are people a few years ago?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Yeah, that is an odd one. That is real. So interesting note, if the United States is a corporation… Then it is a person. What are the implications of that? And, if foreign bankers own the U.S., then is it a slave? Can people truly own corporations if people can’t own people? Lots of interesting things to think about here. If slavery is illegal, then no one can own corporations. Also, should not a corporation therefore pay the ordinary income tax? Hmmm… gotta love how logic is selectively applied.
Stewart of the royal house Supports this as a Fact.
Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States 318 U.S. 363-371 1942:
“Governments descend to the level of a mere private corporation, and take
on the characteristics of a mere private citizen. as mere corporations,
private commercial paper, negotiable instruments, bonds, securities, notes,
entities total separate from Government, the fact is, fiat money removed the
government right to be sovereign, STATES contract with U.S.corporation
removed its 11th amendment right, leaving The People the only sovereign
in this Country. Res judicata stare decisis
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I can’t find this excerpt on any credible website.
I’m finding the case, but not the quote.
It is a Court Case about a check from J.C. Penny. Would be strange if this was the smoking gun. Who knows though?
Stewart Did not vote.
check congressional records and actual and compleat case law
(1861) congress sine die adjournment, dissolved their political platform
government stoped, and in (1865) resumed in name only, its a shell, only by
virtue of the continuing operations, with the implied power of that shell,
their using any unmasked energy that they get from the People, to turn into
war machines, there by to beckon, to attack back at the People which are
funding the attack against themselves, this is the perfection of the
operation of the act, congress implied power (1871) to turn congress into a
board of directors to promote the bankrupt U.S.service company, the
investors wanted their investment back for the civil-war, in (2018) We The
People are still paying for that war through the 14th amendment which was
only meant for exslaves, immigrants, employees of federal corporate called
government in (1871), today its a unam sanctam corporation passing ACTs.
There are no federal or state laws, what there is today is unam sanctam
agt abilene policies/codes of another country a foreign power. In
(1912-1913) unam sanctam steped-up its game in the middle of the night the
night before christmas the president and a couple congressmen brought in the
federal corporate “federal reserve bank” the FRB is not-federal it has no-
reserves and its not a bank, its subsidiaries the treasury like the FRB and
the IRS are private foreign corporations here to steal are substance and to
continue the fraudulent ACTs/bills.
Be cognitive to the fact that this is not lost on congress or and the
Presidents or senators the fact that congress, money, legal color, land,
banks, deal in or are all fiat, not real its been stolen by foreigners, they
all operate in name only just the way unam sanctam likes it. Its not the
lord that did this, it was the lord governors of london the BAR own by the
Vatican, the Vatican and the Crown are Banks with real money, “ours”. A
morgage is a dead plege to the dead entity called a person/legal person, is
no-loans because theres no-money, only offset and discharge, just another
way to steal Our engery, theres no-money, before FRB (1913) everybody owned
allodial title today no-one has allodial title nobody owns the land the
house sits on they stolen all under a trust and their the trustees “not-Us”
turning all into sharecropper’s
Michael Schnitzer Did not vote.
Read the definition of person in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a). a person includes corporations!
sdfdsf Supports this as a Fact.
(15) “United States” means—
(A) a Federal corporation;
said unequivocally United States is a corporation. It does not imply “United States” consists of corporation(s).
A means a B, implies A is a B; does not imply A consists of B(s)
It is ridiculous to say otherwise.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
It is not ridiculous, as I’ve explained… you are citing a definition that you are interpreting incorrectly. It means “in this legal document when we say United States we are referring to and all of the following.
Ask someone who knows legal speak to interpret this for you and see what they say.
Alex Did not vote.
I think that you don’t have a fundamental understanding as to the differences between Natural Law and positive law. Also its not Title 28 USC § 3002 its Title 28 USCA § 3002 (15) (a). That statute is not subject to interpretation it states verbatim and unequivocally that “the United States is a Federal Corporation”. It is then again reaffirmed in Volume 19 Corpus Juris Secundum § 843 which states “the Untied States is a Foreign Corporation with respect to a state”. You don’t understand the that there has been created a fictional Federal “State within a state”. See Howard v. Sinking Fund of Lousisville, 344 U.S. 624, 73 S. Ct. 465, 476, 97 L. Ed. 617 (1953); Schwartz v. O’Hara TP. School Dist., 100 A. 2d. 621, 625, 375 Pa. 440. (Compare also 31 C.F.R. Parts 51.2 and 52.2), which also identify a fictional State within a state.) This fictional “State” is identified by the use of two-letter abbreviation like “CA”,”AZ” and “TX”, as distinguished from the authorized abbreviation like “Calif”. Also, the Organic Act of 1871 didn’t change America into a Corporation it merely established a dejure quasi Corporation called the United States. Further, a “Citizen of the United States” is a civilly dead entity operating as a co-trustee and co-beneficiary of the PCT (Public Charitable Trust), the constructive, cestui que trust of the US Inc. under the 14th Amendment, which upholds the debt of the USA and US Inc.” Congressional Record, June 13 1967, pp. 15641-15646. “It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States
Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal
Government exists today in name only” United States Congressional Record Daily March 17, 1993 Vol. 33, page H-1303. ” The state citizen is immune from any and all government attracts and procedure, absent contract.” see, Dred Scott vs. Sanford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 or as the Supreme Court has stated clearly,”… every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institution formed by his fellowmen without his consent.” CRUDEN v. NEALE, 2 N.C. 338 2 S.E. 70. In conclusion “The People” does not include U.S Citizens” Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S 243 you cannot use the Constitution to defend yourself because you are not a party to it Padelford Fay & CO. v. The Mayor and Aldreman of the City of Savannah 14 Goergia 438, 520. I look forward to your responce.
Legal Maxim – The law which governs corporations is the same as that which governs individuals [godless entities]
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I appreciate your response. A lot to look over and research before I would have anything meaningful to say. But I will look and thank you.
David Higgs Did not vote.
Great topic, thanks for the article.
Wherein lies the confusion is that all law and then the acts, codes, statutes and case that support public policy exist completely in the abstract, as no citizen, state, or idea of a country can ever own or have true ownership (allodium) of land i.e. corporeal hereditaments… IMPOSSIBLE!
All public law only governs those created in fee simple and thus public law can only ever govern incorporeal hereditaments – the abstract.
In fact all governments were created through a split title so to manage the waste created while their fee simple corporations (citizens) extracted resources from the donor’s condition precedent (right to a trust) in the land.
Without the knowledge expressed in Coke upon Littleton, the Maitland papers, Blackstone’s Commentaries, Magna Charta (1925 version ratified common law), Domesday book (1087), Statute of Uses (1525), Bill of Middlesex, (1556 -1608), Ann 6 ch.18 (affidavit to remove from fee simple), Law of Mortmain (1279 & 1290), Judicature Acts of the 1870’s… &c, you will continue to gain your mind exercise on the made-for-public hamster wheel.
You cannot interpret law using the same mind that created the law. Justinian rules were established, Cambridge & York Universities were erected so to understand how to operate (work within) the laws of a corporation.
The criminal act from which all English law evolved was in 1066 and since that time, now time immemorial, no one has ever corrected this initial criminal act and as such English law was created therefrom.
If you think that every person does not operate as a legal person (an artificial entity), created by an act of law, then it is b/c you have yet discovered why public law (policy) was created.
FOR GREATER CERTAINTY everyone who is construed to be a citizen of a country, they are in fee simple therefore bound to pay for the right of use of things. This use, originating through an act of law, created a trust whereby all possessions are placed into a cestui que trust which ONLY gives the right of use & a possession to these things.
The law that governs use is equity. Until a citizen returns to his true status, through reversion, and a writ of release from the corp person, he will remain a slave to his own ignorance which believes that the country he resides (Law of Domicle) or the identification he uses identifies real things. IT DOES NOT… IMPOSSIBLE!
mac Did not vote.
thomas slavery is not illegal, involuntary slavery is. you can sign up to be a slave. a corporation comes from the word corpus it is a dead person. you can own a dead person, that would be a implied contract imposed on the dead person. note medical service come to the aid of unresponsive people under a implied agreement. if that person is presumed dead, the body is now the personal property of the medical personal under that implied agreement
Power to the people. Doesn't beleive this myth.
This person misrepresented all facts
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
You mean me the author? I don’t think so. I wrote this page mostly as a response to the pages previously online which I have concluded from research themselves misrepresented the facts. But everyone gets to check out the research and documents and make their own call. I’m not trying to get people to think one way or the other, just sharing what I found.
Zeik Did not vote.
“U.S. Declares Bankruptcy!”
Ten years to the day of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Obama made the announcement to the General Assembly of the United Nations that the United States was filing for bankruptcy and for the protection provided in the Chapter 11 provisions of the United States Bankruptcy Code.
Michael Schnitzer Did not vote.
Isn’t incorporating the process of forming a corporation? so when someone uses inc after thier corporation name, it means thier corporation has been incorporated into a corporation. or am I missing something? I do not know if the us government is a corporation or not but it sure does worship money, greed, power and control.
I saw a website a few years ago where the u.s government, the crown and all the other governments of the world where registered and listed as corporations. I forgot what that website was but I am sure it was a u.s government agency website. I do not remember so I can not say for sure.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Well some worshiping worship money, greed, power and control and literally being a corporation except Walmart owned by shadowy bankers are not the same thing.
The conspiracy theory (if we can call it that, not trying to dismissive) sort of asserts that the Constitution is invalid and bankers took over the United States and turned it into a literal corporation.
That is different from the semantics of can we call “incorporated” under the governing document of the Constitution being a “corporation.”
Amure' Did not vote.
Do Walmart use/have a commercial identifying Dunn & Bradstreet number as the other “State of’s” in North America Thomas?
Michael Schnitzer Did not vote.
The Act of 1871 established the District of Columbia and the federal government/corporation. All the people that have their domicile in Washington D.C and whom where born in Washington D.C are U.S citizens. Almost everyone who lives in America today are U.S citizens because The federal government/corporation which
was created by the Act of 1871 expanded its so called jurisdiction in all of the States via lies, fraud and force, for an example telling parents that they need to get a social security number for their kids. When in fact according to the social security act only employees of the government can get a ssn!
It seems to me you are mixing an incorporated City or Town with a Compact (which is a contract). The US constitution is a compact (contract), not a (in)corporation! Washington dc/The federal government was not created / incorporated by the land/homeowners in the area (this is the definition of incorporation). No, Washington dc was created by congress by the Act of 1871. There is no way you can incorporate the federal government like you can incorporate a city or town.
Now there is a compact as I mentioned earlier. A compact is a contract where you consent to follow the compact/contract.
Michael Schnitzer Did not vote.
on the other, all governments are corporations via charters and the consent of the government’s employees and public officers. The point I was trying to make is that the government dupes everyone into becoming u.s citizens and public officers.
Ivan bradshaw Supports this as a Fact.
Ivan bradshaw Did not vote.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Well yeah, but those are companies registered in Delaware (like so many companies) who have odd names. None of those are the United States.
I think I explained this in another part of the page.
The first one on the list is an LLC from 2008 registered to Spiegel & Utrera, P.A. as a marketing ploy. So not a secret society of European bankers, but some law firm who can help you create LLCs with a crummy website.
And so it goes.
NOTE: I am not making fun of anyone for getting worried about this, I had to dig through each one to confirm… but if there is a conspiracy, this is not the place to look. It is rather one of the things that made me realize we were all barking up the wrong tree here. Or if we aren’t, we are at least looking at evidence that isn’t the evidence we are looking for.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
D.C., like any city, state, or town is a municipal corporation, not a corporation like Walmart.
It is INCORPORATED like most cities, towns, states it is not UNINCORPORATED like some cities, towns, and states. See above where I explain people not understanding the meaning of the word incorporated.
NOTE: Again let me stress this, I read the same internet rumors you all did. I just went through their evidence and found that they were presenting the stuff we are discussing as “hard evidence”… but almost all of that, when you really dig, is totally not right and it is like these points we are covering here. I love finding out truth, but for that reason I find it annoying that people present this stuff as evidence without really taking the time to look at it. It sort of feels like they are purposefully manipulating people. And isn’t that what we don’t want, to be lied to and manipulated? Sorry, tangent. Just making a point 🙂
Gene Did not vote.
The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I read that as: If I live in the State of New York, federal agencies within the state are considered domestic corporations, but the Federal Government itself is a foreign corporation in respect to my state.
Here again the term corporation is being used in a confusing way. It isn’t, as far as I can tell, implying that a Federal Agency or the Federal Government is a corporation like Walmart, it is implying it is incorporated under a set of laws (one such set of laws being the Constitution).
So its more like a comment on the separation of powers (federalism specifically). The argument being between the rights of the individual in respect to the state of NY and the United States itself (this case is about the rights to the estate of a person named Merriam from what I can tell).
At least that is what I’ve gleaned from the blog and the corresponding document:
Not saying this is exactly the right interpretation, but am pretty sure this is the gist.
Amure' Did not vote.
Does Dunn & Bradstreet numbers identify “Commercial Entities” Thomas? (“State of New York”-D&B#041002973)
In all of my efforts, I could never get any prosecuting attorney to give the reference to Z.I.P. Codes identifying a republic, Could you help them please?….
Amure' Did not vote.
Correction- I meant in the previous post>”Entities within a Republic or associated to a Republic identified via Z.I.P. Codes”(Please give the lawful reference)
mac mac Did not vote.
“it is implying the Federal government is Corporation is like Walmart”
Here’s an example to illustrate; A customer can enter a corporate retail store dressed in baggy attire, swimwear, bright colored flip flops or even cowboy hat. The retail store Manager could not require the Customer adherence to the corporate dress code, as the customer would not violate the retailer’s dress code policy, because they are not subject to the Retailers dress code policy, as the customer is not an employee. However, if a store employee wore the same attire, they would violate that corporation’s dress code. Unlike the Customer, the store employee has a signed application (pre-existing obligation) or has a corporate dress code agreement/policy on file with the corporate retailer, in which the Corporate Retailer could compel the Employee to perform to. The retail store Manager could make a presumption the customer is an Employee, but the customer could request evidence of an obligation, in this case a Signed agreement.
Correspondently, the United States as defined by its Charter Organic Act 1971 is a MUNICIPAL CORPORATION and define as a Federal Corporation ( see title 28 3002 ) enforcing Codes and Statues (which a person must be contractual obligated to, similar to the exampled dress code), which in turn would follow the same principle as the above example. The Federal Corporation requires your consent for everything so, you can voluntarily be its subject. just like a employee voluntarily applies to work at Walmart and be its subject
The U.S codes (USC) are listed under chapters then, chapters are listed under Titles, because when any entity or person that registers for federal benefits, services, or protections, voluntarily subjecting themself under a code, must create a trust or fiduciary relationship with the Federal Corporation, in which the Title to their business, agency or corporation is given over to, or Incorporated with the Federal Corporation.
the 5th Amendment says the government Shall not take property without just compensation. but a corporation can transfer ownership voluntarily to another corporation, in this case the Federal corporation, without receiving compensation. And a trust would be established where the Federal corporation is the Legal Title holder of any Incorporated business. Thus the US government has to be a corporation to be exempt for its on 5th Amendment.
The trust gives Federal Corporation ownership (contractual ownership) of Fictional business, agency and corporation can tell those entities what to do, because they are under its jurisdiction, literally they fall under title of ownership and the written code.
Just like Walmart has departments. the HR department of Walmart would have a chapter defining the dress code. And the employee would provide a signed compliance of dress code document to that HR department pursuant to Walmarts Corporate Regulation Chapter, section Dress Code. so yes the Federal government is exactly like the Walmart Corporation lol
Scholar Supports this as a Fact.
A corporation is a corporation is a corporation. Literally there is no difference between your incorporated municipality and walmart.
Dont believe me? How does a city have an entity? How can it hire employees? Does it operate on solely federal reserve notes?
Look at police. They must be trained to state corporate standards. They give up constitutional rights when hired. They are hired to carry out the demands of the corporation only, enforcing the laws of the corporation is their job, not your safety or protection. You must obtain an “order of protection ” to qualify for police protection.
Corporate police only have licensed jurisdiction within their own corporate limits. They do not exist in unincorporated places. They issue fines only to legal strawmen in federal reserve notes.
If you refuse federal reserve notes, and reject the system, no court will have jurisdiction because you must consent to this.
You state you are just learning. You should not be stating what you think you know and contributing to the misinformation. Its like the blind leading the blind in this article.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Interesting. It sounds reasonable that if most towns and states are incorporated in that sense, that we should not make the distinction between a municipal corporation, being incorporated into the United States, and Walmart (meaning there is no point in making a distinction between:,, and If all those are corporations, then the U.S. being a corporation in the same sense seems reasonable.
But these “corporations” are controlled by those we elect directly (and those they appoint and hire). And thus, the idea is that they would carry out the will of the people using the entity. The people have direct and indirect control of both the federal and state governments. No? This then just sounds to me like the technical structure of a federal democratic republic.
This is different than the U.S. is a corporation owned by foreign bankers due to the Organic acts of D.C. (or whatever is implied here:
I’m happy with the truth, whatever that is, even if it is nuanced and I am partly or wholly wrong.
And you are right, I do not know for sure. This isn’t “a not for sure” site, this is a “take a claim research, find the best answer based on research, discuss, get to the bottom of it, refine the page over time, and get it right” site.
The aim is to make this page the least blind page on the internet, but I can’t more than I can do. I’ll take your ideas and research them and see how and if I can properly amend the page.
Rick Did not vote.
You didn’t present your findings as if plausible… you presented them as factual… the term, “myth was used… it doesn’t mean, “I’m not sure” in any language anywhere. This response is all double talk. If you truly feel you don’t know and aren’t really sure, you should have said, “undecided” rather than myth… dumbasses are quoting you as if what you said is true… most didn’t even read what your lying ass even said… they just posted the headline… I VERY quickly destroyed your take with simple logic… “if it looks like a duck”.
This site is as muc( trash as SNOPES”… total garbage!
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Here is the logic:
Everything is either true or not true, i.e. a fact or a myth. The claim that the United States is a corporation is either true or not true. As far as our research shows it is not true.
It is therefore labeled myth.
The label then gets changed if that claim can be shown to be incorrect. I am confident it won’t be changed based on what I’ve seen so far, but like any page on the site, the conclusion is always up for debate if better evidence comes along.
I am not undecided, I am decided… but even being decided, I am open to debate and being proved wrong.
Feel free to post the argument you used to “destroy” someone who used this page to back up their argument. As for comparing it to Snopes, I take it as a compliment, but I understand that it is an ad hominem attack (like most of what you posted here). 😉
In all seriousness though, my main point here is that if you wish to prove with evidence that I am wrong, I am happy to hear your claims and leave them here for readers to see. So, feel free to do that.
mac Did not vote.
you have to understand international bankruptcy laws when a government goes bankrupt the creditors can cease its assets, including its, code, and statutes, in this case the ceased the US’s federal corporation
#$*#(&$#( Pissed at your Ignorance Did not vote.
Fine #$#%#$#, “The District Of Columbia”
Is a %#%#$# corporation.
& No It doesn’t have anything to do with Christopher Columbus!
It’s the Goddess “Columbia”
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
May lady Columbia ease your anger my child and show you the light. 😀
Actually what you say is not correct. Lady Columbia is an American made national icon based on figures like Athena and Lady Britannia. There was no Goddess named Columbia until we made her up (or, more specifically took Athena and the other old Gods like her and repurposed and rebranded them).
The name really does come from Columbus, cartographers used his name to refer to the New World because it didn’t have a name yet.
See; // and //
Feel free to offer a citation if I am missing something. The above is though what I found in my research.
Scholar Supports this as a Fact.
Actually “lady liberty” is the harlot of babylon. USA is the new Babylon for some.
Lady liberty is also known as ISIS, Semarimis, Ashtor (Easter), Astarte, etc.
Originally would have held a chalice, but was given the torch by lucifarian freemason intervention aka the light bearer or light bringer. Interesting.
Also, look the the roofs of certain state and federal buildings for interesting statues.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Interesting take.
Philosophically speaking, I think bringing the light is a good thing though for a country founded on the principles of enlightenment
That said, to the extent that a chalice has positive symbolism of bringing wisdom (to phrase it simply), that would have been a cool symbol too.
Light makes more sense though since the Lady Liberty is sort of guiding the way.
I’d always though seen Lady Liberty and Columbia as versions of Athena, Lady Britannia, etc… just a type of national icon for a state.
David Did not vote.
Oh yeah, one other item;
28 U.S. Code § 1746 – Unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury [it lists both the United States and United States of America. And remember UNITED STATES has already been defined for Title 28 as a Federal Corporation. ]
Wherever, under any law of the United States or under any rule, regulation, order, or requirement made pursuant to law, any matter is required or permitted to be supported, evidenced, established, or proved by the sworn declaration, verification, certificate, statement, oath, or affidavit, in writing of the person making the same (other than a deposition, or an oath of office, or an oath required to be taken before a specified official other than a notary public), such matter may, with like force and effect, be supported, evidenced, established, or proved by the unsworn declaration, certificate, verification, or statement, in writing of such person which is subscribed by him, as true under penalty of perjury, and dated, in substantially the following form:
(1)If executed without the United States: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the United States of America that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).
(2)If executed within the United States, its territories, possessions, or commonwealths: “I declare (or certify, verify, or state) under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on (date).
(Signature)”. U.S. Code § 1746 – Unsworn declarations under penalty of perjury
David Did not vote.
“The United States Government is a foreign corporation with respect to a state.” Volume 20: Corpus Juris Secundum, (P 1785: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. 505 1441 S.Ct. 1973, 41 L. Ed. 287)
“The laws of Congress in respect to those matters do not extend into the territorial limits of the states, but have force only in the District of Columbia , and other places that are within the exclusive jurisdiction of the national government.” Catha v United States , 152 US , at 215
Michael Bey Supports this as a Fact.
Interesting. I’ve heard Trump HAD to leave DC and go to the 2nd White House (Mar-a-lago) to not be within the District of Columbia to be able to attempt to reinstitute the Republic of the United States of America. I’m not an attorney, but have been learning much more about my country that I was never taught in school.
David Supports this as a Fact.
” To paraphrase in common language the provision says: “United States” includes any federal corporation, agency, department, or instrument of the United States.” “In other words, when the document says “United States” it means all corporations owned by the United States, not that the “United States” is a corporation.”
According to the justices of Fed Sup Crt – YOU CANNOT paraphrase in common language what Congress has specifically defined ! YOU ARE NOT allow to ‘freely interpret’ a definition. The definition means what it says it mean – NOT what you think it might mean. The federal legal definition DOES NOT STATE ‘includes’ – it clearly states ‘MEANS’.
So in all JUDICIARY AND JUDICIAL PROCEDURE (Title 28) in all FEDERAL DEBT COLLECTION PROCEDURES ( Chapter 176 ). So if the feds are collecting a tax debt for the United States, the term “United States” MEANS a collection for debt owed to a corporation.
Troy Doesn't beleive this myth.
Thank you that was extremely informative.
Cmac Did not vote.
I love it. Great exchange. I am researching, trying to figure out what side of the fence I’m on. Its interesting and i search for the truth.
Tom Kerr Did not vote.
You must be a shill for the pseudo government to put out such a cruddy blog…if basically all you have to justify the fact the the US is not a corporation because it lacks citations of court cases, you are sadly misguided and are doing others a disservice.
There is a reason we are not taught in any fashion the history establishing the US as a corporation; there is a reason our social security number and each State in America is listed as stock on Dunn and Bradstreet and that registration for birth is not mandated for consensus but to establish persons as fictitious persons/mini corporations so that the big corporation disguised as the US government can interchange and force their corporate rules down our throat….You have a “strawman” (google it) and this strawman is what changes you from a person to a corporation. The US corporation a.k.a. US government does not have to reveal any citations to us the people…A corporation serves itself by its rules…it does not serve the people or feel the need for disclosure…
You have been deceived…We all have….but some of us know better not to mislead others into further ignorance….Get a clue..
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
1. Corporations are people… so even if you are a corporation you are a person. 2. If the U.S. is a corporation then it is a person. 3. If the U.S. is a person then… sorry, bad joke.
To your point though, I’m not “a shill.”
I just saw this idea that the U.S. was a corporation online and after reviewing the documents cited by those articles (cited on the page) realized people didn’t really seem to know what they are talking about. Or, more polity, didn’t understand the legal speak in the documents.
The documents, of which there is more than one, each with a different purpose, are things like articles of incorporation into the united states (where incorporated states and territories are “incorporated into the U.S., towns and cities are generally incorporated too in this way) and they do things like offer definitions of executive agencies and other entities as being part of the United States (in this article when it says THE UNITED STATES it means the US and any incorporated entities or agencies; so a town, the CIA, the EPA, this building the public owns, etc)… that sort of thing.
There may very well be a ton of shady things that happen in this world, but this theory is not one of them as far as I can tell. I am happy to review evidence, feel free to drop a link or to point out an aspect of the documents cited in the page that I missed.
I’m all ears, would love to hear grand theories of corporations and oligarchs using contractual language to turn the U.S. into some strange corporation like MrRobot or something, kind of what go me interested in the first place, it is just that it doesn’t seem to be true.
Not sure why people are so married to this idea? Again though, maybe I’m missing something. Feel free to prove me wrong.
– Not a schill
Anthony T Supports this as a Fact.
You never addressed Tom Kerr’s comments regarding the birth certificates and social security. I’d like to know your thoughts. I’d also like you to do as much research as you can on the history of birth certificates, all the way up to their inception. Please share your comments and thoughts on this.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I’ll have to research it. Will keep a note to do so and get back to you.
Windlord Supports this as a Fact.
More to your point, that the Act of 1874, in addition to other ‘Corporate Housekeeping’ activities and I quote; “Up to that point, D.C. had been governed as a mixture of municipalities and counties within District boundaries and not by its Government as a state. Later, in 1874, Congress repealed the territorial government to create a single municipal government for the federal district. See Origin and Government of the District of Columbia Judd & Detweiler, 1902”.
In so doing, The Government removed multiple/territorial government authorities and Incorporated a Single Municipal Government. Who are the owners and operators of the Incorporated Federal District? The ‘Town of DC’ has a mayor and commissioners, but the federal district is “Sovereign” to that. All the States, Counties, territories, and Districts are “Incorporated” under what authority/entity. And if that authority can accumulate property, instruments of debt, enter into Contracts, and create business relationships does it not fit the definition of a Corporation? If that authority can also issue ‘currency’, enter into treaties, and wage war, does it not also satisfy the definition of a Government? All be it not that Sovereign.
The Coincidences over that period in 1874 that ties these Consolidations, repeals of Territorial governments in favor of creating a Single Authority and all the other Incorporations provides for a neat and tidy (Corporate) package that would facilitate the efforts to satisfy outstanding (international) debts as well as manage the business of a directing Authority over those newly Incorporated States, Counties, Territories, and Municipalities across the fruited plain.
My point being, when you set up “Housekeeping” in the Structure of a Corporation, as the Congress did in 1874, does it really matter that they didn’t CLEARLY identify their overt/covert intensions. All of the significant legislation and financial actions our Government created from that waypoint forward betrays the Government as an Organized Corporatocracy whether they advertised it or not! It led to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the Executive Order 6102 of 1933 that fraudulently stole private wealth (gold) from supposedly sovereign citizens, and many other Corporate friendly legislations and mandates.
Identifying and Rejecting that Legislation of 1874 provides a material foundation for comparison to the Federalism of Sovereign States, the acknowledgment of individual Sovereignty, and a Representative Republic under the Authority of the Original Constitution (if they are in fact not the same).
Did the Legislation specifically create THE UNITED STATES INC? They reorganized the Government Structure to act as one whether or not the wording was specific. How do you know when a Politician is lying – His lips are moving!
Thank you again for this thought-provoking forum!
just say’n
Semper Fi,
Joseph Ma Supports this as a Fact.
Sorry, but you kind of minced words here.. Granted it’s a complex and slightly technical issue. My understanding thus far is that you need to study commercial contract law to really get a handle on what the current U.S. gov. really is.
You also need to check the lesser known and untaught history of what Lincoln did after the civil war with regards to creating a new Corp. called the U.S.A. (confusing because he gave it the same name as the Republic, although some argue that the Republic was called “FOR America” instead of “OF America”.
The biggest proof though is that they are not denying they are a corporation at all, it’s just not spammed in the media or taught in school. You can check source material such as Black’s Law Dictionary (4th ed. is better for this), Government statutes and court case history. There’s also the Dunn and Bradstreet listings as someone else mentioned.
Sorry, but this is an incredibly important fact for people to know – that we have a corporation run out of the District of Columbia masquerading as the original Republic for their own benefit. This also ties in with how the Federal Reserve isn’t actually part of our government and is owned by foreign interests, i.e. we don’t print our own money!
Frankly this article is irresponsible in that it’s poorly researched and only tows the mainstream farce, and thus perpetuates an evolved and sophisticated debt slavery system…
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
The FED is independent within government entity that works with the treasury and banks as a sort of check and balance on the economy. One can make a case for this structure over a state bank, its not a simple issue. These entities are parts of the united states, the semi-public Fed and public treasury more so than private banks.
D.C. is “incorporated” into the United States (but it is not the same thing as being “a corporation.”) It follows some special rules, but they mostly have to do with arguments over voting.
I really don’t think the theories on the U.S. being a corporation are correct. In fact I would love to have someone here who understands commercial contract law help clarify some things. From what I know about legal speak I get the sense that this whole theory is wrong. It seems to me that it is misunderstandings of legal language that are causing the confusion, not expert understandings.
Certainly there is room to better understand everything here though. Glad we have a platform people can chat about it on. There is of course an absolute and truthful answer to be found!
Duncan Farris Supports this as a Fact.
The Federal Reserve is not an independent entity within government as you state. It is a privately held banking cartel. Do your research. Former Senator from Oklahoma, Tom Coburn, representing Convention of the States, speaking last year at the Idaho State Capital to members of that legislature and the community stated that members of the US Congress take an Oath to a constitutuon that weighs 73 lbs. and not to the Constitution for the united Sates.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Do you have a citation or something. I can literally go read the Constitution here: and here:
If I printed out a double spaced copy with an section on each page and amendment on each page I’d get a thicker document than I normally would… but I don’t see how I would get exactly 73 pounds.
I challenge anyone to show me this mythic imposter Constitution. If it did somehow exist, it would have no power over us, but I doubt its existence.
Michael Bey Supports this as a Fact.
My understanding is that during the “Plandemic” (COVID-19), we were under a national emergency and Trump quietly absorbed the Fed into the Treasury Department, placing it under the Executive Branch of government. Firstly, is this true (trying to find out), secondly, would that bankrupt the “corporation” run out of DC? The theory is that the corporation of the UNITED STATES dissolved and that is what Biden is actually the president of. Trump is at Mar-a-lago (research it as the second White House) and that he and patriots are attempting to go back to the Republic pre 1871. The Act of 1871 was only the beginning that culminated under FDR and the creation of the I.R.S. and Federal Reserve.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I appreciate that explanation. A lot to unpack there, but glad someone explained to me the root of this. Thank you!
jerry smith Did not vote.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
If there was some way to get paid for my opinion more than I do I would consider it, but no 🙂
Donna Supports this as a Fact.
well said
Dr. Wayne R. Hitchener, Ph.D. Did not vote.
Individual laws, acts or statutes are created by representative assembly….over the decades, since our govt’s inception, many influential representatives have collectively thwarted constitutional restraints by the clever manipulation of court cases and reneged their personal honor and integrity by said actions. This is what has lead to our present millenial crises, not the supposed fact that the Organic Acts of 1801 or 1871 incorporated the United States as an hostile contractor of the states. Poor and deceptive leadership and the willing accomplice of wanton voters has caused our current woes. Attention to detail and scrutiny must begin with strong involvement of the body politic in the legislative process to slowly correct the abominations that we are suffering….we were presented with a Republic, now is the time to find a way to keep it and stop finger pointing.
John Barros Did not vote.
I’m interested to know what you’re motivation is in regards to this topic. What are you attempting to accomplish by telling everyone that the government who has admitted to being a corporation somehow actually isn’t a corporation, they just look, act, and operate in a corporate fashion while literally controlling only other corporations including PEOPLE, which is why they need to print out birth cirtificates to use as collateral for unsecured debt and can only create joinder with its citizens after they have used instruments to convert them into unwitting corporations with all capital public trust names and social insurance numbers? Come on man! Wake up!
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I’m trying to figure out what the truth is.
The country may operate like a corporation in many respects, but it isn’t literally a corporation like the myth circulating around some internet articles suggests.
I feel like truth is important. We have an article on the U.S. as a corporatocracy, so it isn’t like we are being apologists here. It is just important that we don’t go making stuff up Alex Jones style when searching for the truth (where he finds truths and pairs them with pomp to sell supplements.)
Let’s find the truth, but let us not fill our bellies with internet supplements.
Jonnie Did not vote.
Want proof the UNITED STATES is a Corporation. Just look at your official birth certificate, and back of your social security card. That red number is a bond number. Hence the reason your Certificate of life is printed on bond paper. The United States went bankrupt from the civil war and was in severe debt. They literally had nothing to offer except the citizens of this country. So they sold it to the international bankers who wanted a piece of this country to begin with. Congress as usual covers their own butts by incorporating D.C as its own entity, state, separating themselves from the rest of the states so they would not have to answer to any other country. This is where the changing of the constitition took place. The original constitution is worded and type faced completely different and that is NOT a typo. The original constitution is written: Constitution for the United States of America. The revised version that we are bound by is written as: Constitution of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA. As soon as that deal was made, every living and born citizen assumed the debt of this country and our birth certificate is proof of that, its also why the same bond number is stamped on federal reserve notes. The act of 1871 was the largest bailout in history and the assets that were liquidated were you and I. We are still paying that debt today because people don’t know the truth, dont want to know, or simply don’t care.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
That is a lot to chew on. Interesting concepts.
We do all owe our share of the national debt. And we didn’t become the most powerful nation on earth without a lending relationship with banks and a trade relationship with other countries. I mean, how can one borrow $20 trillion to support their growth if not for good relationships? And, why lend $20 trillion to a country whose citizen’s won’t pay it back?
Do you demonize your bank for the money you borrowed? I mean, I get the lure of it, but I don’t get the logic of it.
This is a many faceted issue I could discuss all day long… One thing I’ll say though is that I’m really not aware of a new Constitution. We have the old one, I posted a link to it, it is still binding, it still says Constitution for the United States of America. Literally you can read it on the .Gov archives site.
Now, I haven’t researched it, but the idea that a birth certificate is a bond seems not right. And indeed, a Google search tells me over and over its a conspiracy theory. Now, that isn’t good enough, we have to do our own research. But like:
Kind of makes me feel like you have righteous frustration but are listening to Alex Jones (or someone like that) and not doing your due diligence to sincerely seek the facts. Let us both look a little harder to see if we can find the truth here. You just saying it isn’t good enough, and me just questioning it isn’t good enough. We need to find some proof one way or the other before we speculate further.
Jatom Did not vote.
“We do all owe our share of the national debt.”
-No, only those who feel they do and that they in fact have a nation. I only owe what I directly pledge to other living souls not what has been pledged for me by strangers or companies with interests. I am not of a nation or company. I am of the world. Born on true land with made up borders and rules. These are not my borders or rules. In fact I find them repulsive. I find most human constructs mostly repulsive and against nature which is beautiful. Nationalism divides our commonality as earthlings and has us pick a superior stance over our equals in other nations. It is the cause of this disaster and those who wish to control will seize on the ignorant practice of team picking as long as there is ignorance. Once we see that these fictions are not “ours” unless we choose them to be we will find freedom. It is yours if you want it. Not mine. I don’t want it. Do not bind those who are free in your ties. Yours, not “ours”.
“And we didn’t become the most powerful nation on earth without a lending relationship with banks and a trade relationship with other countries.”
-Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
You and your like may have become the most powerful nation through organized deceit, fraud, terror and destabilization all by the most covert and overt means necessary to fulfill an agenda of profit and power. I am of no interest in power. Only truth. Anyone who concerns themselves with power is no friend of mine.
“I mean, how can one borrow $20 trillion to support their growth if not for good relationships? And, why lend $20 trillion to a country whose citizen’s won’t pay it back?”
-When one says “lend” do they mean to take something in which they actually have and let another borrow it or do they mean to create something which they do not have and then lend that to the other with interest and under the guise of actually having had the thing? All the while simultaneously creating 10 times the original un-possesed
amount of that which they never had and using this nothingness to perpetuate the scheme infinitely until…?
“Do you demonize your bank for the money you borrowed?”
Again with the assumptions. I have no bank because they operate on fraud. I do not participate with fraud therefore I do not use a bank. Anyone who does is fraudulent whether conscious or otherwise. So yes, I would “demonize” all entities involved with fraud because fraud is a behavior which is contrary to righteousness.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Your answers are well thought out. Remember though, I’m a guy running a website, I’m not the state or a bank. I’m just researching, writing, playing devil’s advocate, and giving people a place to speak their mind. I’m attempting to stay a neutral third party here… while also sharing my research and speaking my mind a little.
Stephen Supports this as a Fact.
Please read the Creature from Jekyll Island and all of you who think the United States is not a corporation with begin to get the full picture of how all this took place. Even very recently China; which holds the majority of our debt made a subtle move to declare our creditworthiness just before the historical fall of our stock market… proves that our so-called United States is dependent upon international bankers to stay afloat.
Snap Did not vote.
Thanks for the interesting article and the extraordinarily open manner of debating.
Regarding birth certificates and the theories regarding them. Despite a good deal of research and hunting, I could find nothing to substantiate theories regarding birth certificates and their putative role in cest tui que trusts, and related claims regarding strawmen.
At the same time, it was one of the strangest experiences I’ve had to ring the Births, Deaths and Marriages ‘registry’ and inquire whether it is possible to see the original of my birth certificate. I was told that is probably not possible due to the ‘nature of the facility’ in which it is held. When I asked where the facility is, the woman said she did not know. I don’t know exactly what to make of my experience, other than that it seemed like I had genuinely struck on secrecy. Now, maybe that’s just because the government takes the security of birth certificates very seriously. Somehow I just don’t think that’s all there is to it.
My birth cert copy does not have my name in ALL CAPS and does not have many of the other ‘signs’ people claim to support theories. And yet, I could sense there’s no way in hell I could view the original. And that intrigues me.
Donna Did not vote.
I know this is an old post but I just received a copy of the constitution for my birthday, which mom ordered from the the official source in washington and the cover says The Constitution of the United States of America.
Ken Layng Supports this as a Fact.
If the *did* know / believe this to be the truth, what would you suggest they *do*? Presumably, the 41st congress had no standing to make that deal. What is the call to action to restore the original Constitution, and liberate the bond servants?
Joab Did not vote.
You are correct, and if there is needed proof that not only is the United States, Inc doing business as a foreign corporation they just need to read: Statutory Instruments 1997 No. 1778. Where is states who rules and runs the Social Security Administration and it ain’t us folks it is the Queen of England. So who won the Civil War ?
John Barros Doesn't beleive this myth.
If it walks like a corporation, talks like a corporation, controlles a bunch of smaller corporations. Then it’s a corporation bottom line. You can justify it any way you like but that doesn’t change the facts. Blacks law dictionary says a corporation is an artificial person or LEGAL ENTITY created by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation, composed, in some rare instances, of a single person and his successors, being the incumbents of a particular oltice, but ordinarily consisting of an association of NUMEROUS INDIVIDUALS, who subsist as a body POLITIC under a special denomination. it’s clear in the face if it, so why are you trying to convince people that the facts are not the facts? It’s like putting someone’s hand in water and saying “see, I told you it’s not wet”
Law Dictionary: What is CORPORATION? definition of CORPORATION (Black’s Law Dictionary)
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
If the argument is we meet the criteria of a corporation, I would submit that most nations do as well. I’m not rejecting that concept as much as I’m rejecting this idea that the articles that formed D.C. made the U.S. a literal corporation. I can’t find any proof that is the case, and when I read the documents it was clear to me that it was talking about incorporating D.C. and speaking to agencies being incorporated in the U.S.
In legislation definitions are not action items, they simply clarify what terms mean. From the best I can tell, the myth arises from a misreading of legal speak…
I’m helping someone work on legislation right now (as in in recent weeks), and I can tell you that definitions aren’t binding provisions themselves (and to the extent they are, as in the terms would be in the provision, that definition is still being read out of context).
Walter M Reed Supports this as a Fact.
You’re not a very great researcher but I’m going to educate you!,go to the Fox News where representative Allen west of Florida;where he States the president is the Chief Executive Officer of this Corporation Called the United States of America and here in Florida and you can also go to Florida we’re all corporations have to register to do business in this state and its document number 1 0 0 0 0 9 (the United States Corporation company) also here is a case is 55 Supreme Court 50, 293 U.S. 84, h e l v e r i n g vs Stockholm’s enskilda bank United States District Court 1934 page 5 you can read the whole case if you like sir
Walter M Reed Did not vote.
I’m Walter and if you want to know anything else?also we all havebeen living in the state of emergency for 63 years see senate report 93-549. they also Blended article 3 of The Constitution, art. 111 common law and Equity law in 1938 they blend those two with admiralty&martine in 1966 and made it a morality does call admiralty it statutory jurisdiction is only three jurisdictions in the Constitution they have the fourth one. Feel free to respond back to this message with questions.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Our team Removed some identifying information from this otherwise well intentioned comment.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Thanks for offering your insight. It will take a bit of time to go through each document listed.
In the meantime: I fully agree that entities incorporated in the United States are United States corporations. I fully disagree that the United States is a corporation owned directly by foreign banks. As summarized in the article.
Jason Did not vote.
Why did your team remove information?
I feel slighted. The removal of information is more dangerous to us all than anything that could have possibly been left in. You have turned a great conversation about Liberty into a set up. Censoring a conversation on this topic can only be seen as a punch line.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I, the author of the site and editor (in many cases), removed identifying personal information from the comment. I didn’t remove anything of substance to the argument.
Does that make sense?
Speak freely. Just don’t post your personal info online 😉
W Did not vote.
Thomas DeMichele Thank you for approaching this topic with an open mind. Anything controversial worth knowing takes endless hours of research to reach a somewhat firm conclusion. I am glad you have chose to take this time. I don’t have the time to form an opinion yet. I did read this article which comes to the opposite conclusion
I did just read an article today relevant to your view on WWII that I have had a little more time to investigate, and so lean towards it being true.
I think our concept of war is a lot different that what it actually is. You have read War Is A Racket by Major General Smedley Butler?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Those are good links, and fully agree that anything worth knowing takes effort and research and an open mind… but on the links, while smart, they miss some of the concept of peace through world trade and enlightenment (it’s what the owl symbolizes essentially). The imagery is purposefully Greek, Egyptian, and Roman and the concept is that of enlightenment. It’s on the back of the dollar bill, and it helps explain everything that Alex jone’s version of the events would call “satanic.”
I’m not saying using the military as a stabilizing force or the international banks as such a force isn’t without its problems(smedely butler does a good job at explaining major sticking points of the military industrial complex for example), I’m only saying it is also misunderstood and likely kept from the public largely on purpose (due to its complexity).
Sure, securing economic interests isn’t always pretty or good, but if peace through trade is the idea, a dictator trying to take over private companies isn’t exactly the ideal. And if a war does occur, backing both sides is the best best bet for someone with a very long view of the future. It’s called hedging. Also, if you have a central bank, there are worse ideas than being accountable to someone other than the treasury that creates the money (third interests and independent within government makes more sense than one entity controlling monetary and fiscal policy). These things aren’t simple, but the logic is there if you look.
I don’t have time to explain my theories on the history of enlightenment and liberalism and it’s relation to banking, the wars, and the modern state. But I will simply point out, the nature of the forces behind the modern state, like the United States is a corporation myth, is being misunderstood. Phew, big subject and I can’t say it all here. But consider checking out the following video where David Rockefeller tries to explain what a new world order is (essentially it’s better than old world chaos and the history of war and oppression, which is the history of the world). You can quip and say, “well isn’t that the history of the new world too!?” But to that I would say, you are asking that question into your smartphone freely, because you live in a liberal country and have money and don’t have a king telling you what you can say. 😉
Stephanie Best Did not vote.
Author’s Opinion:
TIP: Because D.C. is a central hub, in a great country, with a beneficial corporation law, many of the world’s most powerful corporations have the headquarters there. That does include the IMF and other international banks and businesses. Which, you know, is good for the country. What, would you rather their headquarters be somewhere else?
My two cents:
“Which, you know, is good for the country.”
This Country? Certainly not for its citizens. The IMF, International Banks, and The Federal Reserve are fleecing this Country AND its Citizens by creating perpetual debt equaling upon slavery for this and future generations.
This opinions based upon the notion that these Banking Entities are “good for the country”.
I realize that this is not the topic, however it stands to reason there is no right answer. It is only a matter of semantics within a legal argument about the definition of a ruling body of persons – corporations or otherwise – that is presided over by itself.
When one rules over another without obeying its own rules, it is called oppression.
Stephanie Best Did not vote.
Please have a look at subsections 15 and 15(A) in Title 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and you should see this sentence, ““United States” means— (A) a Federal corporation”.
Maggie Did not vote.
I would ask what this Delaware corporation for UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. Is?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Great question. There is 100% a United States of America, Inc. file number: 2193946.
The problem with this is that it is only one of many things called United States of America registered in the Delaware (and everyone registers everything in Delaware). This however does not imply that we don’t own our country or anything like that. I admit, it is bizarre. Certainly a call for more research. But this finding actually doesn’t even line up with the conspiracy theories….
It for example isn’t founded in 1871. I will research and let you know though.
And, that was fairly easy. There is a long list of corporations called THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. I would reckon none are the secret owners of the US and this is just the sort of stuff that gets added to a conspiracy theory. Again, will keep researching though.
NGORadio Did not vote.
If you say IT IS NOT A CORPORATION THEN WHY your unqualified judges help the thieves stealing people moneys and properties? People don’t trust your lies any more. Same games of enslavement.
Your top federal political players and local 50-states are coordinating the hidden scheme to steal/ collect our assets by perpetrating Wall Street Multiple Fraud in connection with your mortgage fraud. Then you appointed ignorant judges to help the corporations steal everything. This is not a land of freedom but a stole land of occupied Thieves of England.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
So again, I’ll state this more clearly 1. I am not “them,” I’m just a researcher trying to clarify the idea that the United States was turned into a corporation, and 2. Assuming some do want to continue a sort of global Britain based oligarchy, that is only one of many factions, and there are many factions in America (not to mention the world). The problems with lumping everyone into a category and deciding they are against you are too numerous to state… but at least one is that you alienate potential allies and push them toward whatever other side there is.
I think America’s founders had it right when they agreed to disagree Democratically and created a republic. This idea that a band of nationalists can crush the globalist agenda is like a mirror image of the WW2 ideologies. I can’t imagine that is really going to lead us to peace or anything a well intentioned person would want.
In other words, be skeptical, but think critically. If a loud mouth on the internet or some specific state tv channel tells you “it’s us versus them” try flipping the channel to at least hear the other perspective. But either way, try not to crucify me personally (gotta be a bit selfish here 😀 ).
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
One last thing to think about here. Initially the anti federalist and democrats of the late 1700 early 1800s were anti bank… but then they wanted an independent bank. Meanwhile the federalist, whigs, Republicans wanted a central national bank owned by the US. Likewise in these times the federalist right was protectionist and more for taxation, for debt, pro Britain, and the anti federalist left was more pro France, anti tax, against debt, and pro free trade.
However, after the civil war, and despite the federalist win in that battle what was done was not A or B… it was C. Then, by this time the somewhat changed democrats pushed for an independent within government fed and an income tax by 1916. This is really a mix of both past positions and it led to the us becoming a superpower in many ways (that paired with the wars which we didn’t have to fight on our soil, that was big).
One can’t be the world’s team America (trying to say stabilizing force politiely) without having bankers back them. And side note, Hitler found out you can’t even be a tyrant without a good banker you know.
Now if congress controlled the bank it would make $20 trillion of debt worth less… but having some secret backers who we all kind of can guess the general identities of, that gives that debt more weight and helps stabilize.
Same for the way treasury and the fed and the private banks work to create money. Seems shady if you don’t think about why that mixed system is necessary! What, you want congress in charge? Or just the private banks? There are only so many options here!
The nation is stabilized because of the way it is run…. and that allows the nation to stabilize. That also allows the nation to provide for the general welfare with things like Medicare.
This is really a compromise position between the left and right of old. It is unfair to take this “let’s kick out the Rothschilds” conspiracy minded view toward global finance and think you’ve figured it all out.
In fact, some who don’t like the us take this very position (in ww2 and today).
The world is complex, but it is a mistake to think the founders would not have democratically agreed on the choices we made by today had they lived long enough to see our options.
I didn’t even say half of what I have to say here, but simply put, the world is complex and doesn’t conform to one view that involves evil banks and some dream of agrarian democracy that involves winning some war against “the globalists”. That is to me just a front for those with bad intentions they use to mobilize the far left and right against American interests. The story works because it has merit, but it at the end of the day risks starting global conflict over an oversimplification of a longstanding issue.
Now again, that is my input from a researcher standpoint, not me trying to defend or dismiss and not me reading a script of some organization a conspiratorial person might assume I’m a part of because I disagree or put forth difficult propositions.
Just like, the subtext of the claim I’m debunking is I know rather heavy, so want to address it and qualify my addressing of it so we can all see this from the same frame for discussion (not accusation from high minded places).
Zane Did not vote.
Wow dude, conspiracy theorize much?
Almodovar, Anthony Supports this as a Fact.
You are aware that the US industrial revolution began winding down in 1870 after it took off in 1820 right? Also during the industrial revolution the men that built America did so through fear and any means necessary to gain control over industries. What happened during that time is exactly why this country broke away from Britain. Saying these corporate leaders had no hand in the Act of 1871 is a statement lacking knowledge of the time period. You stated that it’s a conspiracy that international bankers were involved. That statement also lacks knowledge. JP Morgan organized a bailout for the US in 1895 through a civil war era loophole. JP Morgans father had ties to the Bank of England and Rothschild. I recommend the book “Lords of Creation” if you’d like a detailed understanding of what was happening during the 19th century in America. Fact- this country was built on a hatred for corporate sovereignty and centralized banking. Fact- banking practices that were perfected in Europe did infiltrate this country. You are aware of the 2 previous central bank failures from this countries early history right? Fact- An entity cannot interact with a living man in the real world without said man also having an entity to claim. That’s where the all caps name argument comes from. The UNITED STATES is an entity doing business with JOHN ADAM DOE. The UNITED STATES entity cannot in anyway do business with Doe, John Adam a living man. Taxation is an example of doing business. The UNITED STATES entity can only tax a living man if he is linked to an entity, in which case we are all linked to an entity by that lovely Social Security number. A birth certificate creates the entity and social security tracks the entity. You voluntarily accept the entity as being you. Hence why the IRS openly admits taxation as being voluntary.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Interesting claims. I’ll research what you state and give my insight below.
Until I can fully research this more I would say this:
1. International banks obviously have an important role in Western history.
2. I have read the Act of 1871 and 28 U.S. Code § 3002 and I really don’t see the legal wording that would turn American into a corporation (from that perspective).
3. What you say is well spoken and smart, but you buzzworded a bit. You said some things like “this country was built on a hatred for corporate sovereignty and centralized banking”… but that isn’t fully true. Some early social conservatives and Jeffersonian classical liberal were anti-bank, just like Jackson, but others like the Adams’ and Hamilton wanted a central bank. Meanwhile, those who were anti-bank were pro slavery, so let’s not go awarding them too many medals. We essentially went to war over this whole thing (the Civil War). After that war these acts were signed, later the Fed was created and the 16th was. Here you can see what I am saying, that is half the country wants an income tax, a global economy, and the world’s top bankers banking our currency, the other side wants to crush the “Secret Societies The Committee of 300, The Jesuits, 13 Illuminati Papal Bloodline Families,The Federal Reserve Bank, Operation Paperclip & MK-Ultra”… right? I mean, one side likes Rachel Maddow and TYT and the other likes Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones. So, I mean, its not like I don’t get the subtext of what you are saying, I do. Also not like I’m advocating the idea that we should offer our country up on a platter alongside our liberty to some international order. I am only suggesting that you are illustrating a somewhat narrow view.
All that aside, to the specific point on this page, I don’t see those documents as literally turning the U.S. into a corporation or creating a corporation UNITED STATES that somehow owns the sentence case republic of state “the United States.”
That said, I take your comments seriously and will read the book you suggest and think on this more in earnest.
I guess i’m just saying, “it is a mistake to think everyone who doesn’t see the world the way you do has some conspiratorial agenda.” If you put enough groups together in a big tent it isn’t a conspiracy, it is like half the human race as the left-wing and the other half as the right-wing. This sort of anti-banker conspiracy is what drove WWII. Hitler was very sure he could “crush” these entities, but one has to wonder if he had all his facts straight… after-all he didn’t succeed in more than spurring on the deaths of tens of millions.
Anyway, rant over. One this is for sure, it is a fascinating subject. Thanks for the insight and comments.
Peter Supports this as a Fact.
Thomas: Why did they change the “Constitution for the United States of America” to the ” Constitution of the United States of America”?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I would have to research this. I wasn’t aware this was a thing. We can see the original Constitution here:
It clearly says “[we]…establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
It isn’t like that is the title of the document, it doesn’t have a title, it just starts with “we the people…”
Can you clarify what you are getting at so I can help research?
Scholar Supports this as a Fact.
Must look at trading with enemies act of 1917 modified in 1933.
It made all U.S. CITIZENS enemies of the corporation. This is what lead to gold seizure.
This 1933 act was similar to the “patriot” act in that it declared a national emergency. This is still in effect, like they would have the patriot act in 100 years from now and barely remember it or even understand hpw it affected them since they were born into it.
Follow the story of money people.
Joseph Skinner Supports this as a Fact.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Seriously though, I do not believe that the United States is a corporation… but think it is empirically obvious that oligrachs have long highjacked all governments. Money rules the world, no? Democracy is a great ideal though, and I think the US does a great job at liberal democracy in a republic.
johnathon Did not vote.
you are an idiot who has no idea what he is talking about because you have to go back and research simply put if you have to do research you don’t know enough to talk about it which means stop giving disimformation
Beth Supports this as a Fact.
I hope this ain’t your day job.
HUCKNOLA Did not vote.
All that fact and no truth.
A heart Doctor can tell me what the test results are telling him, and they may be his fact. It appears that I only have a few days to live but my faith tells me I will not die. And then the Holy Spirit heals me. The doctor comes back baffled in complete disbelief because he saw the damage to my heart except it’s not there anymore.
Your facts are not my God given Holy Spirit truths! Gods Discernment is better then man’s knowledge.
Also, we are not a “Democracy” the Queen of England, King of Britain, and even the Vatican would love for us to believe we are. Mob rule!
We are a Constitutional Republic “for” the people.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
So it can be a little tricky to argue forms of government since even the CIA factbook changes the description of our country depending on who is in power. Anyway, from a view of political philosophy and from words spoken by past Presidents (and you can see this even in our Party’s names) we are a Constitutional Presidential Federal Republic which is a form of democratically-minded republic AKA a representative democracy with a President and a federation of states that share power. I can go on, but we have a mixed government. It is widely agreed in philosophy that a mixed government is best and that is why we were given one. The laws of that mixed government are defined in the Constitution and the Constitutional Convention and the ideas of the founders are well documented. So even if the paper changed, the spirit of the government did not and nor did the spirit of its form (even if in practice we can argue the form is complex). I know this subject well and have written extensively on it. I feel more confident in arguing the form and history of the government than being sure that an original document wasn’t replaced with an almost perfectly similar copy. To argue we aren’t a democracy or that the constitution is markedly different is a losing battle due to all the records we have and the philosophical debate that has been going on for centuries on government.
Sorry about the tangent, just the democracy vs republic argument triggered me 🙂
ABC Did not vote.
if you “didn’t have idea” about most of the things many commenters have pointed out, why bother publishing such a lengthy article to “supposedly” bust myths? Please get your facts together firsrt
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
So the answer to that is explainable. The original factoid I read was simple. It was that the 1871 organic acts turned the US into a corporation. I read up on it and realized it was not true. So I wrote about that.
I was unprepared for all the additional questions and theories people had. I guess the way this is presented by whatever source is presenting it is that they offer a ton of different little things pointing a thousand directions that seem to connect. That makes it near impossible to debunk every point, instead, I have tried to debunk the major interesting points or to confirm them.
When a new one comes up, I don’t act like I know something I don’t, I look into it.
There is no rule that says I must collect all knowledge before I post to my blog. But had I know how deep this conspiracy theory went, I would have for sure researched and presented the information a bit different first. Would be fun to collect all the central theses of the theory and fact check each in a row and see what we were left with. I didn’t do that to start, so we just have my initial research, some notes, and then this massive thread. Think that has value, and I don’t have a time machine so is what it is for now.
Michael Sweglar Supports this as a Fact.
I too am s searching for the truth and I believe it’s out there but that is so much misrepresentations of fact it’s hard. I appreciate the conversation and I have to say….I just want the truth and reading your conversation with Thomas DeMichele he seems to be checking and what he says is reasonable….I think he is just looking for fact also and when you throw more info into the mix well it’s just hard to study it all. So much out there. Truth is a fine line and is not black or white….and a little bit of lies mixed in with the truth make it false. So thus conversation is good and searching for truth is good …..1871 act has a lot of info and I have read a lot of different sources and I still don’t know the truth….who do you trust has it. From what I have read I still come up with the same conclusion that the United States of America is not a Corporation….but there is a company called United States that might be in Florida…..again I am searching for truth. Me personally wish all this stuff was true and that Trump was doing something brilliant to save American from the Democratic Socialist party of idiots.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
It would be really cool if Trump was doing something brilliant in a sort of grand and valiant gesture. I honestly get the draw of that. I’m just not sure if he was it had to do with this topic. There would have to be some sort of record.
Let’s consider UFOs. We think this subject is taboo, but actually there was a bunch of previously classified UFO stuff released and it was put in the COVID bill. Trump was for releasing such documents, others clearly were too, and it was reported and you can see it. No one made a big deal out of it, but it was reported on and one can go look at the records. I would assume Trump dissolving a corporation would be the same, we would have some record of it even if it was sort of done quietly.
When I look for UFOs I find that, when I look for the US being a corporation or it being undone, I do not find it. But I’ll look again since it is being said that it was undone recently now.
Steven Boomhower Did not vote.
Wondering if youve heard of a man named Russell-Jay Gould? He has a website also has a youtube channel and makes some pretty wild claims that fit right in with what you guys are talking about here.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Don’t know of him, I’ll take a look.
Eric Did not vote.
You’re wasting your time jumping down every rabbit hole random conspiracy nuts throw at you. They’re very wrong and you’re very right. Talk to any Constitutional lawyer. These quacks will keep feeding you false BS you have to “research” even though this is all settled Constitutional law. You cannot change the pseudoscientists mind with logic… All you’re doing is indulging them at your own expense.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Thanks for the comment. I really don’t mind engaging with people even when it is a rabbit hole. It is interesting and I enjoy some of the theories thrown out here and questions. Plus it provides a record of debate for other people to read.
B. Segner Did not vote.
Donald John Trump IS and Will go down in HISTORY as the 19th President….all I can say here.
Ýou need to look up Citizenship and the CHANGES that have come in that category to possibly figure out your Corporation question…London in the answer as well…Open your Mind and dive into what is revealed, as it should clear this all up for you, CONSTITUTIONALLY with some effort and thought process and with
TRUST in GOD❣ 😇🙏
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
Trust me, it is my blog, feel free to speak freely. What you say is pretty cryptic and clarification is welcome.
Beth Did not vote.
Yes yes yes 🇺🇸
Teresa L Langille Supports this as a Fact.
I’d like to know what sources you use, when you said you were reading up on it. It’s very hard to discerne the truth, because all of the major news sources are owned by a few powerful corporations, and whose interests align with a global world order that wants to take over this country along with everything our founders fought for and were against. They control all the information. We are the “Last of the Mohicans” and the rest of the world is watching, and counting on us to save them. When I look for info, I look for sources that don’t have a dog in this game, and who just want people to learn the truth. All these sites like Google Search, Fact Checkers, and the majority of MSM are all compromised. Then you have to BEWARE of the Controlled Opposition as well.
T.O Doesn't beleive this myth.
That is what a GOOD reported do, get all the facts first before you report it. You must be an agent.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
If I’m an agent, I’m missing pay and benefits 😉
HUCKNOLA Did not vote.
I would suggest getting all the truthful God given facts before publishing dishonest articles.
C.G. Did not vote.
Wow Thomas. You wrote all this so “matter of factly”but didn’t even know the wording of the constitution had been changed from “for” to “of?” See man, it’s people like you that get b.s. circulating and end up looking like idiots. Please actually do your true, unbiased homework before publishing straight crap like this. Are you the Snopes payroll or something?
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I know there is a claim that this is the case, I could not find that this is actually the case, however. So that puts me in the camp of thinking it is not the case. Do you have a link showing this claim or the original document that I have perhaps missed?
Christine Erikson Did not vote.
“do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America” and having ordained and established this Constitution it has become the Constitution of the USA which it was ordained for. these are the same thing. I ordain a car for you, once you have received it it is the car of you. I ordain a house for you, and once it is yours it is the house of whoever you are.
idiot. you have been being manipulated by liars who tell this USA corporation myth
Scholar Supports this as a Fact.
Usc 28
You are saying things without understanding the full picture, author demichele.
So please tell us, if “UNITED STATES” in this instance includes “a federal corporation” what federal corporation(s) exactly? If you declare all individuals corporate entities the way they do with strawmen, declare all municipalities corporations, give it all justification under the UCC aka the “uniform commercial code” justified (falsely) constitutional through the commerce clause which was only intended to regulate trade, mainly in arms but also economic for taxes and trading fairness, between the governments of the several states. This was done as a reinforcement of the union and prevention of alliances between states and possible economic or outright warefare between states.
The people are not a party to the Constitution. It says “we the people” as a propagandized effort for acceptance as it once said ” we the reps of the states of blah blah….” Also, not every state believed in this convention. Not every attendee wanted the convention. Not everyone agreed with the constitution. It took many years and a power vacuum before the government of the Articles was displaced. I was the first internal coupe of our countrys gov at large.
Back to the main topic, there is no such thing as a “United States Citizen” until created after the reconstruction amendments and the debt laws over the war created to enslave everyone in this Corporation. Before that, no national debt would have been recognized. We fought off central banking twice. You can say all you want that the sellouts had points too but in the end they are inspired by greed and consolidation of power only, many times to wield their wishes over others.
The first 10 amendments were added by the “anti-federalists” because they wanted to restrict the power of the government and guarantee the rights people already had. There were so many they said in the 10th amendment that all rights not delegated by the constitution or prohibited by it still do exist and are innumerable and are reserved to the states or individuals.
These individuals and their rights existed prior to “UNITED STATES CITIZENS” and in fact were people prior to the constitution.
So, you have the creation of strawmen, straw corporations aka “corporate citizens” etc all under control of a “FEDERAL” Corporation which distributes ” social security numbers” or “tax id” information for people who want to be a part of the corporation and use “FEDERAL Reserve Notes. ” The FEDERAL Government is NOT the “United States in Congress Assembled.”
I hope this is starting to make sense.
Your “Social security” number or any tax id comes from the IRS, which is a department of the IMF, of the world bank. We lost this country to bankrupcy over the orchestrated civil war and the resulting laws which ruined the sovereignty of the people over generations.
The income tax is interesting too. It states in the constitution that only the income of the state government can be taxed. Remember, the people are not a party to the constitution. Thomas Jefferson said in his autobiography something noteworthy on this matter. He said that there is no difference to the state between working poor “freemen” and slaves tax wise. He said that if overnight by some extraordinary law all poor were made complete slaves, would it affect the taxes collectable by the state? He said the wealth of the slave master is the same as corporate wealth, with no difference economically to the production or otherwise.
So, you have people hired by federally licensed corporations with id work and to trade in Federal reserve notes. This federal conglomerate of all corporations is an international organization with its own branched control over the United States. This deals with the IMF and Standard Drawing Rights aka SDR aka the great world debt currency. The family lineage of these people has gotten them in hot situations a times.
So you see, the Federal Corporation also known as “The UNITED STATES” is an entity of money. It can be seen in court, which means its not sovereign.
Also noteworthy besides the fact that no reconstruction amendments were properly ratified or willingly accepted is the missing 13th amendment. This is what forbid titles of nobility which also includes creating a superior classed society like lnoghts and squires and lords aka judges, lawyers, district attorneys etc. All trials are supposed to be by a jury of peers, meaning people you know and associate with. All charges are guaranteed a jury trial. Juries decide not only the guiltiness but also the validity of the law itself. There is not supposed to be any people in positions of power over you. If the president themselves told a citizen to do something, the citizen has the freedom to decline or ignore them. Unless the case of treason against countrymen, which would need a jury trial, there is very little the government has power over the individual for.
The United States of the original constitution had no power to restrict citizens rights. You can own any weapon under the constitution, but its USC and UCC codes all in Federal Reserve Notes that prohibit it. Payment of Federal reserve notes to anyone means their within the corporation. The taxes in federal reserve notes of owning a fully auto weapon is what makes it prohibitive. The restriction of sales of manufacture by corporations” aka directly a “federal corporation” is not in the constitution but done by the Corporation solely. No manufacturer regustered under so as to be a part of the Federal Corp can now make fully auto guns for sale, nor sell for anything other than federal reserve notes, nor use materials bought within the corp with notes for materials to sell for anything but Federal Reserve Notes.
Coming together more now?
How about alcohol? Other drugs? Again, its all the corporation, not the Constitution nor the ” United states in Congress Assembled.” All in federal reserve notes .
Constitution says only gold and silver is money. Only slaves arent allowes to use money aka the trading with the enemies act of 1933 and gold confiscation. The corporation is only allowed to use federal reserve notes, not gold or silver. Back in the day railroads, steel companies, logging companies etc all issued their own money for trade between employees. This is simply the unification of that under many corporaions guaranteeing that debt based currency with the work of those people in those corporations.
I hope you read all this. Then reread it. Then look some stuff up and reread.
Look at the whiskey rebellion and how farmers were first forced to pay in foreign unnecessary currency. Its all downhill from there.
Cant find first post so reposting for hope it makes it.
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
We do manual approval on the site to filter out spam (all comments that aren’t literal spam are added to the site).
You gave me a ton to think about, so it wouldn’t be fair for me to give a quick response. As you say, I’ll have to read, re-read, and look up to do it justice.
Thanks for the insight, facts, and opinons!
gordon a gefroh Supports this as a Fact.
Today “the name of the Seat of Government of the United States is The District of Columbia,” but that D.C. and the U.S. are not the same just as the Seat of Government of Washington State is Olympia, but Washington State is not Olympia.
TIP: It is a “federal district” because it is directly controlled by the Government. It is not a state and does not control the government.
The ” federal district ” has been PRESUMPTIVELY Overlaid by Deceit over the Entire US of America Through the ” Words” (Concurrent , Partial and Acquired ) Art.1 Sec 8 Clause 17 . Statutes have Unconstitutionally replaced the ” Word ” EXCLUSIVE Jurisdiction to acquire jurisdiction without ” Purchase ” in LEGAL Coin and Tender , AKA Gold and Silver . To Acquire Jurisdiction without a ” Legal Purchase ” Is THEFT . To Abrogate Common Law Rights UCC 103 without consent is Abolishing Your ” Guaranty ” of a Republic Form of Government . This Is the ” Coup ” of the Organic Constitution and Re[laced by a ” Statute ” of the Constitution ! Congress Makes Laws , Judicial Interprets Laws and Executives Administer Laws . When All Three Branches are Filled With ABA Accredited Members , there is no separation of powers because ABA accredited members can be disciplined and lose their license to ” practice ” See Rudi Giuliani case , This is Treason to the American Republic , Is the ABA Incorporated ? YES !
Denise Thornton Did not vote.
Thank you both for disagreeing respectfully. Both of you exhibited a willingness to hear the others point of view. This entire country could take a lesson from the two of you!
Bernard Coxhead Did not vote.
the most import “fact” of the the entire article:
Scholar Supports this as a Fact.
Freudian slip…. by Trump
G20 (g7 g8) companies uhhhh… countries Freudian slip by member speaker televised in 2014 i believe it was but not 100% on the date.
The group if companies…….uhhhh countries…..
Look into the group.
jodi leung Did not vote.
Biden did it too at the last debate.
Bekura Waliah Shabazz Did not vote.
frontncenter Did not vote.
You see…this where people get tricked. The United States Inc. has nothing to do with the country. Reading things by sovereign citizen idiots will only make you stupid. The real filings are Edinburgh, not the USA. This is why there’s so much ignorance and confusion.
The government is in fact a Corporation Sole. A corporation sole example would be the Crown, which is embodiment of Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government. Look up the definition of the Crown.
There are 2 Crowns. One relates to the royal family, the other is in London, at the Inns of Court. Middle Temple are their barristers. Trickery and deceit. That is what it is. Money is what it is all about. Bankruptcy and debt. Look up the definition for Constiture. (One who becomes responsible for anothers debt.)
We have been tricked into paying off the federal governments debts. We the real people, not the states, fund everything. The federal government is the only real welfare recipient and they will do and say whatever they have to for that welfare money. Including flying planes into buildings.
Dobtwant to be on a lust Did not vote.
Anthony I appreciate your research and tiaking the time in presenting the truth. The UNITED STATES (inc) is a federal corporation! The evidence is out there. This website exists only to present disinformation and twist the truth.
We all need to post this FACT of USA INC and let people realize this is why the corrupt politicians can get away with their deception and fraud to us!
Thomas DeMicheleThe Author Did not vote.
I’m just a researcher running an independent blog. If the US was an alien spaceship, and I thought there was compelling proof to show this, I would present it.
Basically, to resummarize other comments I’ve made, I read some of the same stuff you all did about the US being a corporation, tried to verify it, and was disappointed to find a lack of proof to back up the claim (and to find that documents being offered as proof didn’t seem to prove anything of the sort).
Like, I could be wrong, but I am for sure not being dishonest in my attempt to present my findings (just FYI).
frontncenter Did not vote.
Actually this comment was meant for this person.
You see…this where people get tricked. The United States Inc. has nothing to do with the country. Reading things by sovereign citizen idiots will only make you stupid. The real filings are Edinburgh, not the USA. This is why there’s so much ignorance and confusion.
The government is in fact a Corporation Sole. A corporation sole example would be the Crown, which is embodiment of Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of government. Look up the definition of the Crown.
There are 2 Crowns. One relates to the royal family, the other is in London, at the Inns of Court. Middle Temple are their barristers. Trickery and deceit. That is what it is. Money is what it is all about. Bankruptcy and debt. Look up the definition for Constiture. (One who becomes responsible for anothers debt.)
We have been tricked into paying off the federal governments debts. We the real people, not the states, fund everything. The federal government is the only real welfare recipient and they will do and say whatever they have to for that welfare money. Including flying planes into buildings.
And Anthony is right. All the proof being submitted doesn’t prove anything. Because everyone is looking in the wrong places.
Zane Did not vote.
The SSA has NEVER issued a card to a man or woman, only to the cardholder which, is a trust not a man or woman. The “entity” as you describe it DOES NOT identify you and it does not belong to you as per the form 3000 of the SSA. Properties and assets acquired through the trusts are not yours either, they are the trusts which, is the property of the District of Columbia. The cardholder is a trust and agency business of the Corp US, which is a corporation formed by our government, not our actual government.
The name, number and card are not yours and do not identify you.
frontncenter Did not vote.
Social Security (or the trusts) is not the property of the District of Columbia. It is the property of the Queen. The Queen owns and amends Social Security in the United States. That is a fact.
Si Did not vote.
Kevin George Doesn't beleive this myth.
You’re a loony.
Peep Did not vote.
You cannot deny Washington DC does not belong to the United States correct? So how are you going to sit there and say the United States is not a Corporation? Your the one living under a rock and I will keep my tin foil hat on!
William Sowders Did not vote.
Well said, thorough and to the point.