Evolutionary biology is a subfield of biology that focuses on the natural biological evolution of organisms.

The Square Cube Law Impacts Biomechanics

We know how complex cells evolved.

The square cube law says that volume increases faster than surface area when an object increases in size proportionally. This affects biomechanics (AKA the way organisms are built).

All Mammals Start as Female

Mammals don’t start as females, they start as a blank slate with XX or XY genetic code, and for the first 5-6 weeks of gestation only the X gene expresses.

Some People are Born Gay

Being Equal Means Having Equivalent Value

Science suggests people are born in a range of places in the gay and transgender spectrum, with both nature and nurture playing a role in sexuality.

Some Cells Can Live Forever

Infinity is a concept, not a number.

Some cells appear to be able to live forever in a lab. However the Hayflick limit sets a cap on the number of times a cell can divide.

A Mountain Goat is a Goat

Mountain goats aren’t goats, these close relatives of the goat are actually goat-antelopes. Oddly, they aren’t true antelopes either.

Dogs Evolved From Wolves

The exact origin of today’s dog is unclear, but studies show both dogs and wolves evolved from an extinct species of wolf of European origin that lived 30,000 years ago.