Sir Isaac Newton Discovered the Laws of Motion

Sir Isaac Newton can be said to have discovered the laws of motion, but more accurately, he refined the work of Aristotle, Galileo, Descartes, and others.
Physics is a natural science concerned with the study of matter and it’s relation to space and time. It looks at concepts related to this like energy and force in order to understand the behaviors of the universe.
Sir Isaac Newton can be said to have discovered the laws of motion, but more accurately, he refined the work of Aristotle, Galileo, Descartes, and others.
Reference frames and relativity in physics explained using math-free examples. We cover: frames of reference, inertial frames, accelerated frames, and relativity.
The physical constants are measurable properties of the physical universe that don’t change, everything else is relative to these constants.
We explain the standard model of particle physics in simple terms for non-experts using videos, facts, and bullet points.
Light is a particle (a photon), that acts like a wave (“both a particle and a wave”), which can be measured as an excited quantized state of the electromagnetic field.
Planck units, based on the reduced Planck constant (ℏ) and Planck constant (h), represent the smallest measurable units in the physical universe.
All known particles are either massless energy particles, or are composite particles with mass that are made from massless energy particles.
Einstein’s 1905 paper on mass-energy equivalence doesn’t actually say ‘E=mc^2‘ it says, roughly, ‘m=L/c^2‘.
The standard model of particle physics shows how the elementary particles interact via the four forces to create the physical universe.
Everything we perceive depends on our frame of reference. What we observe is relative to our point of view. In other words, “it is all a matter of perspective”.