Sometimes People Get Upset With Us for Not Validating Their Conspiracy Theories

As an independent fact-checking site we fact-check a range of touchy subjects… and sometimes people get upset with us for not validating their conspiracy theories.
Conspiracy theories are non-scientific theories that attempt to explain the complex power relations of groups, typically by assigning malicious intent to groups and individuals. It is not that people don’t conspire, it is that one can’t properly put a jigsaw puzzle together without understanding the pieces. Often, the blank spaces are filled in with paranoid half-truths, resulting in a convincing, but ultimately misleading theory.
You can read all about the general truth behind conspiracy theories here.
As an independent fact-checking site we fact-check a range of touchy subjects… and sometimes people get upset with us for not validating their conspiracy theories.
We present a list of types of propaganda, propaganda techniques, and propaganda strategies used to manipulate public opinion in the modern day.
The term “Deep State” describes the part of government that stays around throughout different administrations. The ingrained “establishment.” A state within a state so to speak.
We explain the “vast-right wing conspiracy” (or right-wing strategy) that Hillary talked about in the 90s (and the left-wing equivalent).
To understand the climate change debate, it is important to clarify some confusion regarding climate change denial and skepticism.
The problem with unsubstantiated information is that it is unverified as true, and often leaked by sources with plausible deniability, which is confusing.
We discuss racial code words and “dog-whistle politics,” terms that describe the code words politicians use to imply politically incorrect ideas to their base.
Below we explain how currency gets into circulation via the Treasury, Federal Reserve, and banks, and the role Congress, banks, businesses, and you play in the process.
Modern banking originated in Italy around 1150 as Jews fleeing persecution brought new practices, including “discounting”, to the merchant banks of the Italian piazzas.
We explain the Financial Crisis / Great Recession of 2007 – 2009 that began with the 2006 housing bubble, led to a recession in the U.S. by December 2007, and became a global crisis by 2009.