The Secret Life of Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton produced many well-known works in math, astronomy, and physics, but he produced about as many unpublished works which dealt with theology, alchemy, and the occult.
Conspiracy theories are non-scientific theories that attempt to explain the complex power relations of groups, typically by assigning malicious intent to groups and individuals. It is not that people don’t conspire, it is that one can’t properly put a jigsaw puzzle together without understanding the pieces. Often, the blank spaces are filled in with paranoid half-truths, resulting in a convincing, but ultimately misleading theory.
You can read all about the general truth behind conspiracy theories here.
Isaac Newton produced many well-known works in math, astronomy, and physics, but he produced about as many unpublished works which dealt with theology, alchemy, and the occult.
“The invisible hand” is a term used by Adam Smith to describe the theory that self-interest leads to social and economic benefits in a free-market.
The United States is a Federal Republic with democratic values that some claim contains a growing oligarchy (or corporatocracy). We look at those claims.
Political Correctness (politically correct or PC), describes how much tolerance, sensitivity, censorship, and freedom of expression “is correct” in a given setting.
We explain economic inequality from a historical perspective, and then consider the effects of wealth inequality and income inequality in America today.
“Useful Idiot” is a political insult that describes a person who, through manipulation or not, is useful to a political cause that is not their own despite not fully realizing their role.
Conspiracy theories are sets of one more speculative hypotheses, backed by fallacious reasoning, that suppose a conspiracy.