The Physical Sciences are branches of science that study non-living systems including Astronomy, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics.

Glass Can Be a Liquid

Glass, in any form, is not a liquid or a supercooled liquid, and it does not “flow” in its solid state. Glass is considered an amorphous solid, or just “glass.”

Fluoride is Bad For You

Is Flouride Bad For You?

Fluoride is a name for several fluorine compounds. Fluoride is good for oral hygiene in small doses, but extremely dangerous and toxic in large doses.

Hot Water Can Freeze Faster than Cold Water

Hot Water can freeze faster than cold water.

Hot water can freeze faster than cold water, but it does not always do so. This “Mpemba effect” may be related to “supercooling”, but that hasn’t been proven yet.

Astrology is Based on Science

western astrology for dummies

Aspects of astrology are rooted in the science of astronomy and the academic tradition, but today astrology is considered a pseudoscience.

There is a “Plastic Garbage Island” in the Ocean

Is there really an island made of plastic?

There is no visible “plastic island,” or “garbage patch” in the ocean. Instead, large low-density patches of plastic particles are caught in the ocean’s major gyres below the water’s surface.

Light is Both a Particle and a Wave

Light is a particle (a photon), that acts like a wave (“both a particle and a wave”), which can be measured as an excited quantized state of the electromagnetic field.