The Difference Between Truth and Facts

Truth and facts have a lot in common, but they are not exactly the same. Truth is something that is the case. Facts are true statements. Truth is best described using facts and logical reasoning.
Everything we do here is rooted in fact, but sometimes we offer opinions on facts. If something is in this section it is because it is offering opinions. Interestingly, this section wouldn’t be expected to contain facts about opinions, as facts about opinions are facts.
Truth and facts have a lot in common, but they are not exactly the same. Truth is something that is the case. Facts are true statements. Truth is best described using facts and logical reasoning.
In my opinion, capitalism works because it is based on the built-in incentive of capital. In capitalism, capital itself is an ever-present motivator.
As an independent fact-checking site we fact-check a range of touchy subjects… and sometimes people get upset with us for not validating their conspiracy theories.
There are a number of traps created from both taxation and assistance that inhibit class mobility. We might generally call these welfare traps, tax traps, and debt traps.
I would argue that most sources of information and any information they contain should not be dismissed due our thoughts on them in general or a portion of their content. Instead, I would argue that any source is capable of presenting good and useful information, even if they typically don’t.
Facts are things that are the case for sure, they are stated plainly and without bias. Opinions meanwhile inject subjectivity and bias. Since most content in any form contains at least some subjectivity and bias, it is rare to find pure facts and common to find opinion.
The Athenian Constitution tells the story of how Solon liberated the people by cancelling all debts, public and private. This was called the Seisachtheia [the removal of burdens or relief of burdens]. It is an example of what we might today call “a great reset.”
Some claim we are in the middle of an “everything bubble” (an economic bubble, not of an asset, but of everything). We examine this claim and offer opinions.
The I Ching is an ancient Chinese text used for divination. Essentially it helps the reader draw meaning from the randomness of the world. This concept can be applied to anything.
One could argue that left-wing is a manifestation of the feminine, and right-wing of the masculine, metaphorically. But, what if its more than just a metaphor?