
For our purposes: Myths are commonly held beliefs or ideas that are false. For a claim to be considered a myth one or more parts of it must be proved false. Other definitions of myth, such as those pertaining to the not false-but-allegorical stories we tell to explain things, are discussed on our “what is a myth?” page.

Below is a collection of all factoids rated “myth” (as in “not true or not fully true”) by our authors.  If you disagree or have more evidence to support a claim consider commenting. See our list of facts here.

Hitler Never Used Chemical Weapons myth

Hitler used chemical weapons, but he used them on his own people and not on the battlefield (as they had been banned in global warfare after WW1).

Hitler Was a Left-wing Socialist Liberal myth

Hitler was a National Socialist (NAZI). National Socialism is a type of fascism. Although National Socialism had some socialist and left-wing planks, it is a unique authoritarian, militant, and nationalist ideology separate from socialism or liberalism that is generally considered "far-right."

Nonprofits Can’t Make a Profit myth

It is a myth that nonprofits don't or can't make a profit. Not-for-profit businesses can make a profit; they just can't distribute their profits to individuals beyond paying reasonable compensation.

The Founding Fathers Supported Slavery myth

Slavery was legal when America was founded, but few founding fathers fully supported the nefarious institution. In fact, many founders fought to limit and abolish slavery.