Some Jellyfish are Immortal

It is true that Turritopsis dohrnii, known as the “immortal jellyfish,” can avoid death from old age through a unique process called transdifferentiation.
Earth science if a branch of physical science dealing with weather, geology, climate, water, and other naturally occurring aspects of earth.
It is true that Turritopsis dohrnii, known as the “immortal jellyfish,” can avoid death from old age through a unique process called transdifferentiation.
Lightning has been a source of both wonder and fear for centuries. Among the numerous myths and misconceptions associated with this powerful natural event is the claim that “lightning never strikes the same place twice.” Nevertheless, how accurate is this statement?
Water is continuously mixed and recycled, so the odds are in favor of us sharing at least some molecules of it with Socrates, Jesus, Buddha, or anyone from past eras.
To understand the climate change debate, it is important to clarify some confusion regarding climate change denial and skepticism.
Despite the Coriolis Effect, toilets don’t flush backwards in Australia (or on the other side of the world, or in different hemispheres, or on one side of the equator).
The Sun’s magnetic field “flips” in cycles, with its field regularly weakening and strengthening, and reversing polarity roughly once every eleven years.
The Coriolis Effect causes air to spin different directions in each Hemisphere. This can only affect large systems like wind and ocean currents.
Glass, in any form, is not a liquid or a supercooled liquid, and it does not “flow” in its solid state. Glass is considered an amorphous solid, or just “glass.”
There is no visible “plastic island,” or “garbage patch” in the ocean. Instead, large low-density patches of plastic particles are caught in the ocean’s major gyres below the water’s surface.
The Earth is not flat; the Earth is an oblate spheroid (a bumpy sphere with a fat equator and skinny poles). There are many ways to prove the earth’s geometry.