There are Best Practices for SEO

Best practices for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) revolve around great content, proper structure, quality links, relevance, and user experience.
Technology is a broad category that deals with the usage and knowledge of tools. Applied Sciences are the study and application of those tools.
Best practices for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) revolve around great content, proper structure, quality links, relevance, and user experience.
The first light-emitting diode (LED) was created in 1927, but LED technology wasn’t mass-marketed or mass-produced until the 1990’s.
Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a computer program that can think, learn, and generally mimic human cognition.
Thomas Edison was a businessman, ideas-man, inventor, and more. He invented things, but more-so he collected patents, headed a team of developers, and created companies.
The Sensorama (1962) can be considered the first Virtual Reality device, it was a head-mounted display that played 3D film accompanied by sound, moving air, and aromas to create a virtual sensory environment.
Virtual Reality (VR) is an interactive virtual environment, Augmented Reality (AR) is a real-world environment “augmented” with virtual objects.
Watches are typically, but not always, set to 10:10 (or close) in advertisements. This is mostly for aesthetic reasons and simplicity.
Toggling the power (resetting / restarting) tends to fix electronic devices (hardware and software). It brings the device back to a “fresh state”. Most electronics are state-based machines.
Wolfenstein 3D (1992) popularized the First Person Shooter (FPS) genre, building on mechanics of earlier 3D maze games like Maze War (1974), Spasim (1974), and MIDI Maze (1987).
Machine learning is creating algorithms that allow computers to learn from example and past experience rather than reading preprogramed information.