An Albatross Can Fly Around the World Without Landing

An Albatross can fly around the world without landing, glide hundreds of miles at a time without flapping its wings (which span up to 12 feet), and travel at speeds of over 50 Mph.
Technology is a broad category that deals with the usage and knowledge of tools. Applied Sciences are the study and application of those tools.
An Albatross can fly around the world without landing, glide hundreds of miles at a time without flapping its wings (which span up to 12 feet), and travel at speeds of over 50 Mph.
One should use microwave-safe containers in a microwave. Safe containers let radiation pass through them so only the food, not the container, is heated.
The Raspberry Pi Zero is “a $5 computer”, a credit card sized programmable computer that launched with $5 price tag in 2015.
In March of 2016, Google’s AI AlphaGo beat Lee Sedol, one of the best professional Go players in the world, in four out of five games in a no-mercy match.
Alan Turing can be considered “the father of computer science and AI.” Turing made major contributions to computing, codebreaking, and even helped the Allies win WWII.
Collective intelligence is the wisdom of crowds, or the intelligence of groups, the intelligence that arises from cooperation, competition, and other group dynamics.
Glass, in any form, is not a liquid or a supercooled liquid, and it does not “flow” in its solid state. Glass is considered an amorphous solid, or just “glass.”
The first video games were developed in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, while the first video games with physics were invented in the late 1950’s.
Conway’s Game of Life is a simple rule-set that models the evolution of systems. It’s a “zero-player” computer program that demonstrates “cellular automata”.
3D was invented in 1838, predating photographs. Stereoscopic cameras were popular in WWII, and many 3D images and videos remain intact today.