Why People Call Left-Wingers “Commies” as an Insult

A favorite political term used by the political right to insult the left is “commie,” “communist,” or “socialist.” We look at why right-wingers call left-wingers “commies” and other such terms.
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A favorite political term used by the political right to insult the left is “commie,” “communist,” or “socialist.” We look at why right-wingers call left-wingers “commies” and other such terms.
Anyone keeping money in a savings account should consider putting that money in a money market mutual fund, short term bond fund term, or other fund designed to be liquid and price stable.
In the US, a Government Shutdown is when funding isn’t secured to keep parts of the government running.
Did “nothing” in particular just pop the “everything bubble?” I explore that idea and explain what I mean by it.
The Federal Reserve (Fed) has the power to adjust the interest rates that banks charge each other. This impacts rates charged to consumers and businesses. The Fed adjusts rates as a tool to ensure economic stability in the US.
Obamacare is a nickname for the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA or PPACA). Before the ACA premium costs and uninsured rates were rising and people could be denied coverage based on a preexisting condition and be charged more based on gender. Today, under the ACA, more people are covered and more people have access to affordable quality health care.
Deductive, inductive, and abductive reasoning are three basic reasoning types. In simple terms, deductive reasoning deals with certainty, inductive reasoning with probability, and abductive reasoning with guesswork.
A favorite political term used by the political left to insult the right is “fascist.” We look at why left-wingers call right-wingers “fascists.”
Most political positions can be described using a limited set of political terms related to classical and social liberalism and conservatism.
A bear market is when prices on a market are moving down or expected to move down, a bull market is when they are going up or expected to go up.