Some Rappers Use Ghostwriters

Some popular rap artists use uncredited “ghostwriters”, often buying the song from the artist and claiming credit for the song themselves.
Culture is a broad category referring to the way we experience, classify, and share our humanity. The arts, a subdivision of culture, focus on expression of experiences and ideas.
Arts and Culture include subjects like film and television, food and drink, video games, visual arts, performing arts, mass media, sports, literature, and more.
Some popular rap artists use uncredited “ghostwriters”, often buying the song from the artist and claiming credit for the song themselves.
There was no single ‘5th Beatle’, rather many people were dubbed “the 5th Beatle” at various times: Stuart Sutcliffe, Brian Epstein, Billy Preston, George Martin, and more.
The main playable character in the Legend of Zelda franchise is a boy named Link who often attempts to save the title character a girl named Princess Zelda.
The “Konami code” (a cheat code first popularized by the NES version of Contra) doesn’t end in start or select start, it’s simply ‘↑ ↑ ↓ ↓ ← → ← → B A’.
Some reindeer have red noses due to a high concentration of blood vessels in their nose that help them stay warm and search for food in the snow. Some might even say they glow.
A synthesizer is an instrument that uses electronics to produce sound. Sounds produced by a synthesizer are commonly triggered by a keyboard, but not always.
“Happy birthday” was copyright protected from 1935 until Sept 2015. During that time you couldn’t sing happy birthday publicly without paying royalties.
In Italian “vaso” means “bowl” and can refer to “toilet bowel”, likewise “water” (pronounced “vater”) has the same connotation. This is likely the reason Darth Vader’s named was changed from Lord Vader to Lord Fener in the Italian version of Star Wars due to this.
Botanically a banana is both a fruit and a berry which grows on large herbs (not trees).
Bananas don’t grow on banana trees, rather they grow on the world’s largest perennial herb which can grow up to 25 feet with leaves of up to 9 feet.