Cheese Causes Nightmares

While diet can impact sleep, there is no substantial evidence to support the claim that eating cheese before bed causes nightmares.
Diet and exercise is a category containing everything related to fitness and nutrition and corresponding strategies and exercises.
While diet can impact sleep, there is no substantial evidence to support the claim that eating cheese before bed causes nightmares.
The widespread belief that people unknowingly swallow many spiders during sleep each year is a myth. In reality, spiders rarely come into contact with humans during their sleep, and the chances of swallowing spiders in this context are extremely low.
You can overdose on black licorice. This is due to the way a compound derived from licorice root can cause potassium levels to fall to dangerous levels.
Most types of fish eaten raw have to be frozen to kill parasites before being served in the US according to the FDA. Meanwhile, “sushi grade” is fish that can be eaten raw. So most sushi grade fish is previously frozen in the US.
One might think the exercise movement “the burpee” has something to do with burping, but burpees are named after their originator Dr. Royal H. Burpee.
In general, as a rule of thumb, the quicker a food spoils (rots or decomposes) the healthier it is for you.
The “five-second rule” that food dropped on the floor for less than 5 seconds is safe to eat is not always true. Contamination depends on factors like moisture levels, the number of germs on the floor, and the time the food spends in contact with the floor.
Raw cookie dough can make you sick, especially dough that doesn’t use treated flour and pasteurized eggs. Studies have shown, untreated raw flour can contain germs like E. coli, and unpasteurized raw eggs can contain germs like salmonella.
We explain how to lose body fat from a scientific standpoint, and offer simple science-based advice on dieting, weight loss, and exercise.
Carbohydrates (especially simple ones like sugars) “spike” blood sugar (glucose) levels. This triggers insulin production, causes hunger, and primes the body for weight gain.